crescendo 2.11

Jun 06, 2011 19:00

PREVIOUSLY, havoc, chaos, and discord reigned over the Crescendo household. Chance unwisely picked a fight with Remember, resulting in a thorough ass-kicking, and Ares trolled everyone he could, including unsuspecting forum users and his cousin Bridget. Aria stalked hung out with her younger crush, Ezra, at the fire station, solidifying her cougar status. Emma Kate continued to party on, Wayne, with her cousin Alexis, resulting in Alexis moving in after a heated, erm, discussion with her father Logan. However, they weren't underage for long, as Zephyrus, Sunday, Emma Kate, Remember, and, yes, Alexis all aged into beautiful young adults! Oh, and the usual woohoo happened with Noro and Andrew (samannah) and Glory and Silas (sixamsims), naturally. But not with Chance and her uncle, Silas, though not for lack of her trying. UGH SHE WOULD. But as Harry Zidler is apt to say, ON WITH THE SHOW!

So right where we left things, then.

It cracks me up that this is the reaction to be called a loser.

This seems more applicable, tbqh.
ARES: Bitch.

CHANCE: Clearly I have intimidated you like I intended. MUAHAHAHAHA.
ARES: Don't make eye contact. Obviously she is CRAY-zee.

Um, case in point. So, who called you a loser, Chance?


CHANCE: What the hell is this? I expect this from Ares, but not from you! We're twins! And you're not even evil, so where do you get off acting evil? I can't believe this!

BIKO: Whoa, whoa, easy, Chance. I'm sorry, okay?

BIKO: Calm down. I said I'm sorry, so calm down, that's good . . .

CHANCE: I'll calm down when I bloody well please. Assclown.

BIKO: Oh, so this is the thanks I get for trying to apologize? Real rich calling someone else an assclown, dearest sister.

BIKO: Whatever, I'm over you.

Meanwhile, Aria was invited to a party at Ezra's house. Sadly, the only people there were two of my Sims who aren't Ezra and two children. As pretty as Jessa may be, this is not what we came for.

LAINEY: So, I know Ezra's not here right now and that's probably a disappointment for you, but we'd really like it if you could stick around. I don't want to ruin the surprise, but we're going to play Scrabble. Scrabble!

Needless to say, Aria decided to stalk chill at the fire station instead and up her athletic skill because, well, why not?
ARIA: Nothing to it!

We like what you have on your mind, Ezra. I can definitely work with this!

They proceeded to talk about, and I kid you not, the weather. UM. Clearly the attraction is based on a purely physical level. Can we move it to that level, please?

ARIA: You know, after my husband passed away, I thought I would busy myself with my children and grandchildren, and that I'd be able to satisfy myself that way. But when I met you, I realized that wouldn't be enough. At first I felt like these feelings were disloyal to my late husband, and I tried hard to move past such feelings. I just . . . I want to have some fun, no-strings attached woohoo. Is that so wrong?

EZRA: Oh, that could not be further from wrong, love. You and I, we're of the same heart. Which is madly fluttering. Is yours fluttering too?

While not a direct answer, I'd still say that's a pretty direct answer, if you catch my drift.


You know, the young adults in the house were at a bar - legally! - while Aria was working her charms, so you'd think, if Aria can get some by cougaring it up at the fire station, the kids at the bar would be able to get some too, no?

I see you're right at home, Emma Kate.
EMMA KATE: Yeah, bartender, do you have any drink specials? Great, I'll take four. What do you mean I can only have four ounces of juice in front of me at once?

EMMA KATE: . . . I think the thrill may be gone. How disappointing.

Emma Kate's a few drinks in and these two haven't even made it into the building yet. Sounds about right, really.
REMEMBER: But what if they recognize me, Zeph? My mom's a personal stylist to that gay couple next door, the staff's probably seen her around here - they'll know she's my mom, and they probably saw me here when we were teenagers! Oh, no, what if they tell my mom? I can't go in there, I can't.
ZEPHYRUS: Hey, hey, it's cool, there's a patio right here, I'll get us some drinks and we can chill outside, okay?

ZEPHYRUS: Okay, drinks, I've got this.

