Primeval fic: The Hand Of Fate (1/12)

Oct 10, 2013 20:21

Title: The Hand Of Fate (1/12)
Fandom: Primeval
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 2200 words in this part out of 24,580 overall.
Characters: James Lester, David 'Ditzy' Owen (OC), Jon Lyle (OC) with Ryan, Jenny, Connor and Lorraine and the SFOC boys (Blade, Finn and Kermit) making an appearance, plus Jacks (OC) and other OCs.
Pairings: Lester/Ditzy, Ditzy/Lyle, Blade/Lorraine (implied), Becker/Danny (mentioned)
Rating: 18
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace. Ditzy and the SFOCs belong to Fredbassett, thanks for letting me borrow them. Jacks belongs to me.
A/N: For my trope bingo prompt: free space = au: alternative gender norms aka alpha/beta/omega . Many thanks go to Fififolle for the beta and advice. All remaining mistakes are mine.
Warnings: A/B/O, angst, attempted non-con, dub-con, hurt/comfort, knotting, mpreg, pre-slash, slash, soul bonding.
The Hand Of Fate - Part 2.

Ditzy leaned back on the counter as he waited for the kettle to boil for his much needed mug of tea and watched Blade patiently play checkers with Finn. When the ADD's shrill alarm cut through the once tranquil air, he was out of the door on Blade's and Finn's heels, as a solitary checker piece bounced and rolled on the floor as the kettle whistled and switched off.

Connor was at the ADD, his fingers tapping swiftly on the keys as he narrowed the location down and Ditzy looked longingly at the creamy froth topping Connor's coffee, but knew he was unlikely to get more than over-roasted dregs later in the field, if he was lucky.

“Connor?” Lester called out as he swept down the walkway from his office and into the atrium. “Where is it this time?”

“Um,” Connor muttered. “Still narrowing it down... almost there.” Connor continued to tap away at his keyboard before turning to announce the location.

Ditzy noticed Lester's face pale before the man swallowed. “Where?” When Connor glanced back at the ADD before repeating himself, looking quizzically at Lester's reaction, their boss closed his eyes and pinched his nose. “Fucking marvellous.” Lester raised his voice, “Captain Ryan, full team in five minutes.”


“Ryan,” Lester called out, causing the captain to turn back to him. “Ms Lewis and I will be accompanying you.”

“Sir James?” Ryan queried.

“Unless you'd like to deal with Charles Farrington-Worth at home yourself, Captain Ryan?”

“No, sir.” And Ditzy couldn't blame his boss for that, the minister was a fucking idiot and Lester and Ms Lewis were, after all, paid to deal with him.

They found Farrington-Worth in a panic and it did nothing to improve Ditzy's opinion of him until the man almost grabbed Lester by the collar and wailed that his daughter, Lucinda, was missing. The thought of a young kit lost through an anomaly had all of Ditzy's omega instincts kicking in, demanding he found her and kept her safe. He noticed that Lester was comforting the minister before he gave a sharp nod and left the man in the capable hands of Ms Lewis. “Captain Ryan?”

“Yes, sir?”

“Do you have a spare weapon?” Lester held his hand out and Ditzy knew, as he knew Ryan did, that the minister had made an order - a request - to Lester that he personally found his daughter.

Ryan sighed and nodded. “Of course, sir. Please stay close to Ditzy.”

Lester nodded as he checked over the pistol he'd been given before glancing up at Ryan. “After you, captain.”

Ditzy kept close to Lester's side as they stepped through the anomaly, feeling the static on his skin and the tug on his weapons. He stared out over the landscape, lush green grass and... oh, fuck! Four glittering anomalies dotted the nearby hillside... any one of which Lucinda could have stepped through and who knew how much time they had before the anomalies closed, trapping her all alone in an unfamiliar and possibly dangerous world.

Ryan swore softly before quickly organising his men into teams to check the anomalies. “Remember lads, a quick reccy and then back here. First team back gets to check the last anomaly.”

“Captain Ryan.”

“Sir James?”

