fic for paintasmile & iitsmeghan (3/4)

Apr 09, 2012 23:40

Part 2

Part 3: After The Rain

Kazuya stopped, as he heard the song.

He stared in front of him and listened for a moment, shaking his head then.

Kokoro no Yukue.

Five years ago, that song had suddenly become a big hit and Kazuya had heard it everywhere. They had played it in every store, on every radio station and wherever he had gone.

By now, Kazuya hated the song.

He hated how it reminded him of those days, of what he had felt back then and of Jin; of that time, when Jin had written it and had sung it for Kazuya on that warm summer day, under the shadow of a big oak.

And he hated that Jin had made that precious memory public; for all worlds to share with them.

People had bought the CD, had said that it was the perfect song about the first love - the perfect song for lovers.

But they had no idea, Kazuya thought, as he kept on walking through the store he was in.

That song was not a song for lovers, not about eternal love or the sweetness of never forgetting the first kiss.

That song was about losing it and having to live with the grief of never going to experience it again.


He turned and looked at Ueda, who held up a vase.

They had met not too long ago and Kazuya had actually been lucky to get to meet him. Ueda Tatsuya had become a good friend for him and also, he had introduced Kazuya to the place he worked at by now.

Kazuya had turned twenty-seven this year and had been living in Tokyo for a few weeks now. He had worked in Sapporo before, but during a business trip to Tokyo, he had met Ueda and shortly after, the agency had contacted him to hire him.

Coming to Tokyo had been a huge step for Kazuya, but he finally felt independent and he knew he did the right thing, did the right job.

The song playing silently from the speakers at the ceiling ended and Kazuya smiled at Ueda.

He had long forgotten about Jin. He had not erased the memories, but Kazuya was over them.

He had come clean with his past.

"That's exactly the one we need", he agreed and walked over to have a closer look.

His mobile rang and Kazuya excused himself, as he turned away from Ueda.


"Kamenashi-san. We just got a call from that costumer who had you participate in that competition", the woman from the agency said.

Kazuya frowned slightly. He remembered that. That guy had called, telling them, he had given the same assignment to four other agencies and that he would pick the best to get the whole project in the end.

"What did he say?"

"He picked our design", she said dryly. "And wants to meet you by one o'clock at the apartment."

"Okay, give me the address", Kazuya said and held the phone between his shoulder and ear to write it down.

Kazuya hung up and turned to Ueda again. "I have to go. A costumer meeting."

Ueda nodded. He had dark, very short hair and a very delicate face. His smile was friendly. "I'll see you later. Are we going out for dinner tonight?"

Kazuya nodded. "Definitely. At seven, the usual place?"

Ueda agreed and Kazuya turned with a wave of his hand to make it to the meeting in time. He was quite far from the place and would have to change trains to get there.

When he finally arrived, it was ten minutes to one and he took a deep breath. As it was April, it was already rather warm outside, so Kazuya took off the light coat he wore.

He never wore any business suits. Usually, it was just jeans and shirts, sometimes a few accessories like simple necklaces or rings, vests and catchy belts.

He had dyed his hair. It wasn't dark anymore, but had a nice hazelnut colour now and it was shorter than he used to wear it.


He turned and looked at the man approaching him. He had dark hair that was cut nicely around a slim face with a very pretty mouth.

Kazuya turned to him with a smile.

"Are you the interior designer from Insight?"

Bowing politely, Kazuya nodded. "That would be me."

"I imagined you different, somehow", the man admitted, but didn't seem to be disappointed at all. "I am happy to meet you. My name is Nakamaru Yuichi."

Kazuya followed him inside the building. "It's nice to meet you, too."

"I was very impressed by your submission, it looked great."

"Thank you, I am happy you like it", Kazuya said and looked around, as they entered the apartment.

That was, what he liked most - plain white rooms that had all potential to be decorated. Nothing was in them; it was all up to him, what they would look like in the end.

"I want to hire you for this project. This apartment needs a complete interior make-over and I think you are the one to do that."

Kazuya grinned. "Did you talk to the agency already?"

Nakamaru nodded. "Yes. They said it wouldn't be a problem."

"Well, then", Kazuya said. "This is not a problem."

"I want you to make a concept. Or rather, a few concepts."

Kazuya frowned slightly, looking around the room they were in. "Any preferences?"

Nakamaru shrugged.

"Well, you should know what you would like in your flat", Kazuya commented.

