The Ultimate KKM Challenge

Jul 20, 2008 20:50

Welcome to THE ULTIMATE KKM CHALLENGE hosted by kkm_challenge! Please read through our user information if you haven't already and then this post to get started and then begin submitting!

The Ultimate KKM Challenge
Authors and Artists: Character x 28 other characters - You choose a character and then you write/draw as many pieces as you can showing that character with other characters. The goal is to produce 28 (one per day) unique, non-repeating pairings with the character of your choice.

Example: You could choose Yuuri as your main character. Then you might write and/or draw Yuuri/Conrad, Yuuri/Wolfram, Yuuri/Murata, Yuuri/Yozak, Yuuri/Cheri, Yuuri/Gisela, Yuuri/T-Zhou, etc. You can not write and/or draw Yuuri with the same other character twice.

The Drill
- Follow all of the rules.

- 28 is the limit on eligible entries for a given character. You can, however, use up to 2 different primary characters for a maximum total of 56 entries, but points will be awarded separately and not cumulatively across the two. Submit each piece separately.

- The challenge calls for a pairing per day to pace yourself, but you are welcome to submit them in clusters or even all at once, although that is not preferred for the sake of the flist.

- Your entries are still valid even if you don’t make it to 28. It is a lofty goal. Just do your best!

- If you choose a primary character and then change your mind, you can simply pick up a second. If you wish to do this a third time or more, just let the mods know which entries not to count in the voting and point-giving process. Those entries don’t need to be deleted.

- “Pairings” do not need to be sexual or romantic.

- Your entries do not all have to fit within the same “universe” or make sense together.

- Do not duplicate a pairing. Switching seme/uke positions does NOT make it a different pairing.

- You may include more characters or pairings in an entry, but the entry should center around the designated Character x other character you’ve chosen. An entry featuring only your designated character will not be eligible for the contest.

- Crossovers are not allowed. AUs are. Original characters may be used in an entry, but not as part of the pairing.

- You may do a combination of fic and art, but you may not duplicate a pairing. (ie. You can’t do Yuuri/T-Zhou twice just because one is art and one is fic.)

- You may write/draw a threesome (three characters of approximately equal importance), however, you will be using up two characters at once who may not be repeated in a prominent way again. It will earn single entry points. The same goes for larger groupings (Foursomes etc.) This applies to both sexual and non-sexual applications.

- Please be mindful of the large number of entries we are hoping for and minimize extraneous spacing and information above the cut, by using our template as it is (located on the profile). If you would like to add an author's note or summary, please feel free, but do so below the cut. Your entries are VERY welcome and hopefully the community flist will be eager for them, but we'd still like to lessen the impact as much as possible. Thank you for your understanding.

- Comment on this post if you have any questions on this particular round. General questions can be submitted here.

- Be creative and have fun! ♥

This is not a comprehensive list of characters. If we have left someone off who appears in some form of KKM canon, please feel free to use them. Use whatever spellings you are comfortable using.

Aldebert von Grantz
Alford Markina
Anissina von Khrennikov
Antonie Jean Pierre
Cheri von Spitzburg
Christell Wincott
Conrad Weller
Dan Hiri
Densham von Khrennikov
Earhart Wincott
Gisela von Christ
Gunter von Christ
Gwendal von Walde
Hristo Cruff
Huber Geigen
Jennifer (Miko) Shibuya
Julia von Wincott
Ken Murata
Lawrence Weller
Lord von Rochefort
Lord von Wincott
Lord von Grantz
Lord von Gyllenhaal
Lord von Radford
Maou (Yuuri in his Maou form)
Odell von Wincott
Renji von Wincott
Rufus Bielefeld
Siegbert Walde
Shori Shibuya
Shouma Shibuya
Stoffel von Spitzburg
Waltorana von Bielefeld
Wolfram von Bielefeld
Yozak Gurrier
Yuuri Shibuya

The Prizes
Participants acquire points which can be redeemed for prizes every round, but this round is special.

Not only will all participants have the potential to gather massive quantities of points in this round, but the first place winner will receive an additional $20 gift certificate to either LiveJournal, iTunes, or

Voting will be a little different in this round, details will be provided in the voting post, but participants will be ranked using both quantity and quality.

The Deadline
Sunday, August 17, 2008 at 9pm EST

round 017, themes

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