Primeval fic: Revealed In The Night

Feb 01, 2015 20:45

Title: Revealed In The Night
Author: knitekat
Word Count: ~585
Characters: James Lester/Niall 'Blade' Richards
Rating: 18
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures and Blade belongs to Fred. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For my Primeval bingo card prompt: Pregnancy (6/25) - not a prompt I thought I would write. A bit of angst set in Pupverse. Thanks go to Fififolle for the beta.

Lester woke in the arms of his mate and wiggled to settle the knot more firmly inside his arse. He felt Blade's hand rub possessive circles on his stomach and sighed, feeling kisses pressed against his skin.


“I can't give you pups.”

He could feel Blade tense behind him before the hand stilled. “Sorry, instinct.”


Lester heard the bitterness in his own voice and knew Blade had when the man said, “I want to be with you, James. I don't care about pups.”

A bitter laugh escaped Lester's control. “All alphas care about pups.”

“I don't, James.” Lester could hear the sincerity in Blade's voice but then, the man who had been his previous alpha had sounded the same, before... not something he wanted to think about now, especially when he had Blade's knot deep inside him. “I want to be with you. You're more important than any pups I might have.”

“You say that now, Niall but...” Lester felt Blade's arms hold him tight against his chest. “You're going to find an omega one day and...” He trailed off, refusing to remember those times.

“James? Talk to me, please.”

Lester took a deep breath, he knew Blade deserved to know the truth. “At college, I met Jason. He was an omega. We were happy together, in love. I hadn't realised an alpha had noticed him, that he used me to get close to Jason. I thought he was a friend, hell, I even helped him improve his grades but...” He closed his eyes at the memories. “Until I came home one day to find Jason in heat in our bed. That same alpha fucking him and... and he quickly made it clear that he was the boss and I could either accept the change in status or fuck off, that Jason was his. I tried.” His voice cracked. “I tried so hard but... He wasn't a clever man and hated it that I had better grades than he did. That I, a mere beta, was better than he was and he made me pay for it.”

“Fuck!” Blade's lips nuzzled against Lester's ear. “I wouldn't do that to you, James. I love you.” He pressed kisses against Lester's bowed neck. “You have to believe me. It is you I want. You I want to spend my life with, for as long as you'll have me.”

Lester wanted to believe Blade, he really did. “I... I want to believe you, Niall.”

“Give me time to prove myself, James. Please.” Blade almost pleaded.

Lester gasped, the sincerity in Blade's voice tearing all those bad memories and pain away and leaving his heart whole. He knew Blade was telling the truth. He turned his head until he could met Blade in a kiss. “I will.”

“Thank you, James.”

Lester bit his lip, unwilling to speak up but equally unwilling to remain silent.

“James? What's wrong?”

“I...” Lester looked away, staring at the wall. “If you do meet an omega, please be honest with me.”

“Fuck!” Blade trailed fiery kisses over Lester's shoulder and back. “Tell me the name of that bastard.”

“Niall?” Lester asked, somewhat thrown by the change in conversation. “Promise me.”

“Anything, James.” Blade held Lester tightly, rocking his hips slightly. “I'd do anything for you but I will never willingly hurt you. I love you, James.”

“I love you too, Niall.” Lester moaned softly as Blade's knot moved inside him, content for now to forget his worries and just luxuriate in Blade's love.

blade (oc), abo, slash, au, bingo fic, fic, james lester, pupverse, blade/lester

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