crescendo 2.3

Jan 22, 2011 11:09

PREVIOUSLY, Glory and Silas (sixamsims) got engaged, and then married. Luca and Logan finally moved out, much to my consternation, but not before marrying Jacqueline McGuire (siouxpergirl) and Alice Dubois (gringotts), respectively. Everyone else, save Guernica, continued their love affairs with the video game system. Oh, and minor happening: Glory became pregnant.

Silas celebrates the news of Glory's pregnancy by busting a move in Aria and Liam's room before heading off to work.

SILAS: I'm coming for you, spirits. *smirk*

I think Silas likes this whole ghost-hunting business better when there's something between the spirit and his most private parts.

Glory takes advantage of the pregnancy to treat her near-perfect body to some pie. Completely normal idea, right? Now, for a look into a completely NOT normal idea, I turn to Archer.

ARCHER: Don't you dare send me to school! My soul is forcefully sucked out of my body for the day, and then put back together in the most painful way possible, save for a piece they keep to make me less than whole, and then-

TAUTOU: Bitch, please.

Archer did eventually make it to school, leaving Liam able to relax in his currently-quiet house. For much of his life, he did not have the time to fulfill his wants of reading x-amount of books, though I did get him to reach his LTW of Professional Author, so at this point, he can go nuts with the reading. I think everyone is pretty self-sufficient. Well, kind of.

It's never quiet for long in this house though, as the kids arrive home in a rabid pack. Oh, and Archer's soul, corrupt as it is, is included in that pack. Along with a house guest, a townie boy named Riley Mayer.

TAUTOU: Yeah . . . This isn't going to work out . . .
She took one look at him, and headed back into the house. I think that's a pretty clear message.

Aw, triplet bonding. ♥ Despite being the most socially-inept set, Noro, Tautou, and Archer are also the twinniest tripletiest. (That is not at all a word. Roll with it.)

More triplet bonding!

Well, kind of.
DEGAUSSER: It's okay, I'll drown my sorrows in this pie.
That is a dangerous game you are playing, Degausser. A dangerous game.

Silas works graveyard shifts (I'm so punny!), a schedule which Glory has adjusted to. Hence, video games with her teenaged clone while inappropriately attired! What else is a girl to do?

While Glory insists on waiting up for her husband, it looks like someone else would like to get it up with him as well, if you catch my drift and I think you do.
SILAS: I'll have this spirit banished in no time, ma'am!
STORY: Oh, take your time, no hurry. What I wouldn't do to have this man in my kitchen permanently. I mean, SWOON.
May I point your attention to the fact that Story broke it off with darling Logan, got knocked up by some random townie, and is now swooning over Silas? Calm down, girl.

SILAS: Well, looks like my work here is done.
SILAS: . . . That wasn't a joke?

SILAS: But hey, do you wanna hear a joke, because I've got a really good one! Why don't seagulls fly over the bay?
Go home, Silas!

Home to your very pregnant wife who is doing something that looks very dangerous to your spawn.
GLORY: Gotta keep my body in tiptop shape. That's the way to keep a man, you know.
Or maybe, just maybe, you could keep him with your winning personality and your safely-delivered baby? Just a thought.

GLORY: Oomph, I think I sprained something.
Ten bucks says it was just the baby kicking.

While Glory's killing her unborn child on the porch, I found Carolina autonomously and sneakily cleaning the shower. Who needs a maid when you have a neat sim in the house? What do you mean, "child labor?"

In a much more disconcerting development, Archer finds the martial arts post.
ARCHER: It's you and me, post. One of us is going down. And it's not going to be me.
Oh, I think it might.

Her belly doesn't look too huge from this angle, does it?

PSYCH, it totally is. Really, though, I just love the pregnant waddle. Adorable!

ARIA: Reading books when the tv is right there? These are no children of mine.

SILAS: Glory, honey? Um, what are you doing?
GLORY: *rises gracefully*


GLORY: Okay, that is definitely not me spraining something.
That's right, it's labor-time!

Glory happened to walk out the front door, in labor, just as Noro and Archer were arriving home from school. Um, welcome home, girls?

NORO: Oh my God, what is this?! I can't even . . . Oh, God!
You can thank my wonderful readers for the fact that you too will be going through this, Noro. You're welcome.

What the - are you kidding me with this?! Seriously? Okay, now I can't even.
GLORY: Let's not talk about this.

Okay, seriously, someone answer me this - are triplets genetic in this game or are the odds just really, really skewed in my favor? There is no excuse behind this - I mean, I know that there is a tiny chance that you will get triplets randomly, and I suppose it's possible that the babies born in the town due to Story Progression were all single births/twins, leaving me with the triplets, but this is getting ridiculous.

Anyway. Triplets. One boy, Zephyrus, and two girls, Sunday and Emma Kate (that song is, surprisingly enough, not on Youtube. I have broken the interwebz). Zephyrus is an easily impressed couch potato, while his sisters are athletic and eccentric, and neurotic and good, respectively.

