
May 16, 2009 00:03

Week 57 results later on, but here are the week 58 screencaps!

Week 58 screencaps )

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Comments 28

disownmereturns May 16 2009, 05:36:24 UTC
Prepare yourselves for references to my current fandom again. XD *shot*

Screencap 1
Gunter: On the count of three, we push Wolfram off this cliff.
Yuuri: How is this going to test his manhood again?
Conrad: *thinking* Oh Gunter, you sly one. =___=

Screencap 2
Conrad: WTF?! This is the latest chapter of Naruto?
Yuuri: Hey! I was reading that!
Gunter: I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but Gwendal was lined up first to read the latest chapter of KHR.

Screencap 2 v.1
Gunter, having been assigned to alert the inhabitants of Shin Makoku on the latest updates of mainstream manga, found his business booming.

Screencap 3
Gwendal: I'm sorry Wolfram, but I gave the part of Hibari to Anissina because she had prepared a suitable bird.

Enter the epic phail! *shot*


vanessasquest May 16 2009, 10:49:33 UTC
XD SC1 = LOVE! *Glomps*


disownmereturns May 16 2009, 12:30:28 UTC
*gets glomped* Oof! XD Thanks! :'3 Icon looooove, btw~


starrose17 May 16 2009, 15:51:11 UTC
Oh those are all brilliant XD


tsugi_no_touji May 16 2009, 10:22:33 UTC
Screencap 1 Ver. 1

Yuuri: ...You know, I think I saw this in a movie before. Where this talking llama guy and a peasant managed to climb up a cliff only to have the land crumble over...
*eerie crumbling sounds occur*

Screencap 1 Ver. 2

Wolfram: Come, Yuuri, we shall brave the storms and cliffs and take our leap of love!
Yuuri: ...Are you SURE this is what engaged couples are supposed to do right before their wedding!?

Screencap 1 Ver. 3

Pride Rock - The Shin Makoku version.

Screencap 2 Ver. 1

Gunter: In Shin Makoku, passing a book overhead to the person behind you is a simple act of showing sadness or sympathy for that person.
Gwendal: Hey! There's nothing about me to be sympathetic about!
Conrart: "How now, my love! Why is your cheek so pale? How chance the roses there do fade so fast?"
Yuuri: ...You sure about that, Gwendal?

Screencap 2 Ver. 2Gunter: Unfortunately, heika, they're calling the whole season four off. That means we don't get to work with each other anymore...I might as well toss this book of NG photos somewhere ( ... )


disownmereturns May 16 2009, 12:32:21 UTC
Despite labour pains? Oh my THIS IS WIN! :D


vanessasquest May 16 2009, 14:35:23 UTC
Anissina's in the kitchen invennnntin, Anissina's in the kitchen makin' Wolf-babehs... Anissina's in the kitchen invennnntin, and Gwendel knows just who the guinea-pig is. XD SC3 = Awesome. 2v1 and 1v1 also quite cute. XD Though... is Conrad quoting Shakespeare? O_o? Gah it's been a while since I've had to read that sort of trite. XD ((PS I'm the 8th person in history to dislike Shakespeare, I know... well, that and the entire 8th grade population.))


tsugi_no_touji May 16 2009, 16:21:43 UTC
LOL yes, it's Midsummer Night's Dream. I'm doing it for school and had a test on it recently. I couldn't help quote something from there because we were practically forced to remember some quotes ^ ^;

Thanks alot!! I actually found this week's captions rather hard to caption... XD


vanessasquest May 16 2009, 10:48:21 UTC
SC1v1 ( ... )


disownmereturns May 16 2009, 12:34:50 UTC
Gunter: Here, heika, I want you to read this latest samurai drama manga...
Yuri: Really?!
Gunter, pulls arm up: PSYCH! Now get back to your paperwork.
Gwendel: *Suppressing his snicker*

/brb from rolling on the floor laughing. XDDDD


vanessasquest May 16 2009, 14:31:24 UTC
XD You know Gunter always wanted to pull that on some gullible sap... ... ... and as Wolfram's apparently not even literate... (well, to "human" languages) ...he always missed out. XD

PS thanks for the ICON LOVE!


starrose17 May 16 2009, 15:53:34 UTC
lol Excellent ones!! Especially love SC2v3.


(The comment has been removed)

starrose17 May 16 2009, 15:54:44 UTC
Gwendal: Brother, I'll top you tonight..
Wolfram: *sigh* okay......

LOL Take it like a man Wolfram!


vanessasquest May 16 2009, 15:59:52 UTC
No, no, no... take it like a WOMAN, Wolfram. <3 He gets to be the inlet. <3


sea_queen1 May 17 2009, 20:49:08 UTC
Screencap 1:
Yuuri gave Gunter 'the look' and thier plan to push Wolfram off the cliff was set in motion. Conrad would later provide an alibi for the two.

Screencap 2:
Yuuri: But I'm of age! I swear I'm 16!
Conrad: According to your birth certificate you're only 15...
Gunter: That means no porn for you, young man!

Screencap 3-1:
Anissina: Unfortunately even my Track-Runaway-Elopers-Kun couldn't find Yuuri-heika and Conrad...
Gwendal: Isn't that just a normal pidgeon?

Screencap 3-2:
Anissina: Unfortunately even my Track-Runaway-Elopers-Kun couldn't find Yuuri-heika and Conrad...
Gwendal: Isn't that just a normal pidgeon?
Anissina: ...
Wolfram: Grrr...


starrose17 May 20 2009, 11:34:12 UTC
LOL Love your one for screencap 2! XD


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