Primeval fic: Coming To An Understanding

Feb 01, 2015 17:44

Title: Coming To An Understanding
Author: knitekat
Word Count: ~5460
Characters: James Lester/Niall 'Blade' Richards, Stephen Hart
Rating: 18
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For my Primeval bingo card prompt: Partnership (5/25). Set in Fififolle's Pupverse and set after Wants And Needs. Thanks go to Fififolle for the beta.

“What did Hart want?”

“Ah.” Lester found his recovering braincells couldn't think of a suitable answer, not one which would prevent a conversation he had no wish to have. Especially when he was lying in bed, post-coital after a truly wonderful shag, and had seen no reason to allow the world to invade that brief moment of true contentment. Unfortunately, it appeared that Blade hadn't received that memo.

Blade rolled over and tugged Lester against him, kissing him gently on the lips. “James?”

Lester sighed softly, knowing he would have to tell Blade the truth and hope he could convince his lover not to take matters into his own hands. “He knows about us... about me.”

“Oh? Is he going to be a problem?”

Lester's eyebrow quirked at his lover's tone, the pleasurable feeling of how right it felt at war with his dominant tendencies, just so recently exercised, and now was not the time to remember how good Blade had felt. He smiled before reminding himself he needed to answer Blade before his somewhat psychotic lover decided to deal with Hart himself. “No.” He paused in thought before he continued, “At least I don't think so.”

“James?” Blade frowned. “What do you mean, you don't think so?”

Lester didn't answer for a moment, knowing exactly how Blade would react to his next statement. “He made enquires about my health and well-being.”

“He... oh, fuck. He thinks I'm forcing you?”

Blade sounded so horrified that Lester had to kiss him soundly, however, he also knew his lover deserved the truth. “He was concerned you were using Becker's recent heat to your advantage.”

“What! I wouldn't do that to you.”

Lester smiled at his lover's indignant response before sobering. “But other alphas might, including our favourite bane.”

“Helen Cutter's an alpha?” Blade asked before grinning. “Well, that explains the professor's explosive relationship with her.” He looked thoughtful for a moment. “And Hart's concern... should we speak to him?”

“That wouldn't be my first choice.” Lester shuddered, he knew it was likely that he'd be eventually outed as a beta, but he had hoped he would have had more time to plan his response to the inevitable uproar. He had made far too many enemies that would just love to take an 'uppity' beta down a peg or seven.

“Controlling when we talk to him would be a tactically sound move.” Blade tilted his head and considered Lester. “It would be better than having him make other people curious if they notice him watching us.”

Lester closed his eyes for a moment, knowing Blade was correct but... “I know.”

Blade kissed Lester again. “I'll have your back, James. No matter what.” He swallowed before continuing, “And if you want to stop being with me...” His voice trailed off as he refused to meet Lester's eyes.

“No!” Lester cried, his hands gripping Blade's arms tightly. “You're the best thing that's happened to me in years, Niall. I'm not giving that up.”

“Even if it costs you everything?” Blade shook his head. “You've worked too hard to get where you are, James. I can't, I won't let you lose it all, not over me.”

“I think I have a say in that.” Lester could hear the bitterness in his own voice, he knew Blade could by the way his lover's eyes widened.

“Fuck! Fucking idiot.” Blade muttered, ducking his head slightly before meeting Lester's gaze once more. “I didn't mean it like that. You're the boss, James, here and at the ARC. I didn't...” Blade shook his head, obviously trying to figure out what to say to limit the damage he thought he'd caused to their still fledgling relationship.

“Shh, Niall.” Lester tugged Blade against him, kissing his lover firmly. “I know you didn't mean it like that.” He sighed, a wry smile on his face. “And I know it would be sensible to speak to Hart, that doesn't mean I want to.”

“He already knows you're a beta.” Blade pointed out reasonably. “And I'd be more concerned that he'd talk to someone else at the project if he's worried about you.”

“You mean Cutter?” Lester couldn't think of anyone worse Hart could talk to. Well, that was a lie, he could, but Hart, thank God, didn't know them.