Back at the house, everyone carries on normally, unaware of how their lives just got fucked over once again. Degausser is listening patiently to Peverell Mayer, the younger brother of Riley, who so charmed Tautou. I think we may have finally found a family more lacking in social skills than the Crescendos.

Heeeeeey, Guernica . . . When did you morph into Carolina, the autonomous cleaner, on me?

ARCHER: Okay, game, one of us is going down, and it's not going to be me.
I'm still convinced it will be, no matter the competition.

Hey, Aria, who are you talking to that gave you such a smile on your face?

ARIA: That guy!
Oh, LOGAN! :DDD forever. Please, Story Progression, be gentle.

LIAM: "You're done having kids," she says. "No more kids for you," she says. Not a word about grandchildren.
Um, hello, Mr. I-Just-Rolled-The-Want-To-Have-Twenty-Grandchildren? YOU JUST ROLLED THE WANT TO HAVE TWENTY GRANDCHILDREN.

Aria has a more optimistic outlook on the situation, although it still quite clearly concerns her.
ARIA: Well, I do love grandchildren, but triplets? This may be a bit much - I suppose we'll just have to make the best of it.
Story of this legacy, tbh.

Know what the best part about triplets is? Even with the grandparents taking care of two of them, there's still a third one whose cries call for her mother.
P.S. How cute is Silas here, dreaming of a promotion? Aww.

Glory is a pretty great mom though. You wouldn't think that would come as any sort of surprise, given her six younger siblings, but I don't recall Glory being a huge help in the constant baby-rearing. Luca, yes, much to his great distress/breakdowns, but Glory, not so much. No matter, she's making up for it now.

Here is Silas trying to prove to me that he is full of just as much win as his wife.

What seems to be the issue?

Oh. So, not as much win as your wife, then?

Know what DOES have a lot of win? The trampoline animations. Proof:

Oh, good God, the spam I could post . . . I could seriously do a whole update of trampoline spam, I have enough pictures. MORE OF WHICH ARE COMING. What's that, there exists something called self-restraint?

Archer vetoed the trampoline action with her triplet sisters in favor of . . . getting her ass whupped by Guernica, it would seem.
GUERNICA: And BOOM. Muahahaha.
ARCHER: . . . *is devoid of all hope*
CAROLINA: So immature.
You're just jealous that you're not playing.

CAROLINA: This is boring - off to do my homework!
WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DID YOU DO WITH THE REAL CAROLINA?! No, seriously, I think Carolina and Guernica are effing with me - between Guernica's gaming and cleaning and now this from Carolina, there are some major role reversals going on.

Okay, that is more like it. Welcome back to your life, Carolina!

Looks like Noro introduced someone else to the crack that is the trampoline.

NORO: I can fly! Come ooooonnnnn, fly!

Well, I did warn you of the trampoline spam, did I not?
P.S. Noro ilu

Whose door could Glory be knocking on, why, I wonder?

JUDE! Who of course wastes no time in enveloping his sister in a hug that I assume is inappropriate. I mean, despite the fact that Jude is now married with a child - DID I TELL YOU ABOUT HOW MUCH FUN STORY PROGRESSION HAD WITH JUDE? - you can't just expect him to forget his true love sister.

So, Jude vs. Story Progression. Within, well, not long after him moving out of the house, I was filled in, via pop-up, that Jude had knocked up a townie. And was quite "dazed" about the fact. Oh, Jude, you scamp. Then, probably about one sim-hour later, another such pop-up advised me of Jude's shotgun wedding. YES IT USED THE TERM SHOTGUN WEDDING. This is the silver lining of Jude not staying in the house, let me tell you. ilu Jude

Glory immediately begins tending to Jude's very stinky toddler, who is named Marcie, and I have a CAS shot for you in just a moment.

JUDE: Wait, so you actually have to change the diaper? Mind blown.

And here is Marcie, who looks cute so far. If you can't guess, pretty much all she's got so far from Jude is his eyes. His glorious, wonderful eyes.

Oh, look who just arrived, strutting in like she owns the place?
. . . Right. She does, along with Jude and his wife, whose townie name I cannot remember.

Daisy immediately goes about trying to ruin her siblings' happiness. As she does.
DAISY: Bonding? No, no, no, NO!
GLORY: How is it possible that she is even WORSE than I remembered?

Both Glory and Jude have some major O_o action going on towards Daisy. Well, kind of a side-eye O_o and I totally understand where they've coming from.

Jude's wife arrived home, looking pretty exasperated with the lack of actual toddler-rearing her husband had done in her absence. Hey, lady, first of all, Jude has done enough toddler-rearing for a lifetime, thankyouverymuch, and second, can you really be surprised after rushing into this marriage? Shotgun wedding, holla!

Oh, look, Glory and Daisy finally found something to bond over - a mutual judgment of Jude's wife. No, really, their backs are directly to her as they gossip.
GLORY: I heard she got knocked up before they married.
DAISY: It was totally a shotgun marriage, I swear.
GLORY: How pathetic! I would never get knocked up before marriage, and even if I did, I wouldn't do a shotgun wedding because of it - how tacky.
No, Glory didn't get knocked up before marriage, but not for lack of trying. She refused to get pregnant until she and Silas had actually tied the knot. ~standards~

Oh, look, Silas is home from work! What could he be eating, you ask?

