Gunter: Here, heika, I want you to read this latest samurai drama manga... Yuri: Really?! Gunter, pulls arm up: PSYCH! Now get back to your paperwork. Gwendel: *Suppressing his snicker*
XD You know Gunter always wanted to pull that on some gullible sap... ... ... and as Wolfram's apparently not even literate... (well, to "human" languages) ...he always missed out. XD
Ah, what can I say, to be a young teenage fanfic writer... >.>'''' *Dodges* Gah, I remember way back then and the atrocious stuff I put out. ^_^ Thanks, though! I hope you get a few other enjoyable ones from the next batch I'll undoubtably release... so much fun with those captures... XD (I *did* manage to resist the "everyone sans Wolfram thinking: If I just PUSH..." and lo, someone beat me to it no less. <3<3<3)
Yuri: Really?!
Gunter, pulls arm up: PSYCH! Now get back to your paperwork.
Gwendel: *Suppressing his snicker*
/brb from rolling on the floor laughing. XDDDD
PS thanks for the ICON LOVE!
best of the best: SC1v4, SC2v1, SC2v2 & SC3v2 LOL *thumbs up* XP
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