Lester smiled and nodded at the one anomaly Ryan hadn't assigned anyone to. “We can't risk waiting. Ditzy and I will check it.”

“Sir...” Ryan met Lester's eyes before ducking his head with a chirp. “Fine, sir. Ditzy?”

Ditzy nodded. “Yes, sir. I understand.” Lester's safety was now his sole responsibility.

As soon as Ditzy stepped though the anomaly he found himself soaked to the skin as rain lashed down around them. Visibility was fucking terrible and they were being buffeted by wind from every direction. Ditzy was all for turning back right now, knowing that if Lucinda had come through this anomaly, she'd have turned back as soon as she'd encountered this weather. Lester, however, refused to go until they had checked, until they had made sure she wasn't there.

“Sir,” Ditzy yelled over the wind. “We need to get back.”

Lester paused and for a moment Ditzy thought he might have got through to the stubborn man, but then Lester stepped forward, away from the anomaly until he stood at the top of a scree slope. “Ditzy... look.”

Ditzy peered through the murk and felt his heart skip a beat when he saw the little girl standing all forlorn in the rain. “Fuck!” To think he'd almost left her behind... He quickly followed Lester as the man slithered and slid down the slope before he sloshed through the mud, apparently uncaring for once that his clothes and shoes were being ruined by the mud. Ditzy stopped when Lester held his hand up as they came close to the young kit and it was only then that Ditzy realised she was shaking and attempting to back away from them.

“Lucy?” Lester's voice was soft and the child paused, peering suspiciously at him. “Stay here, Ditzy,” Lester murmured as he slowly moved closer to the child, vocalising soft chirps in an attempt to calm her. He paused when she inched backwards, dropping to crouch in the mud and open his arms to her. “I'm here to help you, Lucy. Your daddy sent me.”

Ditzy held his breath, knowing the wrong move would send Lucy fleeing, and let out a relieved gasp as she instead flung herself into Lester's waiting arms.

Lester held the shivering, sobbing four year old for a moment before shrugging out of his jacket and draping it around Lucy's naked form. “Shh, it's OK. Let's get you back to your daddy.” He held her tightly against his chest and purred softly in her ear. “Ditzy?”

“Yes, sir.” Ditzy helped Lester to his feet before they began their trek back to the anomaly, slogging through the mud. Ditzy reached out and grabbed Lester when his foot slipped and Lucy cried out in fear. Ditzy had never been so glad in his life to see an anomaly and smiled when he saw Kermit waiting for them at the top of the slope, until he realised Kermit was waving and shouting something that the wind snatched away. It was only then that Ditzy noticed Kermit was pointing at his watch and then heard Lester swear softly under his breath.

“It's closing.”

Ditzy took a moment to study the anomaly and fuck, it was fading, before he grabbed Lester's arm and ran, slipping and sliding in the mud. The slope they'd slithered down so easily to reach the girl now looked a bloody nightmare to climb back up, the water and mud rivulets that had aided their descent now mocked their treacherously ascent. Ditzy knew he'd climb it with ease, he was a caver after all and had faced worse climbs in several cave systems... but he had Lester to consider and the girl.

Lester eyed the slope before releasing his hold on Lucy and kneeling in the mud. He brushed her blond locks from her eyes and smiled, purring softly. “Lucy, I need you to climb on my back and hold on tightly. OK?”

Lucy stared at Lester from wide eyes as her lip quivered in fear, but she slowly nodded and the trust she was showing Lester had Ditzy smile, the man was a natural with kits.

Ditzy's eyebrow shot up at the speed and skill Lester showed scrambling up the slope, although his foot did slip at one point and Ditzy quickly moved to steady Lester and give him a push up the path until he made it over the steepest part of the climb. From there it was only a short scrabble up the slope to the anomaly and through to safety.

Lester paused at the top and for a moment Ditzy feared he'd stop, that he'd wait for him to make his own climb, but Lucy whimpered and Lester shot an apologetic look at Ditzy before turning and disappearing from sight, hopefully through the anomaly.

