A (partial) list of things to write before I die

Apr 27, 2008 16:19

I was looking through my WiP folder this morning and have snippets from the fics I plan, one day, to finish. These are all in various stages of completion, and there are even more files scattered around the laptop with vague notes for fic ideas I would also love to write, if there were more hours in the day. (Also, perhaps I shouldn't have signed ( Read more... )

ttf, don't judge me!, fob, bandom, plotty things, p!atd, snippet, mcr

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Comments 8

shoemaster April 28 2008, 04:29:40 UTC
I want all of these, especially the rest stop sequel and the Indian Jones/Dirk Pitt crossover (Dirk is my mom's hero and she was all "READ THIS" when I was about twelve) and the office au. What are the odds that I could hear more about the sweater incident? :DDDDDDD


kitsune_tsuki April 28 2008, 18:35:34 UTC
I want all of these too! I just need to not eat or sleep stop procrastinating and I will be able to write them! :D

Oh, Dirk Pitt. He's my hero too! Ahaha. I swear, those books are so ridiculously awesome. He raised the Titanic! And even though I have yet to read it, apparently he also found Atlantis!

The sweater incident is a tiny little section that I need to rewrite, but oh, how it haunts Frank. (Or, not, really. )


chebonne April 28 2008, 08:23:51 UTC
*flails all over the place*

13000 words of Marching Band! I want ALL OF THESE. Especially that last one. Oh, and the office one. And the WWII one. And, oh, fuck it, EVERY SINGLE ONE OR I MAY DIE.

Hi, ilu, write them all. *enables -- with snuggles*


kitsune_tsuki April 28 2008, 18:43:32 UTC

I was stalled on the Marching Band AU and somehow ended up with all of these!

Ahaha. I think I sent you what I have of the Marching Band AU, but yes. As soon as I finish my current challenge fic I'm going to work on this list.

The only problem is that I have an idea for a companion fic to the challenge fic that also makes me cackle like a crazed hyena. Plus, challenge fic is almost 5,000 words and Gerard and Frank just met. Augh. My brain. Why do fics not spring fully formed from it? That would make things so much easier for me.

And to think, these are just the ones that I know I will finish one day. There are dozens of little half-formed ideas sitting in files on my laptop that are even more ridiculous. (I want to write more of the Brian gets turned into a kid fic, but it's too cheestastic to ever see the light of day. But! omg, guilty pleasure. Tiny swearing Brian! Smoking! Stupid Elmo cargo pants! OMG. Brain, why?

Ahaha. Sorry for the additional crazy. /o\


chebonne April 28 2008, 20:41:49 UTC
The Marching Band AU is so amazing I can't even tell you.

All of these ideas makes me flail. Actually, you writing bandom fic in general makes me flail all over the fucking place in joy. (Speaking of, I just answered your email. Short version: OMFG!!!!)

(Ahahahaha, tiny smoking Brian! Like a grumpy dwarf only with less beard. I LOVE IT. And Mikey takes care of him Y/Y?)


kitsune_tsuki April 29 2008, 02:16:51 UTC
Oh my god, I love it so much but I'm an A+ procrastinator and wind up playing with other things when I get stuck on something.

Awww. Seriously, that makes me flail and so thrilled to know that I'm not just cracking myself up all over the place. (Ahahaha! :D I seriously have to take a moment when I'm writng that just to laugh and laugh and laugh because I'm a dork and it amuses me so damn much.)

(Oh, god, yes. I'm stealing it from that one wolfshirts post, and Brian is just so over being tiny and wants to be his normal self right the hell now, and Mikey is the only one who might come out of the whole thing with their kneecaps intact.) I wrote a teeny snippet of that not too long ago when I was having a 'stay away from people lest I rip someone who doesn't deserve it head off' day? And it seriously made everything better. Tiny Brian's Tiny Rage was therapeutic, I swear. :D)


melted_snowdrop May 6 2008, 02:26:19 UTC
after reading all these wonderful fics, i'm convinced that i'm in love with your brain (reststop au is completely, without a question, one of the cutest things in bandom atm)
i hope you don't mind me friending you


kitsune_tsuki May 6 2008, 17:47:47 UTC
Hi! Thank you! I don't mind at all, welcome to my flist! :D


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