Coco hates water.

Feb 01, 2006 15:52

Coco hates water. She hates it outside in the rain, wont play with it in a drain. Won’t go swimming in a river or pool. I take her to Dog Town Grooming in Dog town to get her a bath, nails done and orifices cleaned out. She likes Dog town and always comes out tail wagging all clean and good smelling. That way I am not the bad guy.

Some times I don’t have the time to take her there and I have to wash her myself. wooferstl has pic’s of the last time we did this. Getting that bitch into the bathtub is too funny for words. She fights me every time by going sort of limp in a stiff spread out sort of way. Then when she is in the tub she looks at me like I have just mortally wounded her. This is one of the few times I have to stiffen my hart against her. When I am really lucky I can talk Woofer into giving her a bath. I hate being the bad guy.

As you know she just had her ear and ass worked on. Coco was in this short Victorian collar for two weeks.I bought her a new water and food dispenser at Cost Co. much like this one.

So when Coco got back from her little stay at the Vets. She could get to all the food and water she wants. No fuss no muss. Except… late one night around 2:00am Woofer and I are in his office, he is reading blogs and what not, I am witching some stupid Sci Fi thing on TV, when what do our wondering ears hear? Why the splash of water from the bathroom across the hall. Coco NEVER enters into the Bathroom EVER. Could she be drinking out of the TOILET? Ok that just creeps me out. She likes to lick me all over and I know she gives Woofer kisses, yuck!
We thought she could not get to the new water dispenser but I saw her drink from it so I know she can. So why is she not drinking from it?

For the next couple of days I have been shutting the bathroom door!

To day the mystery has been solved. I was in the kitchen studding for my test tomorrow and I see Coco go down stairs to the center landing. I listen to her get a little food then go over to the water thing, I hear “shlerp shlerp shlerp, bloop bloop” and up the stairs Coco comes fast as if something bit her. I about pissed my paints laughing so hard.
Coco is afraid of the water bottle sound when it needs air to fill the tank!
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