Scary Movies, anyone?

Oct 28, 2009 17:49

 Because I'm bored, and because it's that time of year, I am going to blab on about my favorite scary movies. Feel free to skip. Not that I am a scary movie connoisseur by any means, but I've watched quite a few. Especially since Mr. Kizzy is in Iraq... silly man can't abide the horror films, LOL! Note that my definition of scary does most ( Read more... )

scary movies

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Comments 54

redskyatnight76 October 29 2009, 01:47:00 UTC
OMG, I can't believe that I forgot:

Magic - Anthony Hopkins stars as a washed-up ventriloquist who starts to project his neuroses on to his talking dummy. Or... is it the other way round...?

Don't Look Now - if you have a child, you will never let them wear a red coat again. Seriously.


kizzy7 October 29 2009, 02:10:24 UTC
Oh, I love Anthony Hopkins. Or, rather, I love Hannibal Lecter. Mmm hmmm.

Ventriloquists. My above mentioned friend who did not like The Orphanage made me watch this movie... oh god what was it called... Dead Silence! About a woman who collects dummies and kills through them if you scream. Campy, b-movie, lol!!

Favorite b-movie would have to be Pet Sematary . When Gage at the end, with the knife?!?! And then, 'That's not fair.'


bemoan1000 October 29 2009, 02:11:14 UTC
Dummies are just scary to me. Along with certain puppets and marionettes. You can also add clowns to the list. I also remember seeing the commercial for Magic when I was little and it scared the crap out of me, and so did the commercial for It’s Alive, but I have never seen those movies for that reason. But I always find anything with moving doll figures scary, but yet kind of funny, such as, The Puppet Master and Chucky movies.

And also this episode of Night Stalker :


kizzy7 October 29 2009, 02:26:08 UTC
Dummies are creepy. After 'It' (the book), yeah, definitely add clowns to the list. Although you know, when I was younger, I collected porcelain dolls. So my room was completely surrounded by those little faces... I think their pretty! But one of my friends refused to sleep in my room cause she found it terrifying. LOL!


tinytexans October 29 2009, 01:48:45 UTC
*waves* So everyday I think... I should write Kizzy and see how she's doing!!! But RL always gets in my way. Bah!!!! So, how are you doing?! :)

BTW: Yes, my hubby is Army, though right now he's working for his Army National Guard unit so he's not full time. Which is nice. He does fly helicopters. Sexy blackhawk pilot is sexy! :) Is your hubby an AF pilot?

As for the movies... I don't watch many scary movies. I pretty much laugh my way through movies and my hubby is a bit of a horror movie wuss... lights have to be on, feet tucked firmly under a blanket, that sort of thing (go figure!). In fact, we had to watch the movie White Noise with the sound off. Um... it's called White NOISE. What's the point in watching with the sound off!? :D

Enjoy your scary movie fest!!!! You are brave to watch them alone! Do you sleep with the lights on!?! :D


tinytexans October 29 2009, 01:57:00 UTC
Oh! And I have to recommend the Amityville Horror and of course Poltergeist! BOO!!!!!


tinytexans October 29 2009, 02:00:37 UTC
The 1979 Amityville... :D Ok, I'll stop replying to myself now!! :)


lulabelle72 October 29 2009, 02:04:22 UTC
TinyT makes lots of comments. :)

I've been to Amity! Saw the house before they demolished it. Now it's a grassy lot. Not because of ghosts, they say, but to stop the tourists (and cars stuffed full of out-of-state hyperactive teenagers) from coming.


neelix_2000 October 29 2009, 08:18:40 UTC
I have to say I am afraid for you love! All this creepy pretend stuff!

Personally I like the real thing, and I'm currently watching 8 nights of live gohst hunting on Most Haunted Live! It's on Living TV here, not sure if you get it, but I am pretty sure you could get it on You Tube.

Monday night's was well scary - growling, a ghost on the phone (no word of a lie!) tables moving, and I saw a face peering through a window, which was 15 feet from the ground....

yes. Real ghosts for me...


kizzy7 October 29 2009, 12:06:08 UTC
Most Haunted Live... hmmm, never heard of it. I'll have to look it up, sounds good!

I know I've seen something like that, although I can't remember what its called. It tells ghost stories through reenactments. A little cheesy, but good.


mimimanderly October 29 2009, 11:34:50 UTC
I found "The Ring" pretty scary. When the little dead girl was coming out of that well... *shivers*


kizzy7 October 29 2009, 12:07:10 UTC
Yes. I've never seen the original Japanese Ring, only the American remake. I thought that was pretty scary (and when she came out of the tv!). But I've heard the Japanese original is much scarier.


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