[Fic][Round 44] Small Sacrifices, Rating: G

Sep 12, 2009 00:44

Author: Isha
Title: Small Sacrifices
Ships/Characters: Gwendal/Anissina
Word Count: 800
Rating: G
Any Warnings: Fluff ahoy!
Prompt being used: Word prompt: small sacrifices from tigersilver
Timeline: Very post Season 3

Disclaimer: I own none of these very entertaining characters, please don’t sue me. Thank you.

Part of my Gwendal/Anissina series. Follows from ‘White Lace and Promises’, but can be read as a stand alone.


Neither of them wanted to give up their rooms in the castle, each of them insisting that the other stop being so stubborn and just move in, and it was only when even the usually even tempered Maou got fed up of all the fighting that they realised they were being silly and compromised-he would give up his quarters and move into a bigger suite of rooms for their combined use-and she would keep her laboratory.


While it was nice that they were married now, sometimes she missed the secrecy of the early days-especially since the maids now took to giggling and whispering behind their hands whenever they saw her together with Gwendal-but then when she snuggles into his side after a long hard day and he kisses her hair, she thinks she doesn’t mind a little embarrassment.


Normally, he’d spend at least three hours every day after dinner finishing off his paperwork, but of course, now he had more pleasurable distractions to contend with-and if he had to wake up an hour or two earlier every day just to catch up, well then, it was worth it.


Of late, she has developed a hate of balls and formal parties; now that she was ‘Lady von Voltaire’, she couldn’t turn up in her work clothes any more, not without showing Gwendal in a bad light-and so she had to suffer through endless hours of preparation-but then, the stunned look in his eyes every time he saw her in her formal gowns never ceased to grow old.


Being the test subject for the odd experiment or two every month was one thing, but the bills Anissina began presenting him with now were beginning to worry him-he recalled her brother’s drunken warnings at the wedding-but it was better than the alternative, which was telling her that her research wasn’t an ‘essential expense’.


When Lady Celi first started dropping hints that she would like to see her grandchildren sooner rather than later, Gwendal snapped at his mother to stop bothering her, and she was grateful-but the wistful look in his eyes whenever the topic was brought up made her rethink her blind fears of having to abandon the Women’s Movement uncompleted just because she had a baby-and when she thought about it honestly, the thought of a little boy with Gwendal’s hair and her eyes, learning science from her...well, the Movement could stand to slow down for a few years, after all.


Anissina was going to bring his child and heir into the world, and in the moment of rash happiness when he had first heard the news, he had promised her she could name the child-which he came to regret the day he heard her talking to her softly growing bump, calling it ‘Virgil’-but the smile on her face was so peaceful, he learned to swallow his horror, and by the time his son was ready to be born, he could say the name with only the smallest of shudders.


She missed trousers, and boots, and all those tightfitting outfits of her own design she’d once worn, especially now that she felt too large to be attractive-and it didn’t help that the only clothes she was capable of wearing now were all three sizes too big for her-but Gwendal assured her she looked more beautiful than ever, and though she didn’t believe him, the little white lie did make her feel better.


He had learned that, unlike him, his son was both an insomniac and an early riser-which had led to quite a few early morning fights with a snappy and sleep deprived Anissina-until he had realised that sacrificing an hour of sleep every morning was small price to pay for having her happy and halfway civil each morning.


Gwendal had often complained of her single minded focus on any task she set her mind to accomplishing-to the detriment of things like real life-and though she shook her head at his grumbling, she indeed found herself incapable of tearing herself away from an experiment once she had started-but a small hand tugging on her skirt and a cry of ‘Mama, come play with me!’ and she found that actually, it was quite easy to set work aside for a little while.


A/N: Ah, what a sap fest. I hope you brought your diabetic pills along with you. :P

And my writer’s block is finally broken. *glees* It feels good to write something for this ship again! *G*

Many thanks for reading, all comments and concrit are very welcome. =)

gwendal, gwendal/anissina, fanfic:2009, anissina, challenger - isha_libran

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