Miiilk! [OneShot]

Jul 22, 2012 00:24

Title: Miiilk!
Author: kodochalover
Pairing: AriYama!! *A*
Rating: PG-13? x3 Its fluff/comedy with innocent kissing :3
Summary: Getting attacked with a carton of milk. What a horrible way to meet someone for the first time right? But even messy events like these can connect two individuals.

I got so carried away with this fic. I think its the longest one shot ever lol (at least, the longest I'VE ever written LOL)
You guys can kill me for taking so long with these requests. I've been working on 5 at a time xD I'm really trying to get through them all xD

This one is for sugarwhales ♥ she's one of my favorite readers and a friend *A* Love her graphic work <3
Hope you like it! XD

Strange…I knew it was strange to watch a Christmas movie in May. Now that old Christmas carol is stuck in my head…

“On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me…”

A carton of milk.

Yamada’s eyes widened, “M-milk??”

“Oh shit!!”

“Watch out!”


A small carton of white milk splattered on top of an un-expecting boy. Milk ran all over his hair, soaking through his collar and staining his dark school uniform. The afflicted boy gasped as he felt the cold liquid run over his back. He gently pressed on his soaked clothing with his finger tips. His raised his gaze and fixed his eyes on the perpetrator.

“Shit! I’m sorry shortie! Didn’t mean to hit ya there.” The older boy picked up the milk carton and kicked it towards a nearby trashcan. He reached his hand out to the younger boy who still remained in his now milky desk.

The soaked child slapped his hand away and ran out of the classroom.

“HEY! Wait up!”

He was about to run after him before another student stopped him.

“Now you really messed up Daiki-senpai”

Daiki smiled and ruffled the back of his head.

“I guess I did. Care to tell me what that boy’s name is?”

“Umm, Yamada I think…OH! Yamada Ryosuke! That’s it!”

“Thanks Yuto.”

Daiki ran out of the classroom and headed towards the boy’s bathroom.

He must have gone in here.

He took a peek inside but saw no one by the mirrors. He decided to step inside and take a better look.


He bended forward and looked underneath each stall’s door until he ended in front of the last one.

“Yamada-kun?” he gently knocked on the door.

“WHAT DO YOU WANT?!” he yelled.

Startled, Daiki jumped back. He rubbed his forehead as he tried to come up with a way to deal with the kid.

“You can yell at me all you want. I’m just here to make sure you’re ok.”

A quick unlocking sound was heard, followed by the stall’s door swinging open.

“Does it look like I’m ok?? Look. I’m soaked all over because of you! I smell like shi-“

Daiki quickly took his shirt and jacket off, leaving only his undershirt.

“Wear this. I have my p.e clothes in my locker so I’m fine for the day.”

Yamada felt as a slow but strong feeling of warmth crawled and surrounded his cheeks. He couldn’t do anything but stand there silently as he debated with himself.

Daiki set his shirt and jacket on the bathroom counter and reached for Yamada’s own clothes.

“Here, I’ll help you.”

He quickly unbuttoned the first few buttons, but was interrupted by the blushing Yamada.

“S-stop! I can do it myself…” he undid the rest and peeled of the damp clothing off his body. He reached for Daiki’s clothes, however the older boy stopped him.

“We should dry up your body, don’t you think?”

“Yeah…that’s true.”

“Here, I’ll do it for you”

Daiki reached for the paper towel dispenser and wrapped a generous amount around his hand.

He gently began to dry the younger boy’s soaked body.

“I can do it myself you know!” Yamada attempted to take the paper towel away but failed when Daiki grabbed both of his hands and placed them above the latter’s head.

“It’s my fault. So I should be doing you the favor.” He smiled.

Yamada couldn’t help but feel that their current positions were a bit….too sexual.

The younger boy stood half naked against the bathroom counter, breathing rapidly as the older boy kept his hands in captivity.

What if he tries something else??? Am I ready for all of this?

Yamada bit his lips as random perverted thoughts snuck through his mind.

Daiki noticed the younger boy’s distraction.

“You’re not thinking anything perverted right?”

Yamada’s eyes widened.

“Of course, not! With you?? Pleaseeeee!”

