Title: Every SGA Slash Bad!Fic Ever Written
Authors: *are so proud* *cough*
debris_k &
kmaRating: Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Summary:If I were a warning, I’d run away…
A/N: We blame junk food, lack of sleep and
Every Fanfic Ever Written!. We would be sorry if we were not so braindead from teh squee.
ETA: Now with bonus
crack!audiofic, read by The Demented
Read more... )
Comments 19
LOGIC: *flies out of window*
READERS: *wish they could follow logic*
Eehehe. So loving this.
AUTHORS: Must write. Write, write, write.
READERS: I gave up my life to read this?!
AUTHORS: Wriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite.
*dies sniggering*
This cheered me up immensely. Because sadly, it's all very very true.
Am back; it's been raining all the time, and it doesn't look like it's stopping any time soon. Hope you survived the morning OK. *hugs*
P.S. rasah Wrote me, kinda, a pre-b-day fic! \o/ I - am - happy! (And not dead yet!)
*pets Atlantis*
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