Final Days of Points

Jun 24, 2009 18:53

My lovely co-mod, crystaltear will be retiring from kkm_challenge. In an effort to streamline the community to make it easier to run, I will also be retiring the points system.

Round 40 will be the last round to award points*. You have until July 19 to redeem your points.

25 Points: Banner
50 Points: Icon of choice
100 Points: $5 LJ gift certificate
200: $15 or Itunes gift certificate

If you'd like a banner or icon please feel free to be as vague or detailed as you want with the parameters for it. If you would like a gift certificate please let us know which one you'd prefer and what e-mail account you'd like it directed to. If you'd prefer to reveal your e-mail in private you may e-mail it to

Comment here if you have any questions!

(*Points are not fully up-to-date at this time, but they will be updated this weekend and again after round 40.)

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