“No.” Blade paused in thought before shaking his head. “I don't think he'd tell Cutter. Not yet anyway, he'd know how Cutter would react to that news. I think he'd be more likely to speak to Ms Lewis or Ms Brown first.”

“Neither of whom would out me but,” Lester sighed heavily. “I can just see them cornering us separately to find out the truth. And the more people who know, who worry and pay attention to us, the more likely someone will notice who would out me. Quite happily.”

“So, you'll talk to Hart?” Blade asked carefully, obviously not wanting to sound as if he was ordering Lester about.

“Yes, I'll talk to Hart.” Lester smiled at Blade. “But not now.”

“Oh?” Blade smiled back. “Did you have something in mind?”

Lester ran a finger down his lover's chest. “Definitely.” He let his knuckle graze Blade's half-hard cock before he tested his lover's hole, smiling when he found it still relaxed from their earlier activity. “Ready?”

Both men moaned when Blade pushed backwards and Lester's finger slid inside easily. “What do you think?”

“That you're a pushy bottom,” Lester muttered before sheathing himself balls-deep, groaning when Blade wrapped his legs around his waist and pulled him even deeper. It felt so bloody good to be cradled inside Blade, the alpha's channel holding him tightly and Lester growled before he began to move. Hard and fast, each thrust aimed precisely to hit Blade's prostate and have the alpha writhing and crying out for more.

The thought of having Blade beneath him, of being buried inside his alpha, was so intoxicating that Lester knew he wouldn't last long, certainly not with the way Blade met each of his thrusts and squeezed hard around him. Lester slipped a hand between their straining bodies, his fingers stroking Blade's cock just on the side of rough he loved. “Come for me, Niall.”

“Fuck yes!” Blade cried out as ropes of come jetted from his cock to splatter against Lester's skin.

The feel of Blade clenching tightly around him had Lester groaning as he emptied himself within his lover, Blade's arse rhythmically contracting around him, milking him dry.

He came back to find Blade's hand stroking down his back and looked up to meet the wide grin of his lover. “Fucking fantastic, James.”

“I do aim to please,” Lester replied as he flopped onto his back, almost too tired to clean up but... well, he did have standards. He staggered to his feet, legs wobbly beneath him, and grabbed a handful of tissues to clean them both. All thoughts of Hart forgotten as he joined his lover in well-earned slumber.

Lester sat in his favourite armchair and tried to immerse himself in the newspaper crossword, but his eyes kept drifting to the clock on the mantle, watching it tick away time. Whenever he realised his attention had drifted, he yanked it back to the clues. He just wanted this conversation with Hart over and done with. He glanced up when Blade's phone rang, hoping for once it was an anomaly, anything to put this meeting off for just one more day. He almost shook his head at his cowardices, but he couldn't help the feeling that something would go wrong - after all, Hart was bloody stubborn, he'd have to be to deal with Cutter every day, at work and at home.

Blade perused the message before meeting his gaze. “Change of pub.”

Lester nodded, his gaze drifting back to the clock and he almost jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

“Do you want me to stay?”

Lester smiled at the concern in Blade's voice but shook his head. He knew that no matter how much he wanted Blade at his side, the alpha couldn't stay. Hart would get the wrong idea and... he sighed softly and squeezed Blade's hand. “No, as much as I'd love you to stay, Niall.”

“The lads wouldn't mind.”

“One, you are allowed to spend time with the lads.” Lester smiled slightly. “The same as I will be attending a ministry do on Friday night without you. Two, you have already agreed with me that Hart will certainly not believe I'm in this relationship of my own free will if he knows you're here. Three...” Lester's voice trailed off when Blade leaned down and nuzzled his neck.

“I remember, James. I just wanted...” Blade sighed. “Sorry, instinct.”