ZEPHYRUS: Okay, just look at the menu, there'll be someth- holy, there are a lot of drinks here. Not good.

Zeph took so long to decide that the bar shut down. And being clumsy, he tripped in the dark. Awww. ♥
ZEPHYRUS: Hello? Anybody?

So in answer to the question of "Can the kids get any at the bar?" the answer is a resounding no. In every possible way. Poor dears.

It doesn't end there either, as Sunday promptly passes out in the sunroom in her underwear.
REMEMBER: Oh, this is really awkward to be here for . . . Maybe I'll just pretend I didn't see, it'll be for the best that way.

Alexis didn't quite make it home with her cousins, instead making a pitstop at the hospital where her father, the world-renowned surgeon himself, was just about to head into work.
ALEXIS: Heeeeey, Dad, how's it going?
LOGAN: Alexis. I haven't seen you in a while.
ALEXIS: Yeah, I've kinda been staying with Grandma and everyone over in the bay.
LOGAN: Yes, I know; my mother and I still talk almost every day, and she did happen to mention that.
ALEXIS: Oh. Yeah. Of course she did.

ALEXIS: Look, Dad, the reason I'm here is that I wanted to apologize. I know I can't have been easy as a teen, and I never meant to make you and Mom worry or anything. I mean, I know I did, and that happened and I can't take it back, but I'm sorry for making you worry all the time. I didn't mean to, and I think I've grown up a bit lately. I'm probably going to be getting my own place soon, and I'd love to have you and Mom over for dinner, you know, make amends maybe. If you'll let me.

ALEXIS: Dad? What are you writing?
LOGAN: A cheque. You'll need a down payment on a place, won't you? If you're going to be hosting dinner parties, I want to make sure you have a nice place to do so.
ALEXIS: Oh my God, Dad! Really? Dad!

ALEXIS: Thanks, Dad, this is just, this is great! Thank you so much!
And that is how Alexis came to move out. Well, not quite yet. She had one thing to take care of first.

Gossiping about her uncle's sex life with his daughter. I just . . .

ALEXIS: So I guess this is it, cuz. Thanks again for letting me stay here.
EMMA KATE: Of course! I'm going to miss having you around all the time, to be honest.
ALEXIS: No worries, we can still hang out all the time.
EMMA KATE: We better!
Okay, bye, Alexis! Get out of the house before I become even more tempted than usual to throw you into the heir poll!

Emma Kate filled her Alexis void by some bonding time with her sister. Emma Kate needs to work on her athletic skill for work and Sunday had the want to train someone so it's mutually beneficial!

. . . Until Emma Kate falls and Sunday just stands there looking all smug with her little smirk.

WHAT IS GOING ON? Since when have you three been able to play nice?

This event does not go unnoticed in the household.

ZEPHYRUS: So, rumor has it that some evil teens were seen canoodling at Chris Isen's Halloween party. No, I'm just messing with you, it was you, Chance, and Biko, and there was no canoodling, but there was also no brawling. Am I right to distrust this little pow-wow on the couch?
ARES: Can't answer, choking, brb.


Luno took it upon herself to attempt to derail herself from the path her life was currently on, and tried to sell muffins in the front yard.
LUNO: Okay, future customers of the world, I'm waiting for youuuuuu. Yep, just standing here, waiting . . .

LUNO: Mmmm, doesn't this muffin smell great? I'll tell you, it smells GREAT! I bet it tastes even better; whoever buys it will be so, so lucky!

CAIN: Luno, I don't think anyone's coming. We live in an otherwise unoccupied bay, way outside of town, with no chance of passersby. Can I stop baking now?
LUNO: You stop when I tell you to.

Eventually Luno conceded defeat and headed inside with Cain, a person who was all-too happy (!!!) to talk to her (!!!) about rocks (...).
CAIN: So at first I thought it was just another grey rock, but then I saw, nope, there was a little streak of cobalt-colored rock in there too, so I had to grab that one too, but now I'm thinking they might be too similar, and I can only fit so many rocks into the house, so I don't know what I should do!

LUNO: . . . I think I preferred being ignored.

