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koalathebear January 11 2007, 12:22:28 UTC
Thanks! I am the only person in the world who still writes Apollo/Sharon. Let's hope I don't die otherwise there won't be any more fic :D I feel a responsibility to remaining alive and kicking ;)


tigersmeleth_86 January 12 2007, 20:54:21 UTC
I'm working on one! But the Helo/Sharon plot bunnies are highly addictive


Apollo, Athena drabble for you koalathebear January 12 2007, 03:45:44 UTC

"Frak off," Athena muttered over her shoulder, walking away.

Apollo reached out and caught her by the arm.

"Get your hands off me," she hissed, reaching up to pull his grip away but he reached out and his fingers closed around her wrist.

"Will you calm down?" Apollo demanded.

"Why? This is none of your business," she told him.

"My father knew nothing about it - I swear."

"Your word means absolutely nothing to me, sir," Athena said in a low voice. " I'm getting her back - keep your lies."

"Sharon, I'm telling the truth - and I want to help."


misseri44 January 10 2007, 16:10:04 UTC
I loved that North and South drabble, specially the part of
'appallingly vulgar display of public affection on a train platform', i suppose that's what Henry could have said, and well,i wouldn't mind being in Margaret place in the station, hehe

Do you have any more drabble ideas?? I could write one, but i'm neither talented nor i have any ideas to write about :(


koalathebear January 11 2007, 12:34:18 UTC
Heh heh, glad you liked it. I always imagine Henry dashing home and dobbing about what he saw in outrage :D

I'm drabbleless right now but will keep thinking. It's always hard to put something interesting into only 100 words :D


misseri44 January 12 2007, 20:34:24 UTC

I always imagine Henry dashing home and dobbing about what he saw in outrage

Yeah, i suppose he could do that...

I'm drabbleless right now but will keep thinking. It's always hard to put something interesting into only 100 words :D

Don't worry about that, i don't want to give you more work with the drabbles


alasse_fae January 10 2007, 16:12:29 UTC
Then today I got my first youtube chain letter telling me about some girl going to America in 1945 and if I didn't onforward the message to three other youtube members then at the next full moon some creature was going to break into my house and I'd have my soul stolen.

erm, ok. wtf does a girl going to america in 1945 have to do with creatures stealing souls at a full moon? And if forwarding stupid mails prevents such a thing, why are all the vampire slayers waisting their time w/ stakes and such? Puleeeeeeeeeeze. I delete pretty much anything forwarded, no matter how well intentioned. Except if it looks like a good joke. And even then if i have to open more than one attachment. If it was *that* great the person should have just posted it in their lj *g*

I had a sneak peak at a Sheppard/Novak fic that autumn_whispers is writing.

and you will let us know here when it's done so we can read it right? ::flutters eyelashes:::

Ronon's smile was slow and faintly insolent. "Thought you told me not to tell you".Bwahahaha *loves ( ... )


koalathebear January 11 2007, 12:38:43 UTC
ok. wtf does a girl going to america in 1945 have to do with creatures stealing souls at a full moon?

I really don't know and it was annoying. I'd never dream of forwarding things like that but I just couldn't believe that I was getting youtube chain mail as well. It's like that in itself is a curse - because I didn't forward chain mail before when it was snail mail maybe? :D

and you will let us know here when it's done so we can read it right? ::flutters eyelashes:::

Ah this could be hard given that I told her I liked what I read so much she had to keep writing it and wasn't allowed to end it yet :D I've boxed myself into a corner.

Bwahahaha *loves* more please ::flutters eyelashes harder::: ::fetches eyedrops:::

Bahahahahaha, but 100 words, darling, 100 words! What can one do? :D

Dude. Forget Kara. Pick a Sharon. Any Sharon.

*chokes on drink* You are so right. I couldn't agree more.


alasse_fae January 11 2007, 18:35:33 UTC
It's like that in itself is a curse - because I didn't forward chain mail before when it was snail mail maybe? :D

Cursed! We are cursed forever! Woes! Right. I'm over it.

Bahahahahaha, but 100 words, darling, 100 words! What can one do? :D

Write another hundred. And then another hundred. And then another....

*waits patiently for Sharon/Anders fic*


koalathebear January 12 2007, 03:21:58 UTC
Heh, 2 tiny drabbles below ..... why not join in, dear one? :D


alexandral January 10 2007, 16:35:23 UTC
*scowl* People can be really annoying. First there were snail mail chain letters that I always ignored.

EEEEEE! Of course spammers are not PEOPLE as such, but mainly computer programs developed by the Chinese hackers :D. I read somewhere that Russia is second after China in developing viruses/spyware/spam. I do sort of hate them , but don't HATE them because they are so impersonal. They are like flies - nothing will ever stop them , I am afraid. :D


koalathebear January 11 2007, 12:39:20 UTC
Alas, if only I could find the Aerogarde equivalent for chain mail, spam and virii :D


repr0b8 January 10 2007, 17:06:35 UTC
*hugs Sharon drabbles*

The world needs Sharon/Anders fic now! :)


koalathebear January 11 2007, 12:44:00 UTC
I wrote a quasi-Anders/Sharon fic before - although not exactly. It wasn't shippy but they were in it together :D

*hugs Sharon drabbles*

Write me one back in return! :D Make it a drabble tree. ;) Start YOUR drabble with the last word of one of my drabbles. 100 words, dude ..... I double dog dare ya ;) Go on, go on! :D


repr0b8 January 12 2007, 01:35:03 UTC
"Sharon," Sam said, "It's gonna be fine."

"I know," she replied, sitting on her bed and staring down at her hands. "It's just hard to believe, you know?"

"Yeah, I know."

Hard to believe was a mild way of putting it, he thought. It had been hard to believe when Kara had stepped out of the Caprican forest, led by this Cylon to come find him. It had been hard to believe when he had heard that the admiral had given permission for this Cylon to marry Karl Agathon. And now it was hard to believe that he was sitting with this Cylon in her cell, the day before her wedding, trying to calm her nerves while Kara took the groom out for a last hurrah.

"Just be yourself, Sharon," he said. "Trust me. Everything else will take care of itself."

Gah! You had to double-dog dare me didn't you? :P I've got a feeling this is more than 100 words...do I lose the dare? Heh.


koalathebear January 12 2007, 03:20:52 UTC
Woohoo! I have a drabble. :D OK, right back at you, although you were really mean to end on the word 'itself'. :P

"Itself?" Sam's voice rose with anger.

"Sam, it's ok," Boomer said in a low voice.

"It's not ok. Boomer's a 'she', not an 'it'. How many times are we going to have to go through this dance?"

"What the frak is it with you men? Cylon-lovers, all of you. What happened to you Sam - you used to blow up skin jobs like this one without hesitation!"

"Boomer's different."

"Athena maybe, this is the one who shot the old man."

"Sam. Please. Let it go - this isn't going to help anything," Boomer said, edging out of the room.

"You risked your life to bring us that information - you deserve respect."


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