“No apology required,” Lester murmured as he turned his head until he could kiss Blade, his tongue licking at his lover's lips until Blade granted him access. He groaned softly when Blade straddled him, tongues dancing as needs grew. He pulled back and nipped at his lover's swollen lip, groaning again when Blade pressed against him, feeling his growing erection rub against Blade's. It felt so good as his hands roamed over Blade's firm arse and he felt Blade's hands on him. A modicum of self-control had Lester reluctantly pull away from Blade's intoxicating lips. As much as he wanted what Blade was offering. “No.”

Blade pulled away immediately, his hands falling from Lester as he started to rise. The horrified look on Blade's face had Lester immediately grasping his lover's arm, holding him as Blade tried to step away from him.


Lester smiled softly at the confusion and regret in Blade's voice. “It's fine, Niall. I...” He paused to gather his somewhat scattered wits before continuing. “As much as I'd love to accept what you're offering, Hart will be arriving soon.”

Blade smiled in relief before nodding and running a hand through his short hair. “Yeah, I doubt smelling of sex would help you convince Hart. I'd better be going.” He leaned down for a kiss, his voice soft as he asked, “Rain check?”

“Definitely.” Lester promised, brushing his knuckles against Blade's cheek and smiling when his lover leant into his touch.

Lester found himself pacing his flat as he waited for Hart to arrive, his eyes drifting back to the clock to find time dragging. It wasn't often that he was nervous before a meeting, but then, he mused, this one had the chance to change his life forever. He took a deep, calming breath, knowing that worrying about what might happen wouldn't help him. Fuck! His nerves had been on edge ever since Blade had kissed him before slipping off to the pub. He closed his eyes as he remembered Blade pausing in the doorway, his eyes full of concern before telling Lester to call if he needed him. To call him anyway after Hart had left, even if just to wish him goodnight. Lester had heard the word Blade hadn't uttered and had quickly crossed over to kiss him. “I'm not giving you up, Niall.”

A knock on the door distracted Lester from his thoughts and he took another calming breath, he might not want to have this conversation but he refused to let anyone, least of all Hart, know that. He glanced around the room before striding over to let the other beta in. “Hart. Do come in.”

Hart hesitated on the doorstep, glancing over Lester's shoulder as if expecting Blade to loom out of the shadows at any moment and... well, Lester hadn't the faintest idea what Hart thought Blade might do and he didn't really care what the other beta thought. All he cared about was convincing Hart to leave him and Blade alone, that and not out him as a beta.

“Hart! Stop cluttering up my door and come in. I'm certainly not having this conversation out here.” Lester stepped back and gestured Hart inside, almost sighing with relief when the man entered. He paused for a moment as he checked the corridor to see if anyone else was there. Not that he seriously thought Hart would have brought Cutter, but he wouldn't have put it past the beta to have brought someone as backup, Claudia for example. His second might be underestimated by many, but she was a calm, unflappable beta with the knack of working with all the designations.

“Lester?” Hart stood in the front room, looking at somewhat of a loss. “Is this to do with Blade? Has he...” Hart trailed off, apparently uncertain how to continue before asking, “Where is he?”

“At the pub with the other soldiers, Hart.” Lester cocked his head as he considered Hart, knowing he might as well make the opening moves. “And he hasn't done anything I didn't agree to.”

“Really? I've got good eyes, Lester. I've seen how possessive Blade's been over you. I saw how carefully you moved after Becker's heat. For a week! Blade found you, didn't he? After you'd been too close to Becker's heat. He realised you were a beta and he used your need to fuck you. To use you to relieve his own needs and he's still using you.”

Fuck! Lester hadn't expected the normally laconic Hart to just blurt everything out and he thanked a God he didn't believe in that this conversation was at his flat and not, say, in the middle of the ARC.

“That bloody bastard.” Hart had obviously taken Lester's silence as agreement. “Did he hurt you? We can...” Hart trailed off, his eyes wide as if he'd suddenly had a revelation. “That's it, isn't it? He told you he'd out you if you didn't submit to him. That he'd destroy you, everything you'd ever worked for, if you didn't. I can't imagine many people would be happy to find out they'd been outwitted and outplayed by a bloody beta.”

Lester needed to take control of this conversation now, before it descended into a total disaster. “Hart! Stephen!”