This dumbly excited face can't possibly be about rocks, can it?

Nope, birthday! There is so much leftover birthday cake from everyone else's mass exodus of birthdays so nobody will be getting a cake for a long time. It only feels personal, Luno.

adjkl;asfg She's really cute! And a good mix of her parents to boot! Luno, I AM IMPRESSED. And slightly loling over the rolling of the ambitious trait there - want to amount to something more in life there? - but mostly impressed.

Apparently I didn't take any shots between this and Cain's birthday the next day. So, um, have shirtless pouty Ares and fierce paso doble dancer Zeph?

You're welcome, world.

But yay, Cain's birthday! No more children - LET THE FUN BEGIN!

Hi, Silas clone! I see you trying to disguise yourself with alllll of Glory's coloring. So naturally, he's still rather cute. And he got a nice little hot-headed trait because with that array of traits, why wouldn't he? -_-

Glory felt the occasion of her youngest - the household's youngest, even! - becoming a teen merited some beat-boxing or something of that ilk.
GLORY: Break it down now!

Thriller's got nothing on you, Glory.

Aria's celebration was to learn the martial arts skill that her grandchildren were all raving about.
ARIA: I'm supposed to hit this solid wood pole with my bare hands? I'm not sure this was fully thought out . . . Okay, go.

Silas, on the other hand, decided to celebrate by having his own birthday! Whilst on the job, again. Sorry, bb.

SILAS: Oh, hey, I'm looking fly!
WHAT IS IT WITH YOU AND THAT HAIR?! I've half a mind to let him keep it, and while I switched him back to his old hair, I reserve the right to renege on this decision.

Silas has a lot to look forward to in elderhood, if Aria is any indication. Like a fine wine, better with age, right, vayleen? ;) Also, more fierce with age. Clearly.

But enough of the oldies, no matter how fierce they may be - 'sup, young'uns?

ARES: Yo, barkeep, you stocked for a busy night?
BARTENDER: A busy- wait, are you a teenager?
ARES: That didn't answer my question. I'll let it pass - this time.

Luno, on the other hand, is in no ways concerned about the bar's juice supply, instead making a beeline to the dance floor.
LUNO: This is awesome!

Cain does not share her sentiments.

Cain and Luno in a nutshell, tbqh.

In-house music provided by Gilbert Storms (vayleen).

With accompaniment by a very happy Sam Deens (simpairment).

Cain looks like he's rethinking his whole "BOO THIS NIGHT" status.
CAIN: It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside . . .

CAIN: Hey.
SAM: Hi.

CAIN: That was a great performance, man, really spectacular, it was really something else, so-
SAM: Whoa, watch the glasses, man!

CAIN: Yeah, sorry whatever, but like I was saying, you, yes you, were awesome.

SAM: Wait, hold up. Are you insane?

CAIN: Am I insane? Am I insane?
That's an attractive face, Cain.

SAM: That is fabulous! Love itttt!

CAIN: Did we just become best friends?
SAM: Yep!

For once in his lifetime, Ares was more awkward than Cain.
ARES: So, I like, um, things. Like you! I mean, do you like things? Because I like your hair. UM.

Sam's sister Quincey (simpairment) looks like she's of two minds about Ares at the moment. Ares, step up your game! BE EVIL! Girls like bad boys.
QUINCEY: Hmm, you're cute. A bit of a doofus, but cute. I can work with this.

ARES: Yeah? *snort-laugh*
Oh, Ares.

ARES: So, can I kiss you now?
QUINCEY: I'll allow it.

This all too precious, especially for Ares, who apparently loses his evilness and becomes rather love-addled in Quincey's presence. Who knew?

Okay, I know that the third Deens child has got to be around here somewhere. Chance?

CHANCE: I'm on it. PurROW.
Right. *shudders*

CHANCE: *creep creep creep*
ROSS (simpairment): There's a girl stalking me behind my back, isn't there?

Biko was also being stalked by a girl, the lovely Ivy Cosmo (scorpiosims) who made a beeline for him pretty much immediately.
IVY: Hey, I know what I want. Don't judge.
There is no judging in this legacy. (Ignore just above where I judged both Ares and Chance rather harshly. Perhaps I should say there is no undeserved judging in this legacy . . . )

CHANCE: Who is that bitch and why is she talking to my brother? And why is she blue?
Oh my God, Karen, you can't just ask people why they're blue.