Daiki broke out in laughter. He released Yamada’s hands and threw the wad of milky paper towards the trash bin.

“There. All dry. Now you can wear my shirt”

Yamada looked away as he reached for Daiki’s shirt and put it on.


“It’s the least I can do for playing around with milk like that and hitting you with it.” He smiled.

Yamada could feel a strange fluttering within his chest.

What is this feeling?...”

“Just give that back to me tomorrow morning. I’ll clean it myself.”

Daiki leaned in and patted Yamada’s shoulder before running off.

“What the hell was that?” spoke the younger boy under his breath.

He turned and faced the mirror.

“This uniform fits me just right.”

“Yo! Yama-chan!”

Yamada quickly stopped in place and turned to face whoever had called him so intimately.

“Yama-chan?” asked Yamada. He was quite a bit surprised.

“Are you feeling better today? I hope you can forgive me.” said the older boy. Completely ignoring Yamada’s retort.

“Hmmm who knows?” Yamada continued to walk towards the shoe lockers.

Surprised, Daiki sped up and walked beside the boy.

“What do you mean you don’t know?”

Yamada sighed.

“Here.” He handed the older boy a grey shopping bag.

“It’s your uniform. I washed it for you, so you don’t have to worry about it staining.”

“I said you didn’t have to.”

“I don’t want to have to pay you for any staining you know.”

Before the younger boy continued his way, Daiki grabbed a hold of his arm and handed him a piece of paper.

“My contact info is in there. I think you and I should be friends.”

Yamada looked at the piece of paper.

“I’ll think about that.”

“I’m definitely going to keep bugging you until you forgive me.”


Yamada loosened the boy’s grip and headed towards his locker.

Daiki smiled as he watched the boy get away. He ruffled through his hair as he looked around for the person who could help him out. He ran towards his tall, unsuspecting aid.

“Yuto! Good morning! You’re the class pres in your grade aren’t you?”

“Yeah? Why?”

“And you have everyone’s contact info righhhhhtttt?”


“Gimme, Yamada Ryosuke’s number. I really need it.”

Yuto was confused as to why exactly Daiki needed it, but since he knew that he wasn’t a bad guy, he didn’t feel it’d be a bad thing to do. So he reached into his school bag for his cell phone and transferred Yamada’s data over to his upperclassman.

“Thanks Yuto! I owe you one!”

Daiki stuffed his phone in his pocket and ran off happily into the school building.

It was 6:30 in the morning and Yamada’s phone would not stop vibrating.

“Let me sleeeeeeeeeep…”

Yamada tossed and turned in his sheets. He was far too weak to even bother reaching for his cell phone.

No matter where he faced though, his phone’s loud ring would find him.

“Who is texting me this early???”

He clumsily reached for his night stand and grabbed his phone. He opened it, only to immediately shut his eyes in response to the bright screen.

He opened his eyes little by little, finally catching a glimpse of his new alerts.

“What the hell…”

< Good Morning, Yama-chan!<(^O^)^>

“Who is this from???”

Yamada went to his inbox and realized that there were 9 more messages.

Yamada frowned at each and every one of his received messages.

“What is wrong with him?? Can’t he just leave me alone?”

Yamada sighed as he rushed to get ready and leave for school.

Once done, he rushed to put his shoes on and ran out the door.  However, another surprise awaited him.



Yamada fell back on his back against the cold concrete floor.  Daiki had jumped out with his hand in front of him, startling the younger boy.

“So dramatic, Yama-chan”

“You….what are you doing here??!!”

“Why else? I’m gonna walk you to class!” he grinned

“So you’re stalking me now aside from ruining my sleep??”

Daiki frowned. “Aw I wouldn’t call it that. You should feel grateful that I’m blessing you with my presence.”

Yamada scoffed. “Excuse me?? Just because you’re older and popular at school, it doesn’t mean you’ll get me to fawn over you”

Yamada stood from the floor and continued his way to school.

“Yama-chan! C’mon you know I’m kidding!” he followed.

“Don’t follow me!”

“But were going the same way!”


Yamada rushed into an alleyway a few feet away from him. It was a shortcut he had used before to avoid unwanted encounters or being scolded for arriving late to school.

As soon as he switched ways, Daiki’s steps were lost.

