(no subject)

Feb 21, 2009 15:42

Friday was not a personal best at work. I couldn't focus and by the time I clocked out I felt like I hadn't gotten anything done. *SIGH*

I want Bob to be a bus driver! He's big and gruff and kind of scary, but he's an awesome driver and the little old ladies love him! They think he's such a sweet young man! AND. There's a single mom dad (Ray? Brian? The possibilities are endless!) who takes their little girl to daycare on his route. The little girl always sits up front so she can talk to Bob! She adores him! She asks him serious questions about what Bob does and if he likes his job, and she shakes his hand when she gets off the bus to go to daycare because she knows how to use her manners! Bob is completely baffled by her at first, he's not comfortable around children even though they are drawn to him. He talks to her like she's an adult, not really knowing how else to treat her, and it's all very adorable. Her dad loves watching Bob get flustered by this little kid who probably doesn't even come up to Bob's knee, and also, awww, because Bob treats his little girl like an actual person! With thoughts and opinions of her own!

And then! (Well, obviously romantic-comedy style shenanigans and whatnot.)

I can't decide if I want Gerard to be a fellow bus driver or the guy who works at the diner Bob and the other drivers go to after work for coffee and gossip. Because it would be awesome if there was this tiny little guy who starts riding Gerard's bus and sort of (creepily!) watches him, and sometimes he just gets on the bus and rides around with Gerard for the whole day, and it's a little weird, but he's cute and Gerard is not sure what to say because the guy has a bus pass, so it's not like he's not supposed to be on the bus or anything and really, at least the guy's not like some of the crazies Gerard's seen on his routes, okay? Plus, he's hot. (Gerard admits he can be shallow.)

One day when Gerard's sick and someone - Bob, maybe - fills in for him Frank gets on - it's one of the days where he sits and rides the bus watching Gerard and his whole day is thrown off balance when he sees Bob instead! Bob, of course, knows exactly who Frank is because Gerard tells him and the others all about Frank, and there are a billion sketches of him back at the garage or wherever, so yeah. Bob watches Frank, who sits in the very back (not his usual seat at all, everything is wrongwrongwrong) and fidgets and fusses with his ratty old gloves until Bob starts talking to him in order to figure out if Frank's a creepy creep, or just some harmless freak like Gerard. And then shenanigans!

(Awesomely enough, it works with Frank being the bus driver instead - ahaha, Bob and the others give him shit about needing a booster seat to see over the steering wheel! - and Gerard as the creepy day-long passenger who sits in his ~special seat and sketches all day long with a giant thermos of coffee at his side to keep him company. Frank tries to start a conversation with him when it gets late in the day when there aren't so many passengers, but Gerard gets flustered and babbles about comic books and shit and omg, Frank is so charmed.)

But! If Gerard works at the diner there could be ~pining from Frank who orders a slice of pie and coffee and kind of stares at Gerard. It's not intentional! Really! Frank's tired, and he can't help it if he spaces off.

Mikey drops by the diner when he gets off work to hang out with Gerard before he heads home. He notices the little dude sitting at the table of bus drivers staring at Gerard, and what the hell, Gerard is all smiley and keeping his head down as he wipes the same section of counter down for the fiftieth time, and Mikey knows that smiley look! :|

And then, I don't know. I'm sort of picturing more shenanigans with pining and Frank ordering pie and coffee and Gerard trying to bake pies for Frank by himself as a ~gesture (Spencer and Suarez are thrilled, thrilled, Gerard appreciates their art, but really. Leave the baking to them, okay?)

Also, now I want Gabe as one of Bob's fellow bus drivers, Patrick working dispatch/a mechanic at the garage and other bandom peoples thrown in there nilly willy.

All of which is to say that bandom makes (almost) everything better.

don't judge me!, fob, bandom, the cab, work, cs, plotty things, rl, p!atd, mcr

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