Mels B-day

Jan 29, 2006 17:37

The weather outside is great for me. Med to upper 50s and the sun is out. I spent the day with my family playing cards, setting up the new surround sound that Logan, my favorite nephew gave my parents. His mother’s 41st birth anniversary was today. “German Chocolate” cake and ice cream for dissert with “White Castles” for dinner. I lost three dollars in blitz. Called it a day and went home.
There is a line of golf clothing called “ Life is Good” ( ) My Favorite is of the dog hanging out the back of the Jeep all happy and stuff. Some of my most enjoyed moments of last year were of Woofer, Coco and I in the jeep. With no doors and no top on it there is a wonderful free felling about riding around doing really nothing, nothing at all. I think this captures it pretty well.

I just wanted to come home to my home. With all the things I am grateful for. EVERY DAY

P.S. Most loved I am Sorry about what your going to smell tonight. RELLY

life is good

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