Nakamaru laughed lightly. "This is not my flat. I'm just the assistant."

"Okay", Kazuya murmured. "And doesn't your boss have any preferences?"

Nakamaru shrugged. "No. He says he wants to have the concepts. He will decide based on that."

Kazuya sighed. "What a troublesome person."

"Well, you can reject the offer, of course. I would understand."

Kazuya thought about it for a moment. "Give me three days. I'll hand in different concepts by Monday."

Delighted, Nakamaru held out his hand. "I'm happy to hear that."

Kazuya took it and returned the smile. "Your boss won't be less happy to have picked me."

Jin frowned, as he looked at the concepts on Monday evening.

"What is this?" He put them down again and looked at Nakamaru.

"Concepts for the interior design of your flat."

Jin looked out of the window of the small studio he was working in. "They are all not what I've expected."

Nakamaru frowned at him. "You don't like them?!"

Jin shrugged. "They are not what I want", he agreed. "Couldn't you find a decent interior designer?"

Nakamaru blinked at him. "I thought I did, Jin. I really don't see your problem. These concepts are all amazing."

"But not one hits the nail."

"Well", Nakamaru just said, "you'll have to make a concept yourself, if you want it to look the way you imagined it."

Jin turned to him and gave him an indignant look. "Thanks for the advice."

"So, do you want me to hire someone else?"

For a moment, Jin pursed his lips, as he was thinking. "No, ask them to make more concepts until Friday. If they can't come up with one that hits my taste, I will look for someone else myself."

"Seriously, Jin", Nakamaru approached him. "What's gotten into you lately? What's that attitude?"

Jin had no idea himself. He just had the feeling that everything was wrong; that nothing was good enough.

Somehow, his life didn't feel complete.

"Nothing", he answered. "I'll have to live in that place, so I just want it to look good."

Nakamaru sighed and turned. "I'll let them know. But, Jin", he said, as he stood at the door, "whatever it is that bugs you so much, get over it already. Your moods are unbearable."

Jin pressed his lips together, as Nakamaru left and stared at the tune table in front of him.

He had made it so far. He lived his dream.

With seventeen, he had left that place that had held no future for him and had come to Tokyo to sell his music. And people loved his music. They listened to him, to the words he had to say. They put up huge posters of him in Shibuya, invited him to their TV shows, he played concerts at the Tokyo Dome.

There was not a thing he hadn't reached.

And yet, lately, he just felt so dissatisfied.

Jin couldn't point out what it was exactly, but something had gone wrong.

Kazuya, he thought and a smile traced his lips. He liked to tell himself that it was Kazuya. He had never found out where that love would have led.

They had broken up without really wanting to; it hadn't been because their love had stopped.

Jin wondered, just sometimes, what it would have been like, where it would have led them.

But, he also knew that thinking of Kazuya was just a lame excuse for his dissatisfaction he felt now. Kazuya had nothing to do with it - after all, ten years had passed.

It hadn't really felt like a break-up, though, Jin thought and tilted his head back, staring at the ceiling.

A break-up just didn't end in the words I love you.

Kazuya turned, as Nakamaru came into the flat.

He had given Kazuya a key, when they had started the project and it had turned out to be a good decision.

Kazuya sat on the floor of what would be a bed room at some point and stared at the walls, uncountable samples of wallpapers around him.

"Kamenashi-san, are you busy?"

Kazuya shrugged. "I'm thinking over my concepts." He got up. "Which one did you decide for?"

Nakamaru put on a smile. "How about we have lunch together?"

Blinking his eyes, Kazuya tilted his head. "Now?"

Nakamaru nodded. "Yeah, if you're free."

Sensing that something was going on, Kazuya nodded. "Okay, sure."

He followed Nakamaru out of the flat and they picked a restaurant not far from it. They were shown to a free table in a corner and sat down.

"The concepts", Nakamaru started, "they have all been rejected."

Kazuya raised a brow.

"Listen, I really think they were all great. But,-" Nakamaru sighed and shrugged. "He said he wants to see more until Friday."

Leaning back, Kazuya pursed his lips in a small smile. "He wants that, huh?" Shaking his head, he laughed slightly. "Who does he think he is?"

Nakamaru lowered his look and Kazuya frowned.

"Wait", he said then and leaned in again. "Actually, who is he?"

"That doesn't matter."

