Week 64 screencaps

Jun 27, 2009 00:10

Week 63 results later, but here are the week 64 screencaps. I'll be doing a post somewhen tomorrow about what I'm doing about those polls I put up about possible changes to the comm.

Week 64 screencaps )

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Comments 22

disownmereturns June 27 2009, 01:37:23 UTC

Screencap 1
Yuuri was clearly in the mood already, but Murata being who he was, could not help but grimace at the floating dandruff he saw floating around them.


Screencap 2
Even Shin Makoku was feeling the effects of Global Warming.

Screencap 3
Bob: And to your right, you'll see a live "performance" by Gwendal and Wolfram.
Conrad: *thinking* Wait...I don't think that's a part of the tour.


amarissia June 27 2009, 06:08:05 UTC
LOLs at number 3...


starrose17 June 27 2009, 06:46:02 UTC
lol Live performance XD


rynankh June 29 2009, 22:27:09 UTC
Global Warming!! LOL, don't know why but that one made me almost roll on the floor XD


amarissia June 27 2009, 06:07:39 UTC
Screencap 1

Murata: "Shibuya, what are you doing?"
Yuuri: "Um, not signaling the fangirls that they can have Conrad if they promise to leave me alone. I don't know why you'd think that."
Murata: "..."

Screencap 2

Yuuri: "Uh, what's with the romantic sunset behind us?"
ConYuu Fangirls: *giggle offscreen*

Screencap 3

King Bob: "And that's why the Shin Makoku Navy wants YOU! Somebody move Gunter, he's ruining the butchness of my commercial."


starrose17 June 27 2009, 06:46:46 UTC
LOL Aww poor Gunter!


rynankh June 29 2009, 22:28:33 UTC
Yuuri: "Uh, what's with the romantic sunset behind us?"
ConYuu Fangirls: *giggle offscreen*
XD well, not a ConYuu fan myself, but that one was so funny! XPP


tsugi_no_touji June 27 2009, 09:50:18 UTC
Screencap 1

Yuuri: Eww...so this is how an orgy's like...
Murata: Heh, you're telling me. I'm a wanted man, so this is nothing new.
Yuuri: But...but it got into my eye~~
Shouri: My innocent little brother...

Screencap 2

Yuuri: That yellow backdrop so does not match my outfit today.
Conrart: They must've used paint fill again...

Screencap 3 Ver. 1

Shouri: ...Um, Bob, I think you're ruining the atmosphere here...
Bob: But, but...I have a boo-boo~~
Everyone: *silence*
Yuuri(thinking): I sure am glad Gwendal's busy taking care of Wolfram, for once...

Screencap 3 Ver. 2

Bob: Up there! The island up ahead! I SEE THEM.
Yuuri(thinking): Wow, if this is how Bob plays Hide and Seek, not even Yozak will be able to hide...


starrose17 June 28 2009, 08:51:54 UTC
Bob: But, but...I have a boo-boo~~

LOL Love it!


rynankh June 29 2009, 22:32:16 UTC
Yuuri: But...but it got into my eye~~
Shouri: My innocent little brother...
LOL gosh, and at the same time is kinda gross >.> XD

Yuuri: That yellow backdrop so does not match my outfit today.
Conrart: They must've used paint fill again...
hahaha, sometimes that paint fill is really practical XD


masterofductape June 27 2009, 18:41:23 UTC
screencap 1:
Yuuri: I'm melting! I'm MELT- wait... I'm not...
Shori: *sigh* I always told you that wasn't real!
Yuuri: HEY- I got sent to magical world just like Dorothy! Anything is possible!
Shori & Murata: *sigh and rolls eyes*

screencap 2:
The cover of Shin Makoku's latest romance novel.

As Conrad looked in Yuuri's eyes, trying to impress the importance of his unwavering loyalty, neither of them noticed the atomic explosion behind them that would sweep through the halls and eliminate everything.

screencap 3:
Bob: Pirates ahoy!
Everyone else: *thinking* Eh....?


starrose17 June 28 2009, 08:51:00 UTC
As Conrad looked in Yuuri's eyes, trying to impress the importance of his unwavering loyalty, neither of them noticed the atomic explosion behind them that would sweep through the halls and eliminate everything.

LMAO Omfg that had me laughing so much!!! XD


vanessasquest July 1 2009, 10:15:28 UTC
meh, don't you see how that barrier of romanticness will protect them from the fall-out? it's even better than under the desk!

-shot and nuked-


rynankh June 29 2009, 22:34:02 UTC
Bob: Pirates ahoy!
Everyone else: *thinking* Eh....?
LOL they need the sailor suits XD


vanessasquest June 29 2009, 10:07:32 UTC
SC1v1 ( ... )


starrose17 June 29 2009, 14:44:25 UTC

I want one! lol


vanessasquest July 1 2009, 10:13:06 UTC
Slight edit to that one-- It should be *Jurassic Park Island Theme*


rynankh June 29 2009, 22:41:44 UTC
Murata: Bob-san, that's the wrong finger... it's supposed to be the MIDDLE finger that we want to show to the people who cancelled season 4.
Bob: Damn this language barrier! *Sobs*
OMG, XDDDD imagining Bob sobbing! poor Bob and poor us all for not S4 ;_; *shakesfist*


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