[Art] [Round 15] The Seven Bearbees, G

Jun 24, 2008 21:53

Author/Artist: arylla
Characters/Pairings: Julia and Bearbees
Rating: G
Any Warnings: /
Theme/Prompt being used: Fairytale

God. Now I know why I haven't used crayons in years.

"Oh, no," they said, "the conditions are too hard. You must not speak or laugh for six years, and must make in that time six shirts for us out of star-flowers. If a single word comes out of your mouth, all your labour is vain." And when the brothers had said this the quarter of an hour came to an end, and they flew away out of the window as swans.

But the maiden had determined to free her brothers even if it should cost her her life. She left the hut, went into the forest, climbed a tree, and spent the night there. The next morning she went out, collected star-flowers, and began to sew. She could speak to no one, and she had no wish to laugh, so she sat there, looking only at her work.

I love this prompt! Though I should have made a bit of research before starting this fanart. Julia's dress is of course not blue but white, and I have the feeling that something's wrong with the bearbees, I just can't figure out what. The fairy tale I used is Brothers Grimm's The Six Swans. It's about a girl whose six brothers get cursed by their evil stepmother and in order to free them the girl has to perform certain tasks. In case you're wondering why the fairy tale is talking of six swans and there are seven bearbees in this picture --well, first, I suck at maths, second, I suck at resarch as well. (In defense, there's a quite similar fairy tale called The Seven Ravens. The Six Swans is in the top ten of Fairy Tales That Traumatized My Childhood. Though in the version I know or at least remember the queen is accused of eating her babies and is then, due to the evil intrigues of her husband's mother, caught red-handed with blood around her mouth. Not that I minded being traumatized back then, because ZOMG BLOOD!!!11eleven. And then I couldn't sleep at night.

Erm. Anyway, this is of course a mellow version, with much love and flowerpower and cute little bearbees. :)

julia, round 015, challenger - arylla, fanart:2008

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