Ditzy was attempting to scramble up and over the hardest part of the climb, water and mud making his grip slippery and his feet failed as they sought purchase. Finally, a boot caught and he pushed himself up, hoping whatever he had his foot on held long enough for him to make it up to the top. He felt it give just as a hand grabbed his arm and held his weight, before pulling him upwards until Ditzy lay sprawled in the mud. He glanced up at his rescuer, but the smart comment on his lips died when he realised it was Lester. Oh shit, he glanced at the anomaly and saw neither Kermit nor Lucy, Lester must have handed her off before coming back for him.

“Move, Ditzy.” Lester shoved him towards the anomaly and both men ran as fast as they could while the anomaly faded before their eyes, flickering and almost dying before flaring back into life.

Twenty feet.

Ten feet.

A lightning bolt slammed into a tree near the anomaly and they were thrown to the ground as the air was split by a deafening thunderclap. When Ditzy's ears stopped ringing, he realised that the anomaly had vanished. Fuck!

“We need to find shelter, sir,” Ditzy yelled above the wind, needing to keep Lester focused on the here and now and not that they were trapped on the wrong side of the anomaly. Lester nodded and Ditzy was pleased to see the man was calm, not that he should have expected anything less from Lester.

They slogged through the mud, arm in arm, keeping away from the trees as more lightning flashes lit the sky. Ditzy pulled Lester to a halt when they came to a raging river as he tried to decide which way to follow the river, when Lester tugged him downstream. “Sir?”

“There’s a bridge, Ditzy.”

Fuck! A bridge meant they were in a time with people. People they should avoid, if Ditzy had understood Connor's and Cutter's discussions - rants - on the subject. But... they needed help, they needed supplies and somewhere to stay. Ditzy knew they had no choice and nodded, “We need to be careful, sir.” Lester shot him a glance, one Ditzy easily translated as 'I'm not an idiot'. “Sorry, sir.”

Ditzy began to wonder if anybody did live in the area when he got a good look at the bridge. It was rickety and had several missing slats, not to mention it was swaying in the wind somewhat alarmingly. “Let's try further down, sir. There might be a settlement...”

Lester looked between the bridge and the river before nodding, obviously not keen to risk crossing the bridge - and a possible tumble into the river - unless he had to.

Before they could continue their trudge through the mud and rain, both men were temporarily blinded by a massive lightning strike that left their ears ringing. Ditzy blinked quickly in an attempt to restore his vision before staring at the forest.

“It is my imagination or are the trees moving?” Lester asked, his voice loud as he rubbed at his ears.

Both men continued to peer into the gloom before turning and running to the bridge, they had no option now but to attempt a crossing when the only other choice was to be swept into the river by a mud slide.

Although the wooded slats were slippery from the rain, with time being of the essence, they had little choice but to hurry across and hope they didn't lose their footing. With the rumble of the slide growing louder in the pauses between strikes, Lester half-ran and, as he put his weight on a slat that was more rot than wood, it snapped and only his grip on the rope handrail kept him from pitching head first into the river.

The bridge swayed alarmingly before slowing and when Lester managed to regain his footing, Ditzy breathed a sigh of relief just as the water-sodden ropes finally surrendered to the inevitable, fraying before snapping under the strain. The two men could do nothing as the bridge twisted beneath their feet and they were thrown into the raging torrent.

Ditzy tried not to gasp as he was submerged in the cold water, the last thing he needed was a lungful of water. He thrashed his way back to the surface and looked around frantically for Lester, relief flooding through him as he spotted Lester kicking towards him. Ditzy reached out a hand and pulled Lester close, clinging to him as the river carried them downstream, both men kicking out when the current threatened to slam them into debris.

The last thing Ditzy remembered was a tree looming out of the darkness, a heavy impact and a pained grunt, before everything went dark.

The Hand Of Fate - Part 2.

abo, soul bonding, connor temple, omegaverse!au, the hand of fate series, ditzy (oc), au, trope bingo, fic, james lester, ocs, pre-slash, tom ryan

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