crescendo 2.2

Jan 18, 2011 17:30

PREVIOUSLY, the family moved to Redcliffs, ostensibly to get away from the stalkers posing as teenaged boys. I'm onto you, perverts! Degausser did not take the move well, as his physical body didn't make the move along with his ~spirit. Luca, Logan, and Glory sought out sex love. Jude (sob!) and Daisy moved out. Everyone else played video games. And Glory proposed to Silas Whistleblown (sixamsims), which led to a not-very-nice-of-me cliffhanger.

A kiss means yes, right?
lolno, it means "No - butiloveyoubabypleasemakeoutwithme." PSYCH.

Glory took the rejection really hard.
GLORY: Oh, he still loves me, he just doesn't want to rush into things. He's looking out for me! How sweet.
SILAS: She doesn't suspect a thing, right? I'm still good, she's not going to be a tease and then, in an act of revenge, leave me blue-balled, right?

Glory Crescendo does no such thing. Count yourself lucky, Silas. Count yourself lucky.

Despite her happy exterior, I think Glory may have been withholding some of her rage for when Silas left.
GLORY: Take that, game! That's what you get for messing with me!
TAUTOU: B-b-but you just killed me!
GLORY: Like I said, that's what you get!
TAUTOU: We were on the same team!

Luca silently observes this all from the corner.
LUCA: Girls.

Luca Crescendo is judging you.

Glory is all smiles and sanity once again when Silas comes over.
GLORY: Hey, so you're a vegetarian, right? I've always admired that in people.
SILAS: Really? Thanks!
GLORY: Yeah, I really respect your dedication, it's really great.
She is also all sucking up when Silas comes over. And all alliteration. (. . . and again. Some more.)

GLORY: I'm dead-serious, Silas, vegetarianism is hot.
LOGAN: Dead animal, get in my mouth!

Let it be known without a single doubt, vegetarianism is hot.

LOGAN: Hmm, I feel like there's something I meant to do . . . Well, no big deal, I'm sure I'll figure it out soon enough.
Take note, Liam and Luca. Absent-minded =/= mental issues.

GLORY: So, speaking of how hot vegetarianism is . . .
SILAS: Oh wow, I totally did not see this coming!
GLORY: Yes, way to be sneaky, Glory!
LOGAN: Wait. Who is that guy? Maybe what I was going to do had something to do with him?

GLORY: Marry me?
LOGAN: No, I don't know if it had to do with him. What was it? I should probably just stay here until I figure it out; something in this room will probably trigger my memory.

Last one was shiny too, Silas. Just so you know.

GLORY: Shiny, and it's all for you!
LOGAN: Okay, this spot is not helping me remember. I might as well get up now - wait, Glory's boxing me in now. Why would she choose now to box me in, couldn't she see that I was busy using this area to try to remember that which I forgot?

GLORY: Bring it in for a hug!
LOGAN: She's still blocking me, damn it. Okay, just going to ignore this in front of me, going to look away, it's not happening . . .

LOGAN: Physical affection. Awesome.
Well, somebody's bitter that his relationship didn't work out. It's okay, darling, we'll find someone better.

Luckily for Logan, Glory and Silas decided to continue the celebration in the privacy of Glory's room.
GLORY: Our first time having sex as an engaged couple! Isn't this exciting, Silas?
SILAS: Boobs!
Why do I have the feeling that Silas and his future father-in-law are going to get along spectacularly? They have so much in common.

Speaking of his future father-in-law, looks like Liam is back to his old habits of ostracizing any of his children that eschew violent video games/movies in favor of books.
LIAM: Hey, Carolina, on a scale of one to awesome, how much better are video games than books?
CAROLINA: Awesome!
LIAM: That's my girl!
GUERNICA: . . . you both suck.

Also gaming out? Noro.
NORO: Taking down the competition just like I did in the heir poll!
Still full of yourself, I see.

Archer and Logan decided to stretch their brains beyond video games over a game of chess.
ARCHER: I will end you.

LOGAN: You know what, I just came to the revelation that playing against myself is better! For my health, I mean.
Not mentally.

On the deck downstairs, Tautou had progressed to breaking boards. Intensely.
TAUTOU: I will end YOU!

Hey, Silas, having second thoughts about this marriage thing?
SILAS: Maybe a little . . .
Yeah, I suggest you talk to your future father-in-law about that as well.

Seeing his best friend Glory preoccupied with another man, Luca took his frustrations out on the post.
LUCA: She abandoned me! What was I, a place-holder until she found a better man?
. . . Silas is her fiance. You are her brother. Clearly I did not do a good job imparting basic social understanding of romance on the boys of this generation.

And I don't have much hope for this one either.
LIAM: What do we say, son?

DEGAUSSER: Books are for losers! Video games are for winners!
Sorry to cut the bonding short, boys, but you've got a wedding to attend!

