|| Applications ||

Sep 11, 2010 22:22

// Applications

For your information...

► Please check the Taken Characters List and Reserved Characters List or even the Wanted Characters List before submitting your application.
► Also make sure you've read the Rules & Gameplay Post..
► The F.A.Q. area is also very important.


Player Info:

Name: The name you want to be called.

Personal Journal: Your own journal.

Age: We typically do not care about age, but if you are younger than 18, please steer clear of sexual situations.

Email: Somewhere else we can contact you?

AIM: Easy contact?

Character Info:

Name: Name &/or aliases.

Fandom: The series/movie/book where one would find your character.

Age: Character's age.

District: Based on the Gameplay post's description of each district, in which of the three residential districts do you feel your character belongs and why? Just a sentence or two will do. If you have any special requests regarding roommates, please put them here! For example, if you want to be alone we will try (but cannot promise), or if you want to be a roommate of a specific character, we can take this into consideration.

Point in Canon: What point in the series timeline are you taking your character?

History: Give us a paragraph or two here explaining your character's past up to the point you're taking them from.

Personality: Show us you know your character. We're not asking for too much, just a paragraph.

Items brought along: Is there anything specific you'd like your character to keep upon their arrival?

Abilities: Unless your abilities become an issue, you are permitted to keep them.

First Person Sample: Show us how you would write a journal entry. Doesn't have to be too long.

Third Person Sample: Give a couple of paragraphs to show how you would write a log.

Other: Anything else? Any questions, requests, suggestions?

*************Player Info************
Personal Journal:
****************Character Info*********************
Point in Canon:
Items brought along:
First Person Sample:
Third Person Sample:


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