Primeval drabble: Regrets

Jun 07, 2013 22:39

Title: Regrets
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: Helen Cutter
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N1: For the P100 challenge 318: All That I'm Living For and part 7 of my Strange Bedfellows drabble series and follows To Have And Have Not. Thanks go to the wonderful Fred for casting her eyes over it for me, cheers m'dear.
A/N2: From the song of the same title and the lines: Guess I thought I'd have to change the world to make you see me, To be the one. I could have run forever, But how far would I have come Without mourning your love?

Helen had many regrets in her life. The last argument with Nick that had her storming off and discovering the anomalies alone, without him by her side. Not texting Stephen and asking him to accompany her through them. Most of all, she regretted their deaths.

Now she had the chance to set things right, if only she could convince Lester that the ARC had to change or this future would wait for them. Helen knew that with the facilities at the ARC, that she would change the world. She would stop this future and she would save Nick and Stephen.

strange bedfellows drabble series, helen cutter, drabble, gen

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