
Feb 21, 2009 15:42

Friday was not a personal best at work. I couldn't focus and by the time I clocked out I felt like I hadn't gotten anything done. *SIGH*

But. Uh. On the way home I was sort of daydreaming (spacing off) and was all, I would love a bus driver/public transit AU. )

don't judge me!, fob, bandom, the cab, work, cs, plotty things, rl, p!atd, mcr

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Comments 21

margueritem February 21 2009, 23:47:55 UTC
Gabe as a bus driver! At each stop, he would open the door with a "The Cobra has arrived!" and start again with "The Cobra is departing!" Also, "Mrs. Marquez, please sit down before you fall again!"

Brian would be great as the dinner's long suffering owner. And can you imagine a tiny girl with Ray's hair? ♥


kitsune_tsuki February 22 2009, 01:55:28 UTC
He campaigns around the garage to have a giant (purple) cobra painted on the side of his bus, but it is all in vain. :(

(As a consolation prize he gets a little cobra keychain with fake gemstones that is almost, almost, as cool as a custom paintjob on his bus.)

Hahaha. BRIAN. Gerard and the others love him, but man, his face. (They totally mess with him just for fun!)

I know, right? Ray despairs (only not really) because he knows The Hair is both curse and blessing - he got picked on growing up over it, but now it's totally awesome. Still, he gets to put her hair in pigtails and she thinks they have awesome hair and no one can convince her otherwise.

Also! Frank has a Plan to woo diner!Gerard! He's working his way through the desert menu (the pie section alone is two pages long), and by the time he hits the rhubarb pie, he and Gerard might be on a first-name basis! \o/

Bob and the others, naturally, mock him for this, because Frank is a loser and as his friends they reserve the right to do so. :D


margueritem February 22 2009, 02:22:26 UTC
As an aside: wasn't it with you that I said Brendon should be Pete's brother (kept wanting to write boyfriend there; I don't know why) in the... V au? Here is proof: http://pics.livejournal.com/summertea/pic/00225faa


Brian is a worry away from a heart attack. Spencer and Suarez prepare healthy food for him!

Man, Gerard as a waitress; he would wear the whole uniform without irony and give coffee to everyone whether they asked for it or not because how could they not want coffee?

Ray's daughter has a lot of self-esteem. She has Gerard as her uncle.

The Cab as pre-schoolers who regularly take the bus with their babysitters. They are adorable and Gabe makes them sit at the front and sing-along!


kitsune_tsuki February 22 2009, 03:29:51 UTC
I've never seen that picture, but ahaha, how perfect is that ( ... )


rilee16 February 22 2009, 06:37:33 UTC
Brian is a worry away from a heart attack.Okay, I personally would like to lobby for Steven Smith, formerly of Steven's Untitled Rock Show on Fuse, to woo Brian. Why? Because he's adorable, and Brian needs a hot dork to make him cut loose more often. Brian's a serious, stressed out business-owner (who's capable of fun and silliness, he just doesn't have the time!), Steven's a total dork who's capable of being serious (he used to be a teacher IRL; he could be one of The Cababies' teachers or nannies or something). They'd complement each other really well, and they both love music, ink, and their friends and families. The other guys would totally see that they were perfect for each other; they have a pool going on them getting together and are constantly trying to drop hints about them getting together ( ... )


kitsune_tsuki February 23 2009, 01:41:46 UTC
After careful consideration of the above, I wholeheartedly agree. (I've seen one fic with that pairing, I think, and that makes me sad inside.)

Every Friday Steven takes his pre-schoolers to the assisted living retirement home across the street from the diner to sing for the residents and otherwise spread cheer and joy. Afterwards, they troop over to the diner for pie and ice cream!

After the first (dozen) visits Brian swears he's going to put a stop to it one day. All those tiny, sticky little hands messing up the upholstery (lies, it's vinyl, only an act of god or the apocalypse could ruin it, and even then that's questionable), the chrome (again, lies), and ohgod, that insufferable jackass Steven with his stupid smiling and stupid hair ( ... )


rilee16 February 23 2009, 18:22:48 UTC
Does Brian's heart melt whenever he hears the kids call out "Mr. Steven, can you help me cut my pie crust?" or "Mr. Steven, I need help! I can't get my overalls undone and I havta potty!" Or does he get a strange tic in his left eye at the overly loud, shrill cries that just. Don't. Stop.


rilee16 February 23 2009, 18:40:06 UTC
To make it a little easier (or harder, depending on how much trouble they get into) to decide, there are a couple of kids who totally pronounce it "Mithter Thteven", and a couple of the kids always draw pictures on their kiddie placemats and give them to Gerard, and Brian when he isn't locked in his office, try to sneak back into the kitchen to gift Suarez and Spencer with their artistic masterpieces.

Gerard is super-encouraging and excited about their pictures, even when he can't quite figure out what they're supposed to be of. And Suarez and Spencer have been known to actually coo over the kids (well, for Spencer at least, his bitchface actually completely disappears and a few times the kids have gotten a massive grin out of him).


scorpionvoices February 23 2009, 22:26:49 UTC


kitsune_tsuki February 24 2009, 00:34:26 UTC


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