The family travels in such style befitting of the leader of the free world.

I think it's really cool how the camera can go into the limo, and snap legible pictures there even. Don't judge.

Let it be noted that Archer is actually wearing appropriate clothing for a change. Photo for posterity!

Yes, Noro, Carolina sure is in your way. *weary sigh*

Why are you two in the washroom? Go greet your guests!

Well, maybe not this one. On a related note, I now fully understand why Glory was hiding in the bathroom.

JUDE! Oh, how I've missed you, darling.
JUDE: Now if I just slide my hand a little lower . . .

With one last look over her shoulder at her beloved brother, Glory heads off to actually get married.

To this dweeb. Glory, are you really sure about this?

Peas in a pod, these two. Glory ♥

SILAS: Yeah, I'm locking down the hottest girl in town! Rock on!

GLORY: Whoo, best wedding vows ever!

LOGAN: One day, that will be me.
That's the spirit!

Also ignoring the ceremony? Noro.
NORO: Nobody sees me, right? Just slipped away, silent as the wind, and nobody has noticed . . .
I noticed, Noro.

NORO: Drat.

Despite everyone deciding stare down Logan, Glory only has eyes for her soon-to-be-husband.
GLORY: From the moment I saw you, I knew you were the one.
LOGAN: It sure is tiring ignoring so many people at once, hot damn.


Omg, Glory, seriously, ilu.

/wedding spam

And good timing for Noro on the ceremony ending, as she comes thisclose to wetting herself. Maybe you shouldn't have spend all your time fishing in that RUNNING WATER, dear?

Silas' CAS shot. That makes it official, he's now a part of the family. Oh, and his skintone is different in this shot that the other Silas shots so far. It was supposed to be this all along, blahblahbobloblawslawblogblah, I have now fixed it. So just pretend he always looks like this, mmkay?

As everyone heads home in Aria's limo, Glory is left to run back to the house in her rather restrictive wedding dress. Well, naturally.

Full-body shot of Glory in her wedding dress. Yes, it's black. I love this dress, and you can't recolor it, so my beautiful and unique snowflake, Glory, got a black wedding dress. Whatever, she's working it.

Upstairs ~honeymoon!

Since I have one happy couple settled, I will now take the time to work on two more. Luca and Logan, you're up!

The boys head to Liquidity, the poolside, beachside club in Redcliffs. Complete with a classy staff! That one guy, he clearly won the lottery in this job with these co-workers and those outfits. Like, seriously.
Other than the staff, let's see if we have any prospects . . .

I'd say yes! Hi, Alice Dubois (gringotts)!

And evil-dancing up a storm is Jacqueline McGuire (siouxpergirl). Well, your fate has already been sealed, hasn't it?

LUCA: So, I'm working my way up to being a superstar athlete, it's totally inevitable-
BOUNCER: Oh, you're such a kidder! MONIEZ PLZ.

Jacqueline, on the other hand, took advantage of the bouncer being distracted by Luca and snuck in because she is BAD. ASS.

She soon joined Luca in the hot tub. Without her clothes. To which Luca's reaction was, and I kid you not, excited applause. Oh, Luca. ♥
Photobucket, if you delete this, imma cut a bitch. YOU WILL BE THAT BITCH.

Luca immediately tore his clothes off as well.
JACQUELINE: Now it's a party!

Now fully naked, Luca decides to make a move.

Look at her, getting lost in those big blue-green eyes of his. The otp begins again.
Best new interaction, y/y?


Logan inexplicably decided to follow his older brother outside.
LOGAN: Ow, my whole brain is crying.

He immediately high-tailed it back inside. Smart move, Logan. Smart move.

I guess the horror of seeing his older brother hooking up in a hot tub made Logan want to get really, really drunk.
LOGAN: I just can't unsee it . . .

He did make his way outside, and proceeded to be really, really drunk. All according to plan, then.
LOGAN: Aneye wuz lyke, WHOA, ur nekkid! Aaaah, aaah!

ALICE: And then what?!
I saw you rambling aimlessly to the bartender, fellow drunkard.

LOGAN: I feel like I'll never be pure again. omg, I lost that part of me! It's gone forever!
You lost your purity long ago, darling.

LOGAN: Aw, you understand.

LOGAN: Your hair smells nice. Ahhhh.
BARTENDER: The hell is that kid doing?
Apparently he's going for his "first" kiss, bartender. Yeah. idk either.

He at least figured out the logistics of it, anyway.

LOGAN: Now, waitasec, I've an idea!

Look at that earnest, 100% sober face!

Clearly a well thought-out plan on both their parts. But no matter, ENGAGEMENT! :DDD

Oh, and another legacy staple, especially for the spares: a quickie wedding. But in a bar. Did I just out-class all of you? I believe I did.

