You Know What's Nightmareish?

May 31, 2007 15:23

I'll tell you what fills my nightmares at present: Putting together an invitation list for the wedding, particularly when the projected "must invite" attendees account for nearly 70% of the reception seats before you get to the list of "really should invites" and "damn, we want to invites."



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Comments 16

moonandserpent May 31 2007, 19:53:54 UTC
You are such the stressed out bride. We should go out some time to drink fizzy drinks with umbrellas and talk about Sex in the City sometime.


kniedzw May 31 2007, 20:59:06 UTC
Ooooh. Good idea. Fruity drinks and girly-chat all around.


d_c_m May 31 2007, 21:20:52 UTC
I'll lend ya' both a "Sex in the City" DVD if that will help. :)

The good news is that 40-50% of the people you invite will not show. No kidding. I didn't believe this when I read it but it was oh so true. We invited 300 people and 125 showed-up.

Second, invite who really want to be there. Don't worry about those who don't get invited. This is you day and swan_tower's day and don't let nobody get in the way of that. :)


moonandserpent June 1 2007, 12:39:38 UTC


kadnkadnk May 31 2007, 20:01:25 UTC

(Sorry, only laughing because I've been there. Okay, so I really haven't been there, because we didn't have seats at our reception. We had a snacks-champagne-and-cake reception, and weren't charged by the person, in a church basement. So on the cheap, basically.)

Any way you could change your location/ reception style to accommodate the number of people you want? Having a huge cheap wedding is just as fun as having a small expensive one. Good luck with everything!



kniedzw May 31 2007, 20:57:14 UTC
Nah. We're pretty much locked into the location, but thanks for the suggestion. :)


brisance May 31 2007, 21:08:52 UTC
Me, I have nightmares where a play is being put on and my scene is coming up, and I can't remember a single line because that play was actually over twenty years ago.

Your nightmare is just weird. :)

You have my sympathies, but just try to remember not to sweat this stuff - go with your heart, and then disconnect your phone until the day after. :)


ivan23 May 31 2007, 21:13:16 UTC
< Zoidberg>
Perhaps a picture of my good friend Mister Washington might get me closer to the bridesmaids' table?


kurayami_hime June 1 2007, 08:20:28 UTC
We get a table?! Woo!


gollumgollum May 31 2007, 21:30:13 UTC
My sister and her fiance are having their wedding on an island in Wisconsin. Unfortunately, about 80 members of my family live on said island, and they'll all come whether invited or not. And that's just my mom's side of the family (which is, admittedly, larger than my dad's). Her fiance has just as large of a family, all in-state, so they can't very well not be invited either (or be expected to show up). And they're paying for at least 250 people at the reception, whether they have that many or not.

And they're cramming all of these people into a space that was standing-room only when my parents got married there with 125 guests.

And it's on an island only accessible by boat, with shaky septic.

All of which means if you need to vent about how ridiculously hard this all is, you can feel free to call me, coz i understand. (;


moonartemis76 June 1 2007, 03:21:56 UTC
yes... but awesome family tradition of marrying on your family's island trumps all modern logic! :) that's my 2 cents anyway...


squishymeister June 1 2007, 18:54:08 UTC
this is true


gollumgollum June 1 2007, 22:40:30 UTC
Oh, it's true...but the logic fights back. And it fights dirty.

I feel like i should run around doing the Kermit *waaaaaaaaugh!1* waving my arms over my head thing...and the wedding's a year away.


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