Kazuya frowned deeper. "Oh my God, I made all these stylish and fresh designs and it's a politician? Some minister?"

Nakamaru gave him such a surprised and confused look that Kazuya knew he was far off.

A waitress brought them water and Kazuya ordered something to eat, waited then, until Nakamaru had made his order, too and the waitress was gone again.

"I can't tell you, Kamenashi", Nakamaru said politely. "So, please, don't ask any further."

Kazuya leaned back again, an indignant look on his face. "Well, there aren't many options left. It has to be someone famous."

Nakamaru just shrugged and looked out of the window.

"It would be much easier to make a design for someone I know at least a bit."

"I can't say a word about him, though", Nakamaru answered. "I'm sorry."

Kazuya rolled his eyes and shrugged then. "Well, whatever. I don't really care. But that guy does have some guts to ask for more concepts."

"I know. He's been acting strange lately." Nakamaru looked worried. "I have really no idea what's gotten into him."

Kazuya didn't answer that. Apparently, Nakamaru worked for quite a snobbish celebrity and Kazuya didn't envy him for his job, at all.

Later, when he was on his way back to the agency, he stood at a train station and stared at the poster across the rails.

Jin's face was on it - an ad for some chewing gum - and Kazuya thought just how different he looked.

Jin's face had become a part of his memory; although, over all these years, he had seen it again and again. He had watched Jin change, grow into a man. But still, when he thought of Jin, it was the seventeen-year-old boy that Kazuya pictured in his head.

He was, indeed, handsome. His face was still pretty, his hair still dark and slightly curled at the tips. His eyes were fierce, his lips -

Kazuya turned his look and saw the train coming.

He rather shouldn't think of Jin's lips. Those lips had been all over Kazuya's body, had touched every inch.

Jin had seen him like no one else had ever seen Kazuya. He knew a part of Kazuya that he had locked away, after Jin had left him.

Kazuya sat down and caught another glimpse of the poster through the window, before the train moved.

That person in that poster was a stranger to him and yet, Jin probably was the one who knew Kazuya best.

It was Friday night and Kazuya had asked Ueda to join him for dinner, because one of his concepts had been chosen, after all.

Nakamaru had called him earlier this evening to tell him that they would start working in the flat on Monday, as his boss had decided for one of the designs.

Kazuya hadn't wanted to hand in that concept at first, as it was exactly the one he would have chosen, if the flat would have been his. The concept chowed how he would design it for himself and he had to admit, there were a lot of personal components in that concept.

He didn't really like the feeling of having someone else live in that flat, when it would hold so much of Kazuya, but he also knew that he shouldn't complain.

After all, he had ensured the project for the agency and as he had found now, there was a lot of money involved.

Kazuya had taken Ueda to one of his favourite restaurants and frowned, as he walked in.

"What is going on here tonight?" Ueda tilted his head, too.

A waiter came and greeted them. "Good evening. Did you reserve a seat?"

Kazuya shook his head. "No, I didn't."

"Is it for two, then?" The waiter showed them to a table and handed them the menus.

Kazuya looked around the room. There were a lot of people tonight and most of them were girls in their early twenties. And outside, there were several groups of people, as well. Some of them had cameras and looked like reporters to Kazuya.

The waiter came back to serve them water and Ueda leaned in to him. "What is going on here tonight?"

The waiter smiled slightly. "We have a celebrity dining at one of the back room tonight."

Ueda and Kazuya both nodded at that and Kazuya laughed, as the waiter left again.

"So, that's why there are so many girls."

Ueda grinned, too. "We should take the opportunity and try to hook up with some of them."

"This definitely is a good opportunity", Kazuya agreed. "I wonder who it is."

"Some idol, maybe", Ueda said. "Since it's just young girls, it has to be a male idol."

Kazuya nodded in agreement and thought of Jin for a moment. No, that would be too much of a coincidence.

"So, what did that guy say? Did he take the concept as you made it or did he want anything changed?" Ueda sipped from his water.

Kazuya shook his head. "He decided for one and wants it exactly the way I made the concept. No changes."

"That's quite good." Ueda smiled slightly. "And for you, it's much easier."

"Well, I already had enough of a hard time to even get him to accept one of my ideas."

"He didn't seem like a complicated person, when he was in the agency last time, though", Ueda noted.

"That's because he isn't the costumer", Kazuya cleared up. "He is just the assistant of some high-ranked guy."

