|| Rules & Important Information & Gameplay ||

Sep 11, 2010 22:21

// Rules & Important Information & Gameplay


1. Characters from all media (books, movies, comics, etc.) are accepted. No matter how well the application is filled out, we do not accept original characters or real people (like Jerry Springer or George Bush). The only exception is if a real person is portrayed in some kind of media (for example, Abraham Lincoln from Clone High or  a character from S-Club 7). Non-human characters are okay, but no animal characters, because this creates confusion in events and housing. If you have any questions regarding this rule, please contact us.

2. We love active members, but understand that real life can get in the way. Try to post something once a week, whether it be a log, journal, or reply to someone else’s log or journal. Some events will be mandatory. If you miss a mandatory event without telling us beforehand why, then you will be subject to an activity check, which could result in your removal from the community. Keep in mind that active members often get rewarded!

3. There is a maximum number of five characters per player. However, through events and activity, you can make enough in-game credits to purchase more character slots. Through this method, you could end up having as many characters as you want. Please go to the bank for more information on "purchasing" a new character.

4. No breaking the fourth wall. There are some very rare exceptions. For example, if someone is roleplaying Leonardo da Vinci from Assassin’s Creed 2 and your character is from a world like ours where Leonardo da Vinci is famous, it is acceptable to recognize Leonardo.

5. Any rating is acceptable as long as appropriate warning is given outside of the cut. Follow the movie rating system of G - NC-17. All material that is NC-17 needs to be set to members only.

6. No god-modding. Right now, characters have all their abilities at their disposal, but if we see characters becoming too powerful and controlling then we will change this.

7. If you are reading all of these rules, then please put “Total eclipse of the heart” somewhere in the application; it doesn’t have to make sense in context.


Here is where you will find information on how each community works as well as the code for logging. Should you have any questions, feel free to comment here or in the FAQ.


Journals will be posted in koancity_main . Please remember to tag each entry with the full name of your character. These posts can be either video posts or text posts and are made using your KCD (Koan Communication Device - it resembles a modern smart phone).

An example of how to begin your journal entry:

Subject: 001 - Character Name - [Video] or [Text]
Entry: Content of journal entry

As for your character's actual journals, feel free to make "Text Message" posts or "Voice Mail" Posts. This is not required but definitely encouraged!

Text Messages, Email & Voice Mail:

You are not required to use these. They are merely for communication between your character and another. Texts, Emails and Voice Mails all belong in character journals. If you intend on using them, it may be best to have separate entries in your journal dedicated to each.


Subject: Email - From:"Character Name"
Email: Hey Mika. Do you want to meet up at Maya's at 9?

Subject: Text Message - From:"Character Name"
Text: Hey Mika. u wanna meet up at Mayas @ 9? Y/N?

Subject: Voice Mail
Voice: Hey Mika, It's "Character Name." Do you want to meet up at Maya's at 9 tonight? Call me back.


All logs will be posted in koancity_logs . They can be done in third or first person and can involve only your character or multiple. Please tag your entries the same as you would for the journals.

An example of a log entry would be this:

Who: Character || account here ||, Character || account here ||
Where: Where it takes place.
When: When it takes place.
Open/Closed: Can people join or not?
Rating: G -- NC-17


For your convenience:

Who: ,

Your post goes here!

The 5 Districts:

► Arrosa - The Downtown District

► Gorria - The Overseers District

► Zuri - The High Class District

► Urdina - The Middle Class District

► Marroi - The Low Class District

Earning Credits: Upon your arrival, you will find that you have been given a credit card! Depending on your socioeconomic status in your home world, each month you will receive a certain amount of credits. In addition, there will occasionally be other ways to earn credits. These opportunities will be announced and participation will be almost always optional.

Mini-Events: All mini events are completely optional, though you are strongly encouraged to participate when you can. Every so often, the mods will offer an opportunity to participate in one of the many experiments taking place in Gorria. In exchange for being a volunteer, characters will receive payment in the form of credits.

Events: Where as mini-events are optional, regular events may often times be mandatory. The type of event may vary between community events and activity events. Community events are more frequent and will be random. They effect every player in the game. Activity events happen every other month and will be mandatory. They will be used as an activity check.

*rules, *gameplay, *important_information

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