Episode 83: Lila's Wedding

Nov 25, 2009 03:33

The business end of things:

1. Episodes can found here under community lock for those of you (like me) don't have them already ( Read more... )

s3 week 4, user; parsnip_chan, episodes 81-90

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Comments 14

glitteringloke November 25 2009, 12:39:34 UTC
bakumatsu~~ (gunter's seiyuu was in that too as Sou-sensei)

i do my own screencapping as well ^_^ (but that's cuz i still have the raws from the subs i shoved on them)

I remember watching this with a few others and how ridiculous Lila's clothes are. like, seriously?

i'm late for work, or i might be more coherent :p


parsnip_chan November 26 2009, 05:48:03 UTC
Well no wonder I couldn't help but think of Bakumatsu! It's funny how these things work XD

I remember watching this with a few others and how ridiculous Lila's clothes are. like, seriously?

I'm not actually sure if Lila's clothing is really all the ridiculous. For me, it was the make-up when she's got the wedding gown on. I mean, sure, I like big eyes and nicely defined lips and all that, but really? you made her look, well, not right. The gown itself I thought wasn't half bad considering some things I've actually seen people wear and, well, Lila's 'work outfit' was fairly well established in previous seasons so I guess I'm just used to it? I could be remembering wrong. Wouldn't put it past me.

i'm late for work, or i might be more coherent :p

No worries, I'm rather wore out myself after doing about 5 hours of highway driving in the rain today. I'm sure this will lend itself well to my write-up of the next post ;p


guinechan November 25 2009, 15:09:29 UTC
Uuuuuggggghhhh.... THIS was the one episode I would love a fourth season for! They mentioned it and then left it to just... sink to the bottom of the plot holes/things that could be followed up on, along with the origin of the Maou. I won't go into the episodes to come, since they don't really have to do with my rantings and ponderings, but I know they... sort of touch on Conrad again... just not enough to satisfy me.

Personally, I think Conrad would be a sexy great king. Would he want to be king? Heck no. I doubt he would want to ever leave the Great Demon Kingdom, much less leave Yuuri. But would he...? If the opportunity was presented to him in a... er... less sketchy fashion? As in... officially seeking him out to have him reclaim his right to the throne...? I think he would be hesitant at first, but it's too great of an opportunity for him to ensure that Yuuri is protected to just pass it by.

Mikagechan and I have had long, long discussions about this kinda stuff... XD;; But she can't put in her two cents right now, so I'm ( ... )


mikagechan November 25 2009, 18:51:15 UTC
I think he would...
I don't think he would, but whatever. :P I think it would take a lot of convincing to get him to even consider something like that. He's such a stubborn man...

Conrad needs some more lovin' either way.

Speaking of long discussions, I need to talk with vous. Imma get on AIM and see if you're on...


guinechan November 25 2009, 20:23:34 UTC
Well, I think he would! Sure, he's stubborn, but I mean... really. Obviously the Conrad in my head would do it. Eventually.

I love Conrad... I remember when we hated him. XD;; Poor Conrad...


mikagechan November 25 2009, 20:53:54 UTC
I cannot fathom hating Conrad now! D: I can't believe I did in the first place! I mean, sure, he can be kinda dull sometimes, but still... he's sexyfine and so fun to play with! :DDDD For this series, he, Yuuri, and Wolfram kinda have a three-way tie going in the spot of my favorite character. That must be why it's my favorite threesome. Yuuri tops.


frillypink_tron November 25 2009, 15:30:08 UTC
I think Antoine is so cute, I loved how he fell while trying to save her haha...I was so glad that he got married to Lila :D Because actual couples getting together = win (when I agree said shippings LOL)


parsnip_chan November 26 2009, 05:53:59 UTC
The whole episode would have fallen flat if Antoine hadn't fallen! Mainly because it shows his heart is in the right place despite what else it might seem <3 Heh, and Lila was rather brilliant with the way she popped out of nowhere and took down something like 6 guys in midair!

I still say his decision to demand Lila spend 1/3 of a year at her home village/town is going to be harsh on him. Poor man. I really hate to see what happens when she gets pregnant >.> Because you know it's going to eat him up if he's not there with her and I'm sure they're not going to want him to spend all of his time away from the throne.

*evil grin*

Because actual couples getting together = win (when I agree said shippings LOL)

Isn't that how fandom OTPs are supposed to work? >.> I thank my lucky stars I'm such an incorrigible multi-shipper ^_~


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parsnip_chan November 26 2009, 05:59:00 UTC
Is Lila a french name too? I rather assumed it was, but I've never actually thought that much into it. Now that I am though, I have to wonder if the author wasn't trying to draw a comparison between france's Jeanne d'Arc and Lila and France's Kings and Antoine. I'll admit though, my knownledge of French history is sketchy at best. It is an interesting perspective though.


Wolfram is indeed far to cute for words, especially as Wolfram now seems absolutely positive the wedding is going to occur someday now. Heh. Yuuri really should have taken his out when he had it except that'd ruin everything, now wouldn't it?


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parsnip_chan November 26 2009, 17:37:09 UTC
I still can't believe that Greta named her bearbee Yuuram. I about died laughing when I saw that. I guess we all know what pairing she's supporting XD


mikagechan November 25 2009, 19:00:39 UTC
I love how this show has so much gay in it, but all the official canon couples are hetero. XDDD

Antoine and Lila are cute together. And Antoine is completely adorable by himself. So sweet, trying to save Lila like that (and failing).

I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who is taking advantage of this rewatch to watch the third season for the first time.
I hope you enjoy it!! To be honest, I didn't like the third season all that much my first time through, but during my second viewing (and now my third) I found more things to like about it.


parsnip_chan November 26 2009, 06:08:52 UTC
I love how this show has so much gay in it, but all the official canon couples are hetero.

This statement? So much truth in it! It's probably one of the reasons I love this show so much. So much potential, so many strong female characters, so much general love to go around :D

I didn't like the third season all that much my first time through, but during my second viewing (and now my third) I found more things to like about it.That's really the true test of a good series. I'll admit, I was a bit hesitant to start the third season because I really enjoyed how the second season ended. It was brilliant because it basically tied up all the overarching plot elements, it was dramatic, and it really kind of left things ambiguous at the very end as to how all the personal relationships would pan out in the future, but it we were content in knowing a lot of the same things that's already happened would continue to happen (at least in the day to day which was shown rather well throughout the first two seasons ( ... )


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