Hart paused in mid-rant. “Lester?”

“No one is forcing me, Hart.” Lester could see he would have to go into more detail than he would have wished too. “That isn't what happened.”

Hart snorted in disbelief. “I know how manipulative alphas can be. They make you think it is your idea and then, before you know it, it is too late to say no.”

Lester didn't really want to admit what had happened but... “That was a mutual loss of control. I could have stopped what I have with Lieutenant Richards at any point after that. I chose not to.”

“Yeah, and he could have outed you.” Hart shook his head, disbelief clear in his voice and body language. “You really want me to believe you want this... this thing you have with Blade? That he didn't threaten your career, all you've worked for once he found out you were a beta? He's an alpha, Lester, and once they have something over you, they'll use it.”

Lester sighed, knowing that, unfortunately, Hart had a point. It was also further proof, if he had needed it, that Helen Cutter had used and abused Hart's beta nature for her own benefit. “Helen?” Lester asked even though he didn't need Hart's nod to know the answer. “Hart...” He paused and considered the beta before him as an idea occurred to him. “Stephen, will you tell me something?”

“OK,” Hart replied cautiously, obviously wondering why Lester was using his first name.

“Why do you care? I would have thought this was the perfect opportunity to get rid of me.” Lester kept his tone one of mild curiosity.

Hart stared at him for a full minute, his mouth opening and closing soundlessly before he managed, his voice half-choked. “I wouldn't do that.”

“Than why do you think Niall would?” Lester asked, hoping his question would make Hart think.

“Because you're taking a hell of a chance,” Hart informed him. “I know I've got good eyes, but I can't be the only one who noticed you moving gingerly.”

“Yes, that was somewhat reckless.” Lester wasn't willing to admit more than once that he'd been overcome by Becker's heat.

“You risk losing everything for Blade. He'll be congratulated on bedding you but you'd lose this life you're living.” Hart's voice rose as he continued, “Does Blade know that? Does he even care?”

“He does. He'd already asked if I want to stop seeing him.” Lester met Hart's eyes. “I've already told him no.”

Hart swore softly. “Are you sure, Lester? I was in love with Helen. I thought she was in love with me. But...” He closed his eyes as if at a painful memory. “But all she wanted was a pretty beta to bury her cock in. She used me, Lester, and then she dumped me.”

Lester bit back a sigh. “But you know not every alpha is like that. Captain Ryan isn't. I assume Professor Cutter isn't either...” Lester let his voice trail off in a questioning tone.

Anger flashed across Hart's face for an instant before he took a deep breath and obviously forced himself to calm down. “Nick's good for me.”

“And Niall's good for me, Stephen.” Lester put every ounce of his conviction into that single statement.

“Is he?” Hart countered.

“Yes.” Lester took a calming breath before continuing. “He could have outed me at any point in the past several months, Hart.”

“Maybe he was just waiting for the right moment, one when you were vulnerable,” Hart pointed out, obviously not willing to concede. “And Becker's heat gave him exactly what he wanted. You.”

“Fuck, Hart! Blade didn't force me to share a bed with him. When he came into my office, he would have left if I'd told him to.”

“Yeah, that's what he told you.” Hart's voice rose slightly. “He told you it was your idea. That you wanted him and he was only doing what you wanted him to do.”

“Blade, Niall isn't like that.” Lester ran a hand through his hair, knowing he hadn't convinced Hart that Blade wasn't like Helen, thank God. He felt a cold shiver down his back at that thought, understanding just why Hart thought he might have capitulated under the threat of outing just to keep the life he led. He was quickly running out of ideas to convince Hart that what he had with Blade was by mutual consent. Lester was somewhat surprised the other beta had ever gone with Cutter after being with his wife, considering he appeared to think that all alphas were manipulative bastards.... He sighed, maybe he had been incorrect when he'd told Blade he needed to do this alone. He shook his head, knowing Hart would never have believed him if Blade had been there, thinking that the presence of the alpha was merely more proof that Lester was being blackmailed into the relationship. Lester sighed softly and met Hart's worried gaze. “Just what would convince you, Hart?”

