Mind Games

Jun 29, 2010 10:48

Title: Mind Games
Rating: PG
Fandom: Bleach
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Pairing: Kisuke Urahara x Yoruichi Shihoin
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or its characters.
Theme: #19 - Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal"
Summery: They really shouldn't do it, but it was so much fun.

Mind Games

The thing about Ichigo was he was just so much fun to tease. He had the tendency to take things far too seriously, and he knew so little about how the shinigami in the Seireitei worked. It almost made things too easy. Yoruichi hadn't even meant to start up mind games with him day. She had been teasing him, but he'd taken her seriously, and she couldn't help herself. It was remarkably easy to convince Ichigo of what she said, and before she knew it, Yoruichi was expanding and embellishing her tale.

And Ichigo kept lapping it up. The boy needed to cultivate a healthy sense of doubt if he was going to survive in this world. It probably didn't help that he was rather overwhelmed by this whole world he had been dropped into, but really, his own experiences with the Seireitei should have taught him to question things. Besides, it was something of an art to construct these tales. Like Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal", the story had to be outrageous, and yet at the same time, it also had to have some element of truth in it to work.

In some ways it was almost a game between herself and Kisuke to see who could get Ichigo to believe the most ridiculous story. It was probably mean and unethical of the two of them, but it really was too much fun for them to stop at this point. Kisuke wandered out onto the porch and paused to listen to her for a moment. Their eyes met, and he grinned at her. This was just too good. Five minutes later he was choking back laughter as she continued to reel the boy farther and farther in.

Once it got to the point where Ichigo looked ready to explode, Yoruichi broke into hysterical laughter. She couldn't help it. He looked ready to panic, and it really did look adorable on him. Realization dawned on Ichigo's face. Not quite as good as the time when Rukia had kissed him and then walked off, but still, incredibly fun to watch. He sputtered and stormed off while Kisuke and Yoruichi broke down laughing even hard. They really shouldn't do it Ichigo, but it was just so much fun.

bleach, kisuke x yoruichi

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