“Seems like I lost him.” Yamada relaxed for a few seconds until he felt a tight grasp on the shoulder.

“So who did you think you lost?”

Yamada tried to get away but his upperclassman was far too strong.

Daiki gained control and pushed the younger boy against the alley wall.

“Look…I really just want you to forgive me”

“Let go of me you jerk.”

“Listen! I’m being serious here! I know I’m a jerk. I know that already.”

Yamada felt his heart race.

The distance between them at the moment was very small. He could see the intensity within Daiki’s eyes as he stared at him.


“Huh?” Daiki loosened his grip on Yamada.

“Why do you care so much if I choose to forgive you or not?? You don’t even know me!”

“Because….” Daiki looked down as he searched his mind for a reason.

“You don’t even know. Stop playing with me.”

Yamada fixed his wrinkled shirt and began to walk away when Daiki’s voice stopped him.

“Because I think I like you!”

Yamada laughed.

“Huh?! You think? Senpai please…just stop it.”

“I’m serious.”

Yamada turned around.

“Senpai, you swing that way? What makes you think that by telling me this, I’ll retort your feelings and forgive you?”

Daiki stepped towards Yamada.

“You think I didn’t notice the way you reacted in the bathroom that day I dried you up?”

Yamada didn’t know how to respond to that.

Daiki was right.

“I could feel your heart beating rapidly. Unless of course, milk excites you. In that case then, the one with a problem is you.”

“Sh-shut up!”

Yamada continued to walk away, but was stopped by Daiki’s desperate grasp.

“I noticed you the first week of school…if that matters. You were the only freshman that didn’t walk into this school thinking all high and mighty of himself. I felt, just by looking at your face that I’d love to get to know more of you.”

“Then you threw milk on me on purpose?!”

“NOO! That’s why I’m asking for forgiveness. I really didn’t mean to do that. My friends and I were just messing around.”

Yamada bit his lips. He was in a sticky situation and dealing with it was not something he was good at.

“Why do you say you ‘think’ you like me?”

“Because that emotion is more recent…I didn’t feel that way at first when I saw you. These past days have let me see more of you and that has changed what I felt.”

Yamada didn’t know what to say. He himself was not sure of his own feelings. His mind was a mess at the moment.

“I’ll talk to you later…I have to go to class.”

Yamada turned away and ran towards school.


The younger boy ignored Daiki’s call.

“AHH!” he yelled as he looked up towards the light blue sky.

“What the hell am I going to do now??”

Yamada was lost in thoughts.

Not just any thoughts, they were particular ones.

The kind that were making him feel angry at himself for even thinking them.

All that filled his mind was Daiki’s confession from this morning.

“What’s his problem? He didn’t even show up to school after that…was what I said too harsh?”

Yamada was home now.

He kicked his shoes off, loosened his tie and was about to ready himself to sleep the problem out. However, things weren’t going to work out that way.

“Ryosuke! You’re finally home! Why didn’t you tell me that you had such a great senpai??”


Yamada’s mother moved away from the table where she stood by and revealed a guest.

That person was here. In his own house. Calmly chatting the afternoon away with his very own mother.

“Arioka senpai??? Wait! What are you doing here?!!”

Before Daiki could say anything, Yamada’s mother interrupted.

“Don’t be rude to your friend! He was nice enough to help me with groceries early this morning when I couldn’t carry all of the bags! So he’ll be staying here for dinner as thanks. BE NICE RYOSUKE”

“But mom! You don’t even know him!”

“I said…BE NICE”

“Yes mam.”

Yamada couldn’t go against his mother. Anything she said was the law.

Yamada’s facial expression was now a crumbled one as he tried to figure out how to deal with the current situation.

After heading upstairs to change out of his uniform, the younger boy returned downstairs and accompanied Daiki and his mother.

“I’ll be cooking dinner now. So you two can go in the living room and watch tv for now boys”

“Yes, mother” Daiki grinned.

“Who the hell are you calling mother??” Yamada snapped.



He stormed out of the kitchen and into the living room couch, while Daiki calmly left his seat and kindly thanked Yamada’s mother for her hospitality before leaving the room.

The older boy plopped his body down right beside his kouhai.