“What?” Hart almost spluttered.

Lester bit back a sigh. “What would convince you that I am in a relationship with Niall of my own free will? That he isn't manipulating or blackmailing or forcing me in any way?”


Lester did sigh then. Bloody hell, this was turning out to be as bad as he'd feared. He rubbed a hand over his face. Fuck, he needed a break, time to think. “Sit down, Hart.” He turned towards the flat's kitchen, making a coffee would give him an excuse to be alone for a few minutes.

“Where are you going?” When Lester half-turned, an eyebrow quirked in silent enquiry, he noticed that Hart had taken a couple of steps towards him and appeared to be peering over his shoulder before nodding. “But if you're making a coffee, then I'd love one.”

“I was, although I am seriously considering raiding my drinks cabinet for something stronger,” Lester informed him as he strolled into his kitchen. Once inside he took a deep breath and leaned against the work surface. Fuck! He knew he hadn't succeeded in persuading Hart that he was more than happy with what he had with Blade. The problem was, he had no idea what to do next, especially when Hart didn't know what would convince him. He knew calling Blade over would just be counterproductive, Hart would take it as Blade trying to exert his dominance over them. He smiled slightly, wondering what Hart's reaction would be if he learned that Blade submitted to him, a mere beta, in and out of bed. He shook his head and started the kettle boiling, hoping that something would occur to him in the few moments he had before their coffee was ready.

Lester noticed that Hart still hadn't sat down when he returned with their coffees, liberally laced with whisky. “Sit down, Hart. You're making the room look untidy.”

Hart almost jumped before nodding, sitting on the edge of an armchair as he took the coffee. He wrinkled his nose then raised an eyebrow at Lester.

“I thought we could use it,” Lester remarked before sipping his drink. “Now, have you thought of anything that I can say to convince you I want what I have with Niall?”

Hart shrugged. “All I can think of is seeing you and Blade together.”

“And how is that going to convince you?” Lester enquired, curious as to what Hart was thinking.

“You know I think all...” Hart smiled before continuing, “almost all alphas are manipulative bastards, only out for one thing?”

“Yes?” Lester frowned. “And I must say, I find it insulting that you think I'm easily manipulated by anyone.”

“True,” Hart snorted. “You've been pulling off being an alpha for years, I've worked with you for months and I've never realised.” He shook his head. “I doubt I'd ever would have if you hadn't been walking funny.”

“Yes, well, I wasn't expecting an omega to be pretending to be something he isn't.”

“Mr Pot, meet Mr Kettle,” Hart muttered.

Lester glared at him before smiling slightly, knowing Hart was correct. “You still haven't explained your reasoning, Hart.”

Hart blinked before nodding. “Right, Blade is direct. Straightforward.” He cocked his head to one side before adding, “Actually, everything you're not.”

“Hart,” Lester almost snapped. “If you have a point, please make it.”

“I don't think Blade would be able to hide how he really feels about you and your relationship.”

Lester blinked. “Much as I dislike having to disagree, Hart, you do remember that Blade is a highly trained Special Forces soldier who is well trained in infiltration techniques? Which include the ability to lie convincingly to others.”

“But he's rubbish at relationships,” Hart said primly, adding quickly at Lester's raised eyebrow, “I'm not explaining this well.”

“I'd have to agree with that.” Lester sipped his coffee, wondering if maybe an actual glass of whisky would be required before Hart managed to say whatever he was trying to say.

“From locker room gossip,” Hart shifted uncomfortably in his chair. “Blade hasn't had a long-term relationship. I don't think he could fake one, not well enough that I couldn't spot it.”

“Let me see if I have this correct,” Lester drawled slowly. “You want me to call Niall over so you can see how we interact together because you think you can spot a fake relationship?” He waited for Hart to nod before adding, “And when we do convince you, you'll stop worrying about us? And you won't mention that I'm a beta to anyone?”

“If you convince me,” Hart clarified. “Then yes, you have my word.”