I wasn't up for sending them on a real honeymoon, so Logan and Alice went the The Little Dojo, which is conveniently next door to the Crescendo household.
Logan found Jacqueline and proceeded to pout at her for at least a good sim!hour or two. Logan. Seriously, dude. Find something better to do.

He decided to call his brother, telling him exactly who he found hanging out there. Luca came running over immediately, apparently deciding that this one wouldn't be just another one-night stand. I think he's maturing. *tear*

In fact, he had one thing in mind for this visit.
GUY IN BACKGROUND: A proposal here, in front of me? Um, this is kind of awkward . . .

Dearest Jacqueline, wtf? YOU KEPT TRYING TO KISS LUCA WITHIN MINUTES OF MEETING HIM. Oh, and YOU SKINNY DIPPED WITH HIM IMMEDIATELY. AND THEN SOME. Are all of my would-be spouses trying to force me to get this exact shot of every Crescendo child? Did Logan only escape it because Alice was also really, really hyped up on "juice?" What is this life?

< /3 forever

Logan isn't too bothered by his older brother's heartbreak; he's too busy being a total martial arts bamf.


After a brief period of meditation, Logan's ready to continue being bad ass.

Alice autonomously decided to skill up her martial arts too. Doesn't she look just thrilled?

Quick autonomous make-out session before the newlyweds get backing to BAMFing up The Little Dojo. The fact that they do clearly love each other makes my conscience all sorts of relieved about their drunk-ass classy nuptials.

Take two is a go. So much so that Jacqueline jumps up and down in excitement. Again, I feel the need to remind the happy fiancé(e) that this happiness could have been achieved if you had said yes the first time. *coughcough*silasandjackie*cough*

Adorable quickie wedding. ♥ Okay, you two are free to consummate your relationship again, some more. Please not in a public hot tub this time, though.

Logan and Alice decided to head back to Liquidity to celebrate Luca and Jacqueline's marriage.

Yes, in their martial arts clothes. Well, why not? XD

The next morning begins with an ominous sort of start: one last shot of Luca wandering around in his underwear . . .

LUCA: Well, shit. There doesn't seem to be any available real estate out there.
You'll have to just stay here forever!!!
No, jk, you'll have to just turn on the computer.

Good-bye, Luca, my sweet prince.
Oh, and yes, Logan, Alice, and Jacqueline all moved out with him, though Logan was at work at the moment. What do you mean, did I plan it that way? It's not like I would've backed out had I seen Logan leav-
Let's not even finish that thought because we all know it's a dirty lie.

With Luca's exit, Silas has stepped up to make breakfast. However, as he is not a heavily-muscled man in skimpy underwear, it doesn't quite have the same effect.
SILAS: Doing my best here, a bit of recognition would be nice.

As you can see, Silas immediately quit the firefighter career to join his true calling as a ghost hunter.
SILAS: Hey, spirit, I'd like to run something by you. You know, I really think you'd be happier in the afterlife, not stuck here in the earthly world. It'd be really helpful to me if you could just, you know, leave?

SILAS: What do you mean you need something in return from me?


I just missed the action, but yes, this is Glory throwing up. Perhaps the spirit made Silas' crotch more potent, if you catch my drift.
Also, I am sooooo glad I moved out Luca, Logan, and their wives when I did - I know Alice was pregnant, either that, or bulimic, given how nauseous she was, and once Jackie moved in for the night, I found that she too was suffering from extreme nausea. Glory, Alice, and Jacqueline all pregnant at once? Can you even imagine? BULLET DODGED.

Noro is not yet worried about pregnancy, although she really should be starting to get worried. This house is potent, I tell ya.
NORO: Oh, video game system, how I love you. +
Yes, I'm pretty certain that it was the video game system Noro was befriending. How can I be so certain?

Because here are her siblings, save Guernica. And let's be honest, if Guernica was in front of the TV, she would be reading a book.

As she has no more toddlers, Aria is finally able to relax like most elders. Witness ~serene, painting Aria once more.

Not so serene? Glory, who is running through doors in her haste to get to the toilet.

It seems like the Crescendo women have really tough first trimesters. I don't know why; the wife in my other game literally threw up twice over the course of her three pregnancies.

Silas is both sympathetic and empathetic to his wife's predicament. Either that, or the potent spirit really had its way with him. Which, I suppose, would still serve to make Silas empathize with Glory, even more so.
. . .
No, I'm totally kidding. I forgot Silas was a vegetarian, and he ate some meat. I later discovered that despite a tomato being the only ingredient, spaghetti is not vegetarian-friendly in this game. Bastardly EA.

And we end, not with a fizzle but with a POP.

NEXT TIME, 'sup, generation three? And, with any luck, 'sup generation two birthdays?

generation: two, legacy: crescendo, !sims

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