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Jul 20, 2011 19:56

[The feed turns on to a lot of static before it trails down to the sound of rustling leaves. Someone was walking. Abruptly, the sound ended and the video feed came on. Slender fingers seemed to be adjusting the screen before who ever was there began to walk away, Hermione's bushy hair was the first noticeable thing. When she felt she was at a good ( Read more... )

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Comments 95

Video intotheinferno July 21 2011, 01:56:34 UTC

Vergil just stares at the feed for a moment. Was this a trick? Or was this really her?

He didn't even know what to think right now. It would be fates twisted sense of humor to give her here as well.]



Re: Video knowledgephilia July 21 2011, 02:01:30 UTC
[You're not the only person who's relieved here.]

V-Vergil? Oh, thank goodness.

[And she's by the communicator.]

I thought I was alone for a moment. What happened? Where are we?


Video intotheinferno July 21 2011, 02:03:58 UTC
Long story.

Where are you.


Re: Video knowledgephilia July 21 2011, 02:06:38 UTC
I'm not so sure. Some sort of forest.


[voice] insurgere July 21 2011, 03:17:10 UTC
London? Isn't that ... [a major city on earth-that-was, yes. well, simon lightly clears his throat and addresses the girl directly:] Miss, I'm afraid you've been transported. This place is called Demeleier. It's nowhere near London.


[voice] knowledgephilia July 21 2011, 03:34:22 UTC
[Well, my, my. Someone calling her miss. She's not used to men with manners so this is rather refreshing.]

Demeleier, you say? How peculiar! Perhaps this is an entirely new world- tell me! Do you know about a society that calls themselves the Black Priests? What about the Black Order?


[voice] insurgere July 21 2011, 03:45:05 UTC
[simon is a classy gent ok]

I ... can't say I've heard of them. Either one, actually - we do seem to be on an entirely different planet.

[perhaps even a different solar system. who knows.]


Re: [voice] knowledgephilia July 21 2011, 12:51:48 UTC
[Hermione misses classy gents.]

Entirely different planet? Do you mean that this is not Earth or that you are not from earth?

[She's taking to sitting on the ground, legs folded beneath her gracefully.]

It's odd. I assumed worlds were separated as dimensions not planets.


[ video ] ungodliest July 21 2011, 12:38:43 UTC
Unfortunately this place makes little sense in general, geographically or otherwise.

[ She smiles, a tiny smile that's almost close to a smirk. ]

And before you ask.. no, I'm sorry there's no way back.


[ video ] knowledgephilia July 21 2011, 12:52:42 UTC
I will take your word for it.

Can you tell me about this place? I was told it was called Demeleier, correct?


[ video ] ungodliest July 21 2011, 14:56:01 UTC
That's right, this place is called Demeleier. Have you been informed about the fae yet? It's probably the most important part.


[ video ] knowledgephilia July 21 2011, 15:26:03 UTC
Not yet. Do tell.


theeyeoftruth July 21 2011, 14:22:18 UTC
Ah, Geography. Logical, but not always reliable…


knowledgephilia July 21 2011, 15:38:20 UTC
That seems to be the case here. Have you been here long?


theeyeoftruth August 15 2011, 13:24:37 UTC
Perhaps a year, my lady. I confess I haven’t been keeping count.


knowledgephilia August 15 2011, 13:43:32 UTC
A hypothetical year is still a long time. You must know quite a bit about this place.


dragon_savior July 22 2011, 07:01:14 UTC
What sort of machine was it?


knowledgephilia July 22 2011, 12:17:57 UTC
If I had to explain it into general terms, I believe it was a dimensional portal. I-If that makes any sense to you...


dragon_savior July 22 2011, 21:13:14 UTC
I've heard the word dimension before, but I don't really know what it means. I've had experience with machines that can make portals, though.


knowledgephilia July 23 2011, 13:25:40 UTC
I'm not sure how well I can explain it but I will do my best.

I assume by now it has become very much apparent we are not from the same world, persay. It seems all of us who come from a different place have some form of connection- a dimension is an expression for a devised physical quantity and therefore our worlds-

[And she realizes this isn't very general.]

Forgive me, I'm not making much sense am I?


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