Lester sighed before tapping a well-known number into his phone. “Ah, Lieutenant Richards. I find I'm in need of your aid after all.” He glanced over at Hart, noticing the way the other beta watched him. “Yes, if you would be so kind.” He switched off his phone and placed it on the table, adding when he noticed Hart's questioning expression, “I don't want you to even suspect I've warned him about your plan.”

Lester found waiting for Blade to arrive was almost as nerve-wrecking as waiting for Hart had been. He had to admit Hart might be on the right track with Blade, the man was direct. He smiled as he recalled the exact words Blade had used the first time he had asked Lester to top him, leaning in close to kiss Lester before whispering in his ear: “Fuck me, James.” Not that he should be thinking those thoughts at the moment, he really didn't need an erection when Blade arrived, not when he still had Hart to deal with.


Hart's voice startled Lester and it was only years of control which allowed him not to react, aside from allowing one eyebrow to arch imperiously. “Hart?”

“If you're trying to convince me that you want this relationship with Blade, maybe you should stop fidgeting.”

It was only then that Lester realised he'd been tapping his fingers on the arm of his chair. “There are other reasons I could be impatient, Hart.” He raised an eyebrow and his smirk grew when Hart shifted in his own chair.

The front door to the flat opened before Hart could comment and Lester smiled when he heard Blade call out, “James?”

“In here, Niall,” Lester sat back in his chair and smiled when he heard the familiar thump-thump of the soldier's boots hitting the floor.

“Hart.” Blade nodded at the beta before he glanced around the room, frowning as he took in tableau before him. “James?”

Lester shook his head. “Hart has...” He paused before glancing over at the other beta. “Actually, I don't know if he has questions.”

Hart swallowed as both men turned to look at him. “Um, I do, actually.”

“And then you'll believe James?” Blade asked, his hands twitching near his jacket pocket.

“Niall,” Lester sounded bored. “Please diverse yourself of any knives you happen to have on your person.”

Blade blinked, his gaze darting towards Lester for a moment before he mumbled something and dropped several knives onto the table beside Lester's phone.

“Thank you, Niall,” Lester drawled slowly as he suppressed a chuckle, Hart's face was a bloody picture at the number of knives Blade had been carrying, so much for Hart's keen eyesight. “Now, if you would continue, Hart. Some of us have plans for tonight.”


Lester rubbed his tired eyes when Hart seemed to finally run out of questions, bloody hell, it was worse than his security vetting. All he could hope was that they had finally convinced Hart that their relationship was by mutual consent “Satisfied, Hart?”

Hart stared into Lester's eyes, seemingly searching for something before he asked, “Are you happy?”

Hart's concerned look was the only reason Lester didn't snap at him, hadn't he already proven that? “Yes.”

“But, you're all dominant at work.” Hart licked his lips before glancing at Blade. “You just don't seem the type to be happy submitting all the time.”

“Who says he does?” Blade snorted at the gob-smacked look on Hart's face.

Even Lester's lips twitched at the man's expression as Hart's gaze darted between them. He just had to ask, “Am I to assume Cutter never bottoms?”

Blade snorted. “That must have caused some friction in the Cutter household.”

Hart seemed to finally find the ability to talk, his eyes round as he continued to glance between them. “You, he...”

Lester decided to have pity on the man, especially as he still had plans for Blade that night and it was getting late. “Yes, Hart. I have topped Niall, several times in fact.” He leaned forward, unable to resist making his next comment. “Maybe you should try it with Cutter. Replacing that stick in his arse with something much more enjoyable might make him less stubborn.”

Blade shot Lester an amused look, his eyes full of mischief as he drawled, “Have we satisfied your curiosity, Hart, 'cos I really want James to fuck me right now.”

Hart gave a strangled sound before nodding. “Yes.” He stood and glanced between the two still seated men before thrusting his hand out to Blade. “I'm sorry I doubted you, Lieutenant.”

Blade's eyes were now serious as he spoke, “No, Hart. I know you don't like James, but it takes balls to stand up to an alpha you think is abusing someone.”

