Week 64 screencaps

Jun 27, 2009 00:10

Week 63 results later, but here are the week 64 screencaps. I'll be doing a post somewhen tomorrow about what I'm doing about those polls I put up about possible changes to the comm.

Week 64 screencaps )

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vanessasquest June 29 2009, 10:07:32 UTC

Yuri: You both *really* need to work on your aim before you put my eye out.


Yuri: I know, I know, you don't have to say it... I'll never run with Morgif in my hands *again*.


Despite Yuri's attempts to flirt to win points at the wet-t-shirt contest, the three double blacks lost horribly to the three-brother team who at least wore white to the event.


Conrad: I believe this is what fangirls define as "a moment".
Yuri: Does that mean we start with hot passion-filled sex NOW... or do we wait for the moment to end...? I always get so confused.


Yuri and Conrad continued throughout the day in the world's longest staring contest... Judge!Gunter just prayed it wouldn't impinge upon his beauty sleep by running past midnight.


Anissina, off-screen: You two will just need to stand *there* until Radioactivity-Geiger-Counter-Kun says you're all clear...
Yuri: ...I blame Gwendel for copping out of this experiment.
Conrad: Really? I doubt Anissina's Nuclear-Reactor-Kun worked, I just think the hot sex we had is making us glow.
Yuri: That *is* a distinct possibility, but I think I'll get out of more paperwork if we just go along with this being Anissina's doing.
Conrad: There will probably be less screaming in that version, too, come to think of it.
Yuri: *nods in agreement*


Bob: And we're now approaching Fan-Girl Island, this will be your new home...
Secretary: *Cues Jurassic Park Island* We have state-of-the-art security set up throughout the island, we'll show you the reading facility we use to replicate them and then of course show you several of the different herds including the most dangerous and docile breeds... the Yaoi-fangirl-asaurus and the Chibi-ceratops... *mutters* I hope we don't have a power-outage like last time... they destroyed the rescue helicopter.
Yuri: What was that last part? I didn't catch it...
Secretary: Oh nothing, nothing... *Waves it off and laughs guiltily*


Murata: Bob-san, that's the wrong finger... it's supposed to be the MIDDLE finger that we want to show to the people who cancelled season 4.
Bob: Damn this language barrier! *Sobs*


Bob: Only ONE will be named Survivor on MAOH ISLAND!
Gunter: Heika, I'm not pulling any punches, I *will* win that new line of bishounen-wear if it kills me.
Conrad: I believe that would make you the loser in a competition of survival... besides, isn't this just a game-show to vote people out?
Murata, Shori, and Yuri thinking: We already have the majority alliance of double-blacks...
Yuri, thinking: ...I could probably betray them and get rid of Gunter then Shori with Conrad as a swing vote... but how to keep Murata from turning Conrad on me last minute... hmmmmmm...


Bob gave up on forming a really large portal to Shin Makoku after watching ET.

Bob: I saw this in a movie once, he just raised his finger to 'call home' and then they just picked him up...
Yuri: ...I'm pretty sure that was SPACE TRAVEL and not INTERDIMENSIONAL TRAVEL.
Bob: Damn.


starrose17 June 29 2009, 14:44:25 UTC

I want one! lol


vanessasquest July 1 2009, 10:13:06 UTC
Slight edit to that one-- It should be *Jurassic Park Island Theme*


rynankh June 29 2009, 22:41:44 UTC
Murata: Bob-san, that's the wrong finger... it's supposed to be the MIDDLE finger that we want to show to the people who cancelled season 4.
Bob: Damn this language barrier! *Sobs*
OMG, XDDDD imagining Bob sobbing! poor Bob and poor us all for not S4 ;_; *shakesfist*


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