[Fic] [Round 44] Tease, PG 15

Sep 11, 2009 22:25

Author/Artist: disownmereturns
Characters/Pairings: Wolfram/Shori
Word Count: 1 063
Rating: PG 15? (I'm horrible with ratings, tell me to raise it and I will)
Warnings: not very explicit bondage, language
Theme/Prompt being used: Wolfram/Shori; tease

A/N: Can't believe I scrapped my more wholesome half-draft for this. Just can't get the bunny out my head. :D ...and re-reading this thing, it ain't exactly “tease” but I still hope you guys enjoy. :) Um, should I lock this because of the rating? I'm keeping it unlocked for now, but mod-sensei, please tell me! ;A;

Wolfram squirmed, testing the strength of Shori's belt. If he weren't stuck in his current situation, he'd marvel at the strength the flimsy-looking Earth garment held.

“Hah...” he managed, panting slightly at his effort to struggle. “If Yuuri finds out...”

Shori pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, making the lenses gleam in the only light of the room, which was his laptop on his study desk.

“May I remind you Lord Bielefield,” Shori said, turning back to him with a freshly assembled (a bit uncomfortable looking vibrator). “...that you started this?”

Wolfram flashed him a smirk. “Only because you read into it Lord Shori. I mean nothing by the way I ate that yogurt.”

“You were inviting me with that face of yours,” replied the elder Shibuya, climbing on the bed and cupping the blond's cheek with a repressed passion. “Besides,” he continued, breathing heavily in Wolfram's ear, making the boy squirm at the rivulets of pleasure that traveled down his back. “You wanted this too, my naughty prince.”

“I-I'm allowed to have my fun, aren't I?” Wolfram exhaled out, arching his back. “I'm not committed yet, and Shinou be damned, I've got my own needs too...”

Shori mashed their lips together in a rough kiss. For a few delicious seconds, they ground against each other on the bed, sucking and biting till their lips swelled an angry red before the double black pulled away. Wolfram fought his cry of protest.


Shori smirked, akin to the Sage when he had evil thoughts. Wolfram swore right then and there never to trust men with glasses.

“I'm going to torture you like how you did me...”

Wolfram almost laughed but opted to roll his eyes. Not that he was complaining, but how exactly on Earth (and quite right too!) had he gotten himself into this?


He wasn't doing it on purpose. He couldn't have. God, he was! Was he the only one noticing? Granted, his little brother would be utterly oblivious to his so-called fiancé's advances and his brothers were probably used to such antics but was he this lewd before? Then again, any average day on Earth and this boy would stroll out under the sun, he'd radiate sex.

Shori tried his best not to gawk at Wolfram enjoying yogurt on the couch in the living room of the Shibuya's humble modern Japanese home.

Yuuri, Conrad and his mother were out shopping. Gwendal had found a few unfinished doilies in the spare bedrooms and proceeded to finish them with unbridled glee (which still looked quite scary). Dad was at work and Murata was taking special classes; technically, he and Wolfram were alone.

The blond prince dipped his small spoon into his tiny tub of yogurt and brought the treat to his lips with a private delight.

Shori watched in hunger and slight disbelief as the small silver utensil slid clean from between pink lips. No, he was not aroused by that...he shouldn't. This man belonged to his brother, they were supposed to stay faithful!

But when Wolfram purposefully licked the spoon once more, a drawn-out tongue sweep, Shori saw an unmistakable glint in those blue-green eyes.

“Do you know what you're playing at, Sir Bielefield?” he asked coolly.

Wolfram turned to him with an eyebrow in the air and an unmistakable smile on his lips. “I wouldn't risk it if I didn't.”

With that, Shori slung the kid over his back and stomped off to his bedroom, leaving the yogurt lying innocently on the coffee table.


“Aah! What is that?! OH GOD TAKE IT OUT!”

“It'll make you feel good...”


Wolfram struggled, trying not to rut against the bed. He dug his heels on the mattress and his bound hands clawed at air. Shori just shoved something in his ass. A ghastly Earth thing (vibrator...was it?) that moved on ...what were they called? A small motor? Batteries?

Heavens to Shinou, it felt good. Too good. The thing was pounding relentlessly against Wolfram's prostate, bringing the blond closer to the edge. He could feel a powerful coil of pleasure winding tightly in the pit of his stomach.

His cock was painfully hard. It was leaking but damn it if he could relieve himself. Aside from the blasted vibrator, Shori had slipped a cock ring on the base of his shaft, denying him release.

This wasn't teasing, Wolfram thought. The man wanted to drive him crazy with need. His pride screamed at him but the rest of his brain was screaming louder. Who was he kidding? He loved this to bits and pieces. God, what a loser this was, not knowing such pleasure for over eighty years of his life.

“Shori, please!”

Shori had bent down and given Wolfram's aching cock a long, slow lick. “Ssh,” he whispered into those shaking, flawless thighs. “Your eldest brother's still in the house...”

Wolfram bit his lip at the thought. “C-can't...”

The phone rang and the dim light of the room bounced off Shori's glasses once more. “I'll just take that call, Sir Bielefield.”

Blue-green eyes, darkened and glazed over with lust and need turned to glare at him, half in indignation and surprise. “You wouldn't...” Wolfram breathed.

Shori straightened up and walked to the door of his bedroom. “You look delicious,” he said. “By the time I'm back, make sure you're begging for it.”

Wolfram grit his teeth. “In your dreams, Lord Shori.”

The double black placed a hand on his hips. “Suit yourself, if you'd want to stay like this till the others come back for their little shopping trip. Mom probably won't mind, but what would Yuu-chan say?”

“That isn't going to work on me.”

The phone was still ringing in the living room.

Shori marched back to the bed and gave Wolfram a searing kiss, hands roaming on his chest, pinching his nipples and pressing into his sides. The blond wriggled out of the grip, giggling a bit.

“Please...” he whispered and Shori's eyes lit up.

The Earth Maou all but ran down the stairs and had the shortest phone conversation of his life.


A/N: ...what a silly ending. ;A; I hope you enjoyed!

shori/wolfram, challenger - disownmereturns, shori, round 044, wolfram, fanfic:2009

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