Ivy decided to trash art to Biko, who is an artistic Sim. Oh dear.

BIKO: Oh. I kind of like . . . oh.

CHANCE: Heh. Excellent.
Go stalk Ross some more.

CHANCE: Heeeeeeey, sexy.
ROSS: Erm, yeah, I've gotta go to the bathroom.
Don't worry, Chance, PERSISTENCE IS KEY. She's got persistence in spades, let me tell you. We're good.

SUNDAY: Hey, weren't you the one playing bass on stage? Before my kid brother attacked you? I'm sorry about that, he knows not what he does.

SUNDAY: He's basically a kid, he just had his birthday last night actually, so you'll have to forgive him. I'm not a kid though, I'm a full-grown woman, if you know what I mean.

SUNDAY: A full-grown woman, one that could teach you things, all sorts of things . . . What do you say?

SAM: Ahahahaha, that's funny, you're funny. Good one!

SUNDAY: It wasn't a joke.
SAM: Really?
If that's not a perfect "What is this fuckery?" face, I don't know what is.

SUNDAY: Hey, it's cool, let's hug it out!

SAM: Thank you, but no. And no. And perhaps no some more.

Sam ran off to talk to Cain, leading me to check in on Ares and Quincey. At some point, it seems that Ares got over his awkwardness and his jerkitude came back in full force.

Quincey, however, gives as good as she gets. Ares, meet your match. (Oh, double entendre, how I chortle over thee.)

QUINCEY: Your evilness is so hot. Take me now!
Hmm. Well, that face happened.

ARES: That was . . . amazing. You and I, we will take over the world, taking breaks from our total domination to do that.
QUINCEY: Done deal.

This was going on behind them the whole time.

Oh, Julian Marx (legendarysims), I fear for your destiny.

LUNO: Hey, um, excuse me? What is going on here? And more importantly, how long will this be going on for?

LUNO: So just ignoring me. Great. Kind of like his-ass-in-those-pants-great.



LUNO: Encore, encore!

Luno wasted no time in going up to Julian after his performance.
LUNO: You're pretty.
Now is about the time I'm starting to really regret ignoring Luno throughout most of her existence. I don't think basic social skills got imparted on her.

SUNDAY: You're pretty.
Though I suppose those that weren't ignored didn't necessarily fare any better.

CAIN: That's right, sister dear, you better deflect your affections to someone else; Sam told me what you did . . . Um, I mean, WORK IT.

And work it she did. Ah, the joys of two inappropriate Sims - no wooing required. Also, the joys of Sunday finding an age-appropriate love interest in Gilbert. THANK YOU JESUS.

Cain walked right up to Biko and Ivy and firmly supplanted himself in their conversation.
CAIN: Ahahaha, that's so funny!

BIKO: Why are you here?


Mmmm . . . Right. Ahem. Yes, where was I?

CAIN: Ease up, bro, I just want to talk to the girl.
BIKO: . . . I'm not your bro. We're cousins.
CAIN: I meant it more in the - oh, never mind.

CAIN: So, Ivy, was it? Whatever. I've got a question for you: Catch anything?

IVY: Oh, hey, you're insane too! ++
CAIN: You bet! ++

BIKO: But, but Ivy! You - you like him? Oh . . .

BIKO: And you, Cain, how could you do this to me? You're supposed to be my cousin and you just waltz in here, all "Catch anything?" and think you can steal the girl from me? WTF mate?

CAIN: I'm not hitting on her, moron; believe me when I say she is not my type.
BIKO: Oh, right, you expect me to belie- wait, what?

BIKO: Do, do you mean that? She's not your type? But how couldn't she be your type? I don't understand!
CAIN: Well, Biko, let's just leave it at she's not my type. So yes, I mean that.

BIKO: Then does that mean I can go after her without interference from you?
CAIN: You have my blessing, yeah. Now have fun, be safe-
BIKO: Okay, yes, yes, I hear you, hurry it up so I can get back to Ivy!
I really doubt she missed any of that, Biko, given that she was standing RIGHT. THERE.