“Hey! Why do you gotta sit beside me?? Don’t you see that there’s another couch?”

“But this seat is besides you. Anyways, what does it matter, were just watching tv, Yama-chan”

I don’t believe this…why is he acting so normally?

Yamada could feel his heart race. His living room was darkened. Not a single lamp was turned on.

The only thing that illuminated the room was Yamada’s television.

He could feel his sweaty palms grip tightly around the remote control as he browsed through the channels.

“C’mon Yama-chan. Why don’t you pick a channel already? Anything is fine with me.” He smiled.

“I-I know already!! Shut up!” Yamada struggled to keep his composure.

Why was this bothering him so much?? Why couldn’t he keep his cool around this one particular guy?

“Are you ok Yama-chan?” Worried, Daiki turned to face the younger boy. His face was near the other. Very near.

Flustered, Yamada pushed him away.

“I-I’m fine!! Why are you here anyways??? You don’t live here! I thought you’d go back to normal after this morning, but you didn’t even show up to school! So why?!”

“You’re still thinking about it?? You even noticed I was gone??”

“Who wouldn’t you jerk?! You’re always bothering me, every minute you get! So of course I’d notice if you were gone!”

Shit!  It sounds like im conscious of him!

Daiki smiled. It was an alluring one too.

“I thought you never took notice, Yama-chan”

The older boy got closer to Yamada.

“W-what do you think you’re doing?!”

Daiki pushed Yamada down on the couch. The older boy now remained on top and in control.

“S-senpai…” he whispered. His paled face now burned under his senpai’s body heat.

“You’re conscious of me aren’t you?”

“Get off me!! My mom will see this!”

“Answer me, Yama-chan”

Yamada’s eyes were fixated on Daiki’s. The way Daiki’s strong gaze controlled his own left him powerless.

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

Yamada used his fists to move Daiki out of the way, but failed.

Daiki took his hands and leaned in for a kiss. An unexpected one for sure, for Yamada’s eyes remained open in shock.

He quickly broke the kiss.

“The hell!!! Stop it!!”

Daiki ignored his plea and kissed him once again. Yamada felt an extreme flash of heat envelop his lips and mouth as the kiss endured.

This feeling that he had never felt before…it was intriguing. But why with Daiki??

He found himself giving in. No longer resisting to Daiki’s kiss.

Both boys gasped as their lips separated.

“Yama-chan…” he tenderly whispered.

“Do you like me?”

“I…I think-“

“Dinner is ready boys!”

His mother’s loud voice startled him and as a reflex, he managed to push Daiki off.

“L-lets go have dinner…”

Yamada quickly stood and left first.

“Why am I acting so rash now…” Daiki regained his cool and quickly joined Yamada and his mother for dinner.

“So how did the two of you meet??”

Yamada choked on the rice that he had been chewing on.

“Hmm, well It was in his classroom actually…and it was really an accident-“

“An accident??”

“Mom, what he means is that it was purely coincidental! Right, Arioka senpai??”

Daiki looked confused, and it was starting to be more obvious.

Yamada kicked him under the table and resumed his explanation.

“It was nothing special mom. Really. He just happened to be friends with a friend of mine and we happened to converse one day.”

“Ahhh is that so? That does sound like you Ryosuke! I can’t imagine you actually starting the convo!” she laughed.

“My son is much too shy to show his feelings, you see. You always gotta give him an extra push”

“Mom! What are you saying??”

“I’ll keep that in mind, thank you” he smiled.

“Such a nice boy! I’d love it if you were with my son always! You see, his father barely comes home from work and his older sister is off and married. So he really only gets to spend time with me here.”

“Don’t worry, I shall always be with him, mother”

This cheeky son of a…he’s done it…my mother has placed her entire trust in him

“Well, I shall be off now. Thank you very much for the delicious meal, mother.”

“Ahh, off so soon?? I thought you were planning to sleep over as well!”

“Mom!! Stop it!”

“Eh? Why would you say that mother?”

“Well look at the time! The last train has gone by. I thought you had noticed already, so I assumed you’d be staying” she smiled.

“EH?!” both Yamada and Daiki simultaneously surprised one another.

