heir poll: crescendo generation three

Jun 06, 2011 19:01

Everybody get your voting hats on because it's time for a heir poll! WHO SHALL IT BE?

Shall it be ZEPHYRUS, he of the easily-impressed, couch potato, shy, hopeless romantic, and clumsy traits with an already-completed LTW? And of the smokin' hotness, let's not forget that.

Perhaps the fail-tastic SUNDAY with her traits of athletic, eccentric, inappropriate, never nude, and, of course, loser? She strives to be Physical Perfection because at least then she'd have something going for her.

Or maybe the best genetic mix, EMMA KATE, will sway you with her traits of good, neurotic, lucky, perfectionist, and party animal? She wants to be an International Super Spy just like her mother, aww.

Or will it be sweet little REMEMBER? The resident good, disciplined, shy, eco-friendly, family-oriented sim of the house strives to be a Martial Arts Master.

Or do you cast a vote for ARES and the reign of terror he's sure to bring with him as he strives to become a Creature-Robot Crossbreeder? He's evil (natch), a light sleeper, mean-spirited, and hot-headed, what a treat!

Maybe it'll be BIKO and his internal battle between good and evil, aided by his traits of artistic, loves the outdoors, good sense of humor, and unlucky? Like his big brother, he wants to be a Creature-Robot Crossbreeder.

Or are you just here for the lulz, thus casting a vote for the evil, excitable, cowardly, flirty CHANCE? If she can one day overcome her cowardice, she'd like to become the Emperor of Evil.

Perhaps you won't forget LUNO like her family so often does? You'd think it'd be hard to forget about this genius, neurotic, eccentric, and ambitious sim, and if she keeps up with her dancing exploits, perhaps it'll end up that way.

Or will it be the youngest, CAIN, with his devil-may-care-attitude towards his LTW of becoming Physical Perfection? You can excuse him for being kind of flighty about that with his traits of insane, athletic, daredevil, and hot-headed.

Heir poll will close on Monday, June 13 at exactly, um, whenever I get a chance to close it. Lots of time. So, with all that said, WHO SHALL IT BE?

Poll Crescendo generation three heir poll

heir poll, generation: two, legacy: crescendo, !sims, generation: three

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