Mmm, peanut butter and key lime sandwich pie, delicious.

In other news, the trampoline is getting a lot of autonomous use and just making me spam you. It's the trampoline, I tell you! I have nothing to do with it! . . . Ah, all right then, I'll just get on with it.

Look who else autonomously jumps on the trampoline too now! (I promise, I'm almost done with the trampoline spam. Really.)

And here are Degausser's sister. What sticks in the mud! Can you tell which one is a bookworm and which one is neat? It's really hard to guess.

Later that evening, the triplets do take some time to bond.

DEGAUSSER: When I grow up, I want to be one of those people who dresses mannequin. I mean, you never really think about it, but what a cool job that would be right?
CAROLINA: Um . . .
GUERNICA: *ignores*

CAROLINA: Oh, like an actual man? Well then: +
GUERNICA: *ignores*

Oh, enough of that conversation - what time is it, Geoffrey Peterson?

ARCHER: Yay, I love birthdays!

I'm sorry, triplets, Archer will be the only one celebrating your birthdays. Everyone else has better things to do. Observe:

Thank you, Tautou, for introducing your mother to the trampoline. Also, Aria, YOU'RE GOING TO BREAK YOUR BACK! I don't think elders should be bouncing that high . . . or anyone, for that matter.

LUCA! Still sexy, I see.

Still besties with Glory, I see. ♥

Silas is busting a move in that old Crescendo hotspot, Aria and Liam's bedroom.

You are exactly what I look for in spouses, Silas. :DDD indeed

Oh, right, there was something going on that I, unlike the rest of the family, did not mean to ignore.

Stunning, flawless, fierce, etc.

Degausser rolled natural cook. Okay then. He still looks a lot like Logan, except his eyes actually make genetic sense. And yes, I still want to go back to my old save file and play until I get original!Degausser back. I'm curious, okay?!

:o Despite your new childish trait, I repeat: :o Save for her coloring, she is facially Noro. Except with Liam's eye shape. WHICH I LOVE. Hot damn, Guernica.

Glory and Tautou, some more, again. Though skinnier - hello there, my anorexic little muffin. I do really like her traits together too.

This shot, I feel, accentuates the differences between Guernica and Carolina: Guernica dreams of trash while Carolina dreams of a shiny new house. One of you is going places in life.

Attack of the ginger children! Run for your lives!
Funny, isn't it, how the one blonde teen is not standing around looking like a doofus. Noro Crescendo, breaker of stereotypes.

Hi, Riley. Happy to see you and your social failboat back on the premises. Archer dearly wants her first kiss and she and Riley are both messes so in my mind, they are meant to be.

Archer, however, is full of even too much mess to deal with Riley, and quickly runs into the house to freak out while wearing her bathing suit. As you do.
ARCHER: What do you do now, Archer? Go outside, stay in here - I'm torn! Dilemma - FREAK OUT!

Silas, on the other hand, has no such dilemmas, and is back to dancing in Aria and Liam's room.
SILAS: Raise the roof!

He has absolutely no shame in this, as his mother-in-law is in the room with him, studiously ignoring him.
ARIA: Hmm, one of us being productive painting masterpieces, the other dancing . . . Hmm.
ARIA: Well, I suppose he is inspiring for my paintings.
There's that friendly trait.

Tautou really loves martial arts.
TAUTOU: Face still a stone, body still a lotus.

DEGAUSSER: Face full of tears, body a lump.
I am sorry that your LTW is to master both the athletic and martial arts skills. I can see this will not be an easy path for you.

NORO: Oh, everything's just so lovely in here! Oh, butterflies on the wall, how beautiful you are!

NORO: What is this strange feeling? I feel so strange inside!

BAMF, amirite?
As an aside, since she aged up into this hair in her martial arts outfit, now whenever she practices martial arts, her hair changes to this. Well, at least it kind of fits? And let's face it, it could be a LOT worse.

Let's finish off this absurdly long update with makeover shots!

Noro! She adds adventurous to her traits, and has a LTW that she already reached. Easiest co-heir ever. Very cute, and, fantastically, not overly similar to Glory in a facial sense. No shame over having the two blondes as heirs. She stays.

Tautou! Who is GORGEOUS. I really would've been okay with keeping her and Noro, but Glory was just too cute. Sorry, diversity. Her final trait is schmoozer.

And Archer! Who is really pretty - again, she's very similar to Daisy, who, in turn, is practically a clone of Aria. So that explains how pretty Archer is. I don't know WHERE that LTW came from, but her last trait is party animal, which gives her the best possible, most hilarious array of traits EVER. Bless.

NEXT TIME, good-bye to Tautou and Archer, hello to more toddlers. Joy.

Also, Noro, Tautou, and Archer have been added to the download a Crescendo page at some point today. At which point you can all go wild with them! Well, Archer will probably be the one going wild with you, but you know.

generation: two, legacy: crescendo, !sims

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