“And I'd want you to question someone if you thought they were being abused,” Lester added. “I might not have appreciated the questioning, I doubt Niall has, but we both know you did it from concern.”

Hart nodded, a relieved smile on his face. “We might never be friends, Lester, but I'd do my best to protect your secret.”

“Thank you, Hart,” Lester murmured before added, “Stephen.”

Lester pinched the bridge of his nose before closing his eyes and slumping back in his armchair. He opened his eyes when he heard the clink of glasses, an eyebrow raising when Blade handed him a tumbler of whisky.

“Well, that went better than I thought. I was worried when you called me.”

“So was I,” Lester admitted. “I'm just glad he listened to reason.”

“Mmm,” Blade murmured. “Unlike Cutter?”


“Do you think he'll ask to top?”

Lester spluttered for several seconds. “I'd prefer not to think about them having sex, Niall.”

“Would you prefer to think about us having sex?”

Lester quirked an eyebrow at his smirking lover. “Is that your subtle enquiry on whether I want to go to bed with you?”

“I can be direct if you want.” Blade's smirk grew, his hand reaching down to cup himself. “Fuck me, James.”

“I think I could be persuaded.” Lester tugged Blade down for a kiss, smiling at his lover's moan when he groped Blade's arse.

Blade pulled free, his hand tugging Lester to his feet. “Bed?”

“Bed,” Lester confirmed, swatting Blade's arse as the alpha headed towards the bedroom with a sway of his hips.

Lester entered his - their - bedroom to find Blade sprawled naked on the bed, a hand lazily stroking his half-hard erection. Blade gave him a salacious smile and let his legs fall open, his free hand drifting down to finger his hole.

“Starting without me, Niall?” Lester murmured as he took the time to indulge himself, feeling his own cock harden as Blade sank a finger inside himself.

“You're the one who took seven minutes to piss and clean your teeth.”

“Don't whine, Niall,” Lester muttered for form's sake.

“Get over here and get in me and I won't have to.” Blade sank a second finger inside, gasping when they must have touched his prostate.

“You are definitely a pushy bottom,” Lester declared before prowling towards his lover.

“I don't hear any complaints.” Blade shot back. “How do you want me?”

“Hands and knees, I want to see that firm arse of yours.” Lester growled low in his throat when Blade rolled over to obey his instructions. He looked so bloody hot, kneeling there with his arse thrust out. Lester clambered onto the bed behind Blade and ran his hands possessively over his lover's tanned skin, tweaking his nipples and groaning when Blade shoved back against him.

“Enough foreplay.” Blade glanced over his shoulder. “Get in me.”

“Patience,” Lester murmured as he allowed his finger to just graze Blade's pucker. Before his lover could gripe about a lack of progress, Lester pushed his finger in and twisted it, catching Blade's prostate and smiling at the full body shiver that action produced. “You look so good like this, Niall, and you'll look even better stretched around my cock.”

“Only when you shove it in,” Blade rumbled before rocking back and forth on Lester's probing digit, squeezing with each movement.

Lester growled again as he pulled his finger free and sheathed himself balls-deep in one motion. He heard Blade huff before pushing back as if seeking to impale himself even deeper. When Blade squeezed around him, Lester gave a low growl, gripped Blade's hips hard enough to bruise and began to thrust hard and fast, skewering his lover's prostate with each stroke.

Lester wanted his lover to come first and when he felt his balls tighten, he slipped a hand around Blade. The sensation of Blade convulsing around him set Lester off, his hips jerking as Blade squeezed around him. He collapsed against Blade's back, panting even as he trailed fiery kisses across his lover's skin.

He groaned when Blade twisted beneath him, feeling himself slip free before he was gathered into Blade's strong arms.

“Sleep,” Blade murmured softly in Lester's ear.

“Love you, Niall.” Lester wasn't quite sure if he said those words or had only thought them as sleep claimed him.

blade (oc), abo, slash, stephen hart, au, bingo fic, fic, james lester, pupverse, angst, blade/lester, smut

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