Ueda frowned, but nodded. "Doesn't sound like that guy was easy to handle."

"Not at all." Kazuya shrugged. "Whatever. What are your plans for the weekend?"

Ueda just wanted to answer, as a murmur got through the room and all those girls turned to look at a door that was just opened.

Ueda and Kazuya turned their heads, too, looking over.

"Ah", Ueda said, as a man appeared and walked to the exit. The girls got all excited.

Kazuya gave Ueda an asking look.

"I know him", Ueda said.

Kazuya nodded. "Yes, it's Yamashita Tomohisa", he said. "Everyone knows that guy."

He was a singer, too. But he was doing the acting and what else that came additional to being an idol, too. He was one of those celebrities one just couldn't miss out.

"No", Ueda pointed out. "We were friends during high school."

Kazuya stared at him for a moment. "What?"

Ueda looked after Yamashita and smiled. "We were in the same class during high school and neighbours. We were best friends."

Kazuya leaned back and laughed. "I never thought I'd come across such a story again."

Ueda blinked his eyes and looked at Kazuya. "What?"

Leaning in again, Kazuya took his glass of water. "Do you know Akanishi Jin?"

Ueda shrugged. "Yeah, he is one of those singers, too."

Kazuya nodded. "He's been my best friend during middle school."

Ueda grinned. "You're lying now."

Kazuya shook his head. "No, really. We were best friends."

They both turned, as the girls suddenly got excited again. Yamashita had come back in and he had taken off his sunglasses.

Spotting them, he approached their table.

"Tatsuya", he said, as he got to them. "I saw you, when I wanted to get into my car outside."

Ueda got up and smiled. "I didn't think you'd recognise me."

Yamashita pouted slightly. "How would I not recognise you?" He threw a short glance at Kazuya. "Have you guys ordered yet?"

Ueda shook his head. "No, we just came in."

"Come on, I'll take you out for a few drinks", Yamashita said. "It's so good to see you again; we have to catch up a lot."

Ueda threw Kazuya a look.

"Go ahead", Kazuya said. "You should not reject an offer from an old friend."

Yamashita smiled. "He's right. But, please, come along, too. If you're a friend of Tatsuya, then, you should come, too."

"Alright", Ueda said and took his jacket and belongings. "Thanks."

Yamashita smiled happily and walked ahead and Kazuya gripped Ueda's arm, as he followed. All those girls were suddenly staring at them.

"I am not going. That's ridiculous."

"He just invited you, Kame. You can't reject this." Ueda pulled him along. "Come on now. They're all staring."

Kazuya followed Ueda out and as he sat in the back of Yamashita's car, he really had no idea how he had gotten into this situation.

Ueda sat next to him and he and Yamashita were already involved in a conversation.

This was how it was supposed to be, when you met a friend from school, Kazuya thought. Especially, when that person had been your best friend.

Kazuya couldn't even imagine what meeting Jin would be like. Later on, he had had other friends and meeting them wouldn't be awkward in any way. But with Jin, he wouldn't know how to act.

"That's my friend, Kamenashi Kazuya, by the way", Ueda suddenly said and turned to Kazuya for a moment. "We're working together."

"I'm sorry for the change in plans, Kamenashi", Yamashita said with a smile. "I hope you don't mind."

Kazuya shook his head. "It's alright."

Yamashita pulled to car to a hold and turned to them. "It's my favourite club, Tatsuya. You'll like it for sure."

They went inside and Kazuya thought that never before in his life he had been in a place like this.

It was small, narrow. There was just a small floor in front of a bar. At the back of the room was a small platform, a few steps were leading up to it. There were several couches and by now, just a few people sitting there.

Yamashita didn't even ask anyone, he just approached the platform and picked one of the couches. Ueda and Kazuya joined him.

"You have to tell me everything you did", Yamashita said to Ueda, as someone approached them and put a bottle of champagne to their table.

Ueda laughed. "I guess my life wasn't half as exciting as yours so far."

Kazuya listened to them for a while and was surprised by how many things he had not yet known about Ueda.

Yamashita was interested and asked a lot of things. He might was a celebrity, Kazuya thought, but right here, he was just a normal guy who met an old friend and was interested in his story.

He did have the looks for the idol-job. Kazuya watched him for a moment and noticed the dark hair had a brown glimmer, his eyes weren't as dark and he had a very unique face.

"Really?" Yamashita suddenly tensed. "We should have met a little earlier!"