“No way…I truly do apologize mother. I seem to have lost track of time”

“Ara! It’s okay! I’ll go ahead and set a futon up in Ryosuke’s room! You can spend the night here”

Daiki bowed, “I am truly indebted to you.”

“Mooommmm!! You just met him today!! How can you let him sleep here! And with ME??”

Yamada’s mother quickly turned towards her son.

“Did you say something son?”

Her eyes looked fierce.

“N-no mam.”

“I thought so. Go take the extra futon out of my closet and head to your room, Ryosuke”

Daiki chuckled.

“Good night, mother”

“Good night to you too Daiki!”

“You gotta be kidding me” Yamada mumbled.

We’re going to be spending the entire night together…what if…what if he tries to pull the same thing again???

The troubled boy held his hand against his chest as he walked up the stairs towards his room.

“You..you can have my bed. I’ll sleep on the floor”

“I can’t sleep in your bed… it’s yours.”

The stubborn senpai was about to get comfy on the floor when Yamada decided to move him by force.

“Just sleep on it. It’s not dirty, if that’s what you’re worried about”

Daiki broke out in laughter.

“haha! Of course I don’t think that!”

“Then sleep on it.”

“I will!”

Daiki jumped on top of the white comforter.

“So soft…”

The older boy flailed as he tossed and turned on Yamada’s bed.

“What are you doing, you fool! Stop that and go to sleep!”

Yamada laid underneath his blanket.

“It’s just that it smells like you. That means, that once I sleep on this bed, I’ll wake up surrounded to your scent. And even if I leave, I’ll still smell like you, because I slept on it.”


“You’re stupid aren’t you?” Yamada hid his face underneath his blanket. Daiki’s words were piercing through him so easily.

“Why do you do this to me…” he mumbled.

“Huh? Did you say something, Yama-chan?” Daiki rolled over towards the edge of the bed, closest to Yamada. He couldn’t spot the boy, for he was now lost under his blankets.

“Hey. Look at me.”

“I cant…”


“Stop calling me that.”

“Why should I?”


“Not a good enough reason. If you don’t tell me, I’m going to pull you up from the floor and into this bed with my super strength.”


“Well, you brought this onto yourself.”

Daiki reached out towards the boy on the floor and peeled off the blankets from his body.


“So cute…”

“S-shut up!”

Yamada’s face was beat red.  He curled his body up in embarrassment. You know, anything to hide his feelings.

Daiki grabbed both of Yamada’s hands and pulled him up and into the bed.

“Stop it!”

The younger boy resisted.  But Daiki had his ways.

“I know you don’t hate me, so why should I stop?”


“Here we go again.”

Daiki turned the boy over to face him and stared straight into the younger boy’s eyes.

“I’m going to ask you the same thing again. And because I know you’ll try to run away, I’m going to hold on to you tightly.”

Yamada could feel his senpai’s tight and warm embrace mix in with the warmth that their comforter was already providing.

“Do you, or do you not like me? I’m not talking about the simple like…Yama-chan, I really REALLY like you…do you feel the same?”

“How can I answer such a thing when I don’t even know how that feels?”

“You’ve never fallen for anyone?”

“No…so how can I answer? I don’t even know what it is that I’m feeling right now…I’ve never felt it before. It hurts…there’s a sharp throb in my heart when you touch me like this…and I couldn’t even think straight today…I don’t know what this is…”

Daiki hugged Yamada tighter.

“I swear, I may just cry right now.”

“W-why?? Did what I say offend you??”

“It’s the complete opposite, Yama-chan. The complete opposite…”

Daiki’s lips once again found themselves on Yamada’s. Except this time…the kiss was much sweeter.

Not like the one before where it was almost like the density of dark chocolate; bitter sweet.

Yamada’s hands naturally found their way around Daiki’s waist. His own body knew what it was that he felt, more than his mind comprehended. It was attracted to that indulging heat that came out of Daiki’s very own body.

But it was perhaps his own heart that knew what he wanted the best. Yamada learned that night how to understand what that is.


Owari :D

Hope you enjoyed^^
Hope you have enough time to drop by a comment! one word, one sentence, one paragraph. all lengths welcomed xD

one shot, fan fiction, yamada ryosuke, arioka daiki, p:daiki/yamada, r: pg-13

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