Month the Ninth

Jun 29, 2010 10:47

Title: Month the Ninth
Rating: PG
Fandom: FMA
Spoilers/Warnings: Set after the manga.
Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist or its characters.
Theme: Just a Memory
Summery: Riza isn't sure she remembers what her feet looked like.


Month the Ninth

Riza wasn't sure she could remember what her feet looked like. It seemed like years since she had last seen them, though Riza knew it had really only been a few months. However, that didn't keep her from feeling rather large and ungainly. But it wouldn't last too much longer. She just had weeks to go before her due date, and she was rather relieved about that. They were all more than ready for this baby to arrive.

Roy especially seemed to get more and more nervous the closer they got to her due date. He worried over everything. He worried about what would happen if he wasn't with her when she went into labor. He worried about what the weather would be like when she went into labor and if they would be able to make it to the hospital. He worried about any number of minor issues from what time would she go into labor and if he would sleep through it to what sort of alcohol it was proper to toast a new birth with.

Riza wasn't as worried. Whatever happened would happen, and in the end, the baby would be born. One way or another. Quite honestly, Riza would just be happy to have it all over with and be able to hold her child.

theme, fma, pregnancy, royai

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