Ueda tilted his head and frowned slightly.

"I have a friend who just bought a flat and was looking for an interior designer to work with. But now, he already has someone."

Ueda laughed. "Kazuya and I are both quite busy at the moment, anyway."

Later on that night, Kazuya excused himself. He bowed to Yamashita and thanked him, before he left the club.

It had been a nice evening. Ueda's friend was nice and Kazuya hadn't felt unnecessary at all, but he thought that he should leave them some time to themselves, too.

He left the club and noticed, it was already past 1am, so he hurried to get a train back home.

Several weeks later, Kazuya stood in the office room of the flat he was working at and stared at the windows.

The walls already had colours by now and looked nice in a beige shade, one side was dark brown and had a golden pattern.

They had placed a huge mahogany working desk in front of it and Kazuya had found a fitting dresser.

For the floor, they had decided on dark wood, too and in a corner, Kazuya had placed a creme coloured couch. He was still looking for a table and cushions that would fit his concept, but he knew where he could get those.

Now, he was staring at the windows, trying to figure out what was wrong.

"They need a pattern", Kazuya said then and turned to one of the assistants. "I need those with a brown pattern to fit the furniture."

The boy noted what Kazuya had said and rushed off then.

Other than that, this room was almost done, too. He had finished the bed room last week already and the bathroom had been easy, as well. A few craftsmen were still working in there, but he didn't really have work in there anymore.

The living room was done, too and the kitchen had been finished first.

It had just taken about four weeks and over these four weeks, he hadn't had as much contact with anyone else but Nakamaru.

He had come by every day so far to see how it was going and to take pictures. He was always excited for everything they had done and Kazuya had really enjoyed working with him.

His boss hadn't interfered for a single time and Kazuya had to consider himself lucky for that.

Now, he heard Nakamaru's voice from the floor and opened the door to check on him.

"Careful, guys. Bring it to the office, please."

Kazuya frowned, as two men carried in a huge, slim package.

"What is that?" Kazuya gave Nakamaru a sceptical look.

"A painting. He wants it in here."

Kazuya closed his eyes. "Didn't you say he'd let me pick all paintings? They should fit the concept."

Nakamaru shrugged. "He bought it a few days ago and said, it has to get in here by all means."

"Great", Kazuya mumbled and removed the package.

He stepped back, as the two men held it for him and Nakamaru stepped next to him to have a look at it, too.

It showed a clear, blue sky that was painted in red, pink and yellow colours. The water mirrored it and a small bit of land was visible.

A golden haze lay over the scenery.

Kazuya stared at it, felt his heart drop.

"Well, the gold fits the room, don't you think?" Nakamaru threw him a look and frowned, as he saw Kazuya's face. "Kamenashi?"

"Where did he get this", Kazuya just asked.

"I have no idea", Nakamaru said with a shrug. "Why?"

"I know that place", Kazuya said. "I've seen this."

"Funny. He said it shows a place from his home", Nakamaru said. "I don't think many people have been there."

Kazuya managed a small smile. "No, I bet not many people have seen this for real."

"Where should we put it?"

Kazuya still stared at the picture and didn't react.

"Kamenashi?" Nakamaru frowned. "Where should it go?"

"It's Jin", Kazuya said and kept staring at the picture. "It's Jin, isn't it?"

Nakamaru stared at him for a moment. "What? How do you know?"

Suddenly, Kazuya felt a heavy sadness in his chest, but at the same time, he hadn't been as calm in a long while.

"It's the picture. That place", he said. "We've been there together."

Nakamaru stepped closer. "You know him?"

Nodding, Kazuya turned and pointed at a wall for the two men to hold it up, so he could check it's presence in that place. "Not anymore", he just answered, without looking at Nakamaru. "I used to know him, when we were kids."

Nakamaru just kept staring at him and Kazuya nodded to the men, gesturing for them to get the picture into that place.

Kazuya smiled slightly, before he turned away.

"This room is done", he said then. "It's just the curtains missing, but they'll be delivered tomorrow."

Nakamaru followed him. Kazuya pressed his lips together and tried to ignore the throbbing pain in his chest.

He'd been working for Jin all this time. Everything he had done in here; it would be Jin's.

That feeling just hurt badly and he wanted to turn and run away to never come back. But he also knew that it was childish and that he had to finish this.

"Would you like to see the bedroom? We're done there, too."

Part 4
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