Title: The Gilded Cage
Fandom: 24
Characters: Kim Bauer, Barry Landes
Rating: PG
Summary: She didn't see the bars until it was almost too late.
Spoilers: Season 5
Challenges: written to a prompt chosen by
birdseyeview from a list of prompts from
31_days : "Too proud to be a queen".
Kim's hands were still shaking as she closed the bathroom door behind her. )
Comments 13
Awesome use of prompt and I can totally see this happening.
Especially love this:
But she didn't know where he was or how to reach him, and it wouldn't be fair to ask him to fix everything for her. She'd had Barry handling everything for her for too long. This was her fault; she had to get herself out of this mess.
And you know I had to put in a mention of her dad somewhere. :D
I read this last night but was too brain-dead to comment before I dropped into a tiny coma.
So now? Halfway coherent feedback, you can has! *G*
I just -- GAH, I can hear Barry and oh, man, Kim's rationalizations broke me:
It wasn't like he hit her, called her names. Maybe she was overreacting. He was older than her, knew more than she did. What did she know about how to have a healthy relationship?
But I love that she realizes she has to get out, and of course the "gilded cage" metaphor works so perfectly.
(Only one beyond-tiny ding: maybe tack on "card" after "social security" in the first line of the last paragraph?)
And of course this Jack/Teri detail put a lump in my throat:
They'd had their problems, but she knew that they had never seen each other as anything but equals.
Augh. Just, augh. I need more of your fic in my life, like, yesterday.
Yeah I purposely wanted her to have a moment where she was thinking that what he'd done "wasn't really abuse" as it's one of the things I could see someone in that situation thinking--that they have this mental idea of abuse meaning that you end up in the hospital or that it's somehow that obvious, when there's a lot of things that someone can do that are abusive without being obvious.
And yeah, I wanted Kim to have that realization that just because her parents did have big problems in their marriage didn't mean that there wasn't something she could take from it.
And eeee, thanks. :D I need a Kim icon.
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Thanks for the prompt and glad you liked it!
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