BIKO: Ah, be still my heart; she is mine. Hey, sorry about that, Ivy, I hope that wasn't too awkward for you. I just, I really like you and really want to have the chance to get to know you better. I guess I kind of lost it a little bit when I thought I might not get that chance. I hope you're not mad-

IVY: Biko. How could I be mad about that? That's really, really sweet of you.
Awwww- ARIA DON'T TURN AROUND. This could quickly turn into that awkward moment when your Grandma catches you initiating your first romance while at a bar.

Instead it just turns into that awkward moment when your cousin photobombs your first kiss.
SUNDAY: Don't mind me!
I usually don't, tbh.

BIKO: Usually I'm pretty unlucky, but I think all my luck was just being saved up so I could meet you.
IVY: Awwwww.
You know, I totally buy Biko as the romantic doormat of a boyfriend type. Maybe this'll mellow him out around Chance and Ares as well. A girl can hope!

Not as though those two won't antagonize each other regardless.
Hey, hey, Chance, Ross sighting right behind you!

CHANCE: Hey, lover, I was just thinking about you.

ROSS: Okay, I'll take the bait . . . What were you thinking about with regards to me?
CHANCE: I was kind of thinking you plus me equals us, actually.
ARES: Okay, that does it, time to find Quincey.

He found her.

Things were progressing for Chance as well.
CHANCE: omgomgomg his back is so smooth and muscled and I could just DIE omg
. . .

Look! Innocent teens! Dancing like innocent, normal teens do!

. . . Perhaps not so normal. That is an INTENSE dancing face, Luno.
JULIAN: Whoa, easy, you almost hit me in the eye!

LUNO: Did I? Sorry, I was going for your heart. Eh, eh?

JULIAN: Is that what this feeling inside my heart is? *dreamy sigh*
LUNO: *giggle-snort*
I can see the resemblance between Luno and Ares, honestly.

LUNO: I've, I've got a secret to tell you.
JULIAN: Really? I love secrets! Spill.

Luno is a firm believer in the "show, don't tell" philosophy.

The girl gets one kiss and all of a sudden she has all sorts of confidence! Did not see that coming. Nor did Julian, clearly.

This creepy old guy proceeded to watch them make out for a good while.
CREEPY OLD GUY: What? Looking, not touching, this is okay!
Um, no, no, it's not. Thanks for playing though.

Chance's nonstop flirtations finally paid off! :DDD Sure, she had to hold onto the guy's arm as he tried to pull away but that's what hands are for, right?

CHANCE: You totally kissed me back and therefore we are meant to be together forever! Oh, this is just the best day of my life - HOLD ME!

I . . . I don't think she's letting go. Ross has the look of a boy resigned to his fate. Just as well, that.

I feel that was a pretty successful trip to the bar, if I define success by the amount of hooking up and not by the amount of fail which, let's be honest here, is usually how I have to define it in this legacy. Back at the house, hook-ups are on Re's mind as well, though in a much different fashion than everybody else . . .

REMEMBER: Zeph, lately I've been feeling like there's kind of a part of me missing, a part of myself I don't even know. To be honest, I think I've always felt like that, deep down at least.
ZEPHYRUS: Um, I'm not sure I follow?

REMEMBER: Remember all those times I told you I wasn't crying, it'd just been raining on my face? It was more - okay, I love my step-dad, he's honestly the best and has never made me feel like I'm worth any less than his own kids. To be honest, sometimes I think he felt the opposite, but that's not the point here.

REMEMBER: Okay, so this may sound crazy, but . . . I've decided I'm going to go find my father! Crazy, right?


It is finally that time - HEIR POLL TIME! Have fun and give me a good heir! ;D

NEXT TIME, a heir will be declared! That much is definite. Everything else? Not so much. Will Remember find her father? Will Sunday's fail-tastic streak come to an end? Will Chance stop hitting on everything that moves? Well, one out of three wouldn't be bad, so let's just aim for that.

generation: two, legacy: crescendo, !sims

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