[Fic] [Round 17] Title: The Easiest Break-Up Ever, Rating: PG

Aug 15, 2008 23:55

Author: Isha
Title: The Easiest Break-Up Ever
Characters: Anissina, Gunter von Christ
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Prompt being used: KKM Ultimate Challenge (Anissina)

Disclaimer: I own none of these entertaining characters, and I'm making no money off this, so please don't sue me.


It wasn’t that the man was unattractive. He was much sought after in the castle, with that long hair that begged to be touched, those eyes that held a promise of such mystery…

It wasn’t that there had been no sparks between them. Their eyes had met and held that first meeting, when Gisela had introduced them to each other, and each had known of the other’s interest.

It had been his soft question to her, after hurried kisses and whispered endearments: ‘Do you think maybe you could…wear this black wig…and…change your eye colour before we do this?’


A/N: I’m sorry, the idea was just too funny for me to resist. *hides*

Thanks for reading, all comment and concrit is very welcome. =)

Ew, ew, ew! I almost stepped on a frog just now. I hate monsoons. :-S

round 017, fanfic:2008, gunter, anissina, challenger - isha_libran

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