ficlet: A&D - Yesung

Feb 03, 2010 22:57

Title: Of Angels and Demons - Yesung
Series: Of Angels and Demons
Length: One-shot
Author: M_K Yujji
Rating: pg-13 for content
Genre: angst, au, fantasy
Pairing/Characters: DBSK, Super Junior, MinHo, mentioned HanChul, ShiChul, YeWook
Warnings: RPS
Disclaimer: Though real people are used as characters, this fic bears no resemblance to Real Life and these people are not owned by me.

Comments/Notes: THIS UNIVERSE HAS DIRECTION NOW. ^^;; I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but there you go. I actually know what's happening.

Previous: Changmin | Hangeng | Kangin



“We waited too long.”

Yesung sighed and pulled the smaller angel closer. “We don't know that yet.”

Ryeowook bit his lip and cast a worried glance towards the room where the demon Changmin stood vigil over Yunho. Then he looked back at Yesung.

“I couldn't feel him, Yesung.” Ryeowook glanced down at his clenched fists. “Even when his life energy was in my hands, there was... There wasn't anything.” He pressed one hand against his chest and took a shuddering breath. “It's like he's dead.”

Angels could always feel each other on a subconscious level, a soft hum in the back of the mind, a comforting presence that could always be touched in times of duress. It was dampened considerably in Yesung's proximity because of his own powers, but Ryeowook's ability to manipulate energy had always countered that, allowing him to tap directly into the energies of the others.

It was what had drawn them together in the first place. Ryeowook was the only angel who could tolerate being near Yesung for long periods of time.

For all their power and strength, angels were heavily co-dependent on each other. One angel cut off from the rest didn't maintain their sanity for long - not even Yesung.

Yesung tightened his embrace for a moment. “He's not dead, Ryeowook. His demon would have already stormed in here looking for our blood if he was.”

“We should have stood up to Siwon. We shouldn't have let this happen in the first place.”

“You said it yourself. No one was in any state of mind to listen to us. All that would have happened if we'd tried, is that three angels would have died.”

“But there had to have been others. We couldn't have been the only ones against it.”

“We were the only ones against it enough to try to make it right,” he pointed out, brushing Ryeowook's hair out of his face. “We were the only ones who came to help him.”

Ryeowook slumped against him, drained and exhausted. Yesung wasn't surprised. Manipulating energies to heal was the most complex and difficult thing that could be done with his power no matter who the patient was and Ryeowook had never tried to heal a fellow angel before. There'd never been a need.

Added to the strain and tension of being deep in enemy territory with their own brothers possibly out for their blood...

No, he wasn't at all surprised that Ryeowook was exhausted.

“You should sleep.” He brushed gentle lips across Ryeowook's forehead. “I'll keep watch.”

“Yesung?” Sleep was already taking a hold of the smaller angel and his voice was soft and husky.


“...” Fingers tightened on his shirt. “This is really it, isn't it?”


Yesung stared off into the distance, brooding. They hadn't mentioned it to the demons, of course, but they would probably have to.

Because he didn't see how anything else could explain what was happening and if this was It... They'd just brought a shit storm down on everyone's heads.


The body in his arms shuddered slightly. “I'm scared.”

There was no shame in admitting it.

“Me too.”

The End of Days was a pretty scary thing to face - even for an angel.


angels and demons universe

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