[Bandslash, FOB] The Patrick Stump Chronicles

Apr 07, 2008 06:14

Title: The Patrick Stump Chronicles
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Pete/Patrick
Genre: CRACK, AU
Word Count: ~ 4,100
Disclaimer: This is all completely made up, except for the part where these people actually exist.
Summary: Patrick doesn't take Pete seriously when he tells him he's from the future.
Notes: I don't know how to explain this one? It started ( Read more... )

fob fic, fob, bandom, crack, mcr fic, fic, mcr

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Comments 29

chebonne April 7 2008, 13:52:48 UTC
Hah! Amazing! I love you, you're my favourite, the end!

Ugh, BOB and Pete being insane and Patrick... oh God, I wouldn't want Pete to save the world either. Ugh, ugh, AMAZING.


kitsune_tsuki April 8 2008, 00:44:26 UTC
I love you too! ♥

BOB. I am some kind of Bob kick as of late. (I do not regret it.) Ahahaha. Oh, Pete. I'm only this mean to the people I love. Really. Patrick's like, he loves the guy? But. No. Really, no.

Thank you! :D


bunnymuffin41 April 7 2008, 15:13:15 UTC
That was awesome. Really enjoyable.


kitsune_tsuki April 8 2008, 00:44:43 UTC
Thanks! :)


daydreambeleevr April 7 2008, 15:32:23 UTC
This is whole new levels of not sane.

funny and snarky, just how I like Patrick.

He jiggles his knee a little to let Pete know he's not going to let things slide this time, that he wants an answer.

I love how well they know each other, that a little body movement can speak volumes.

“I think I annoyed her,” Pete says, ...“Yeah,” Patrick sighs. “I wonder what that's like?”

Poor Patrick. No one appreciates the hardships in his life. :grin:

Of course Pete, Bob and JWalk are here to save the world music!

Kerry =)


kitsune_tsuki April 8 2008, 00:55:18 UTC
funny and snarky, just how I like Patrick.

Ahahaha. This is why Patrick is my favorite! (Also thank you for helping me find a typo I missed! :D)

Poor Patrick. No one appreciates the hardships in his life. :grin:

People always give him these little knowing smiles when he complains about Pete, and Patrick's resigned to it because they seriously don't understand. They think it's awesome that Pete's head over heels for Patrick, which, you know it totally is. But they always forget that Pete's a also a freak. Patrick's life, so hard.

Of course Pete, Bob and JWalk are here to save the world music!

They totally are! Pete doesn't really have a game plan or anything, but that's the best part! (Patrick maybe freaks out a little when Pete tells him this. :D)


stealstheashes April 7 2008, 17:16:31 UTC
Hahaha, omg that's awesome. I love this line: "and that's a scary thought in itself, contemplating all the things Pete could do if he really wanted to" because it's so true and the end because it could totally go either way.


kitsune_tsuki April 8 2008, 00:58:15 UTC
Thank you! Seriously! When I think about all the things half the people in bandom could do if they really wanted to, especially Pete? Scary/amazing!

Ahaha. I'm a little fond of that too. You never know, Pete could be totally bonkers or actually from the future! (Patrick isn't sure which one he wants to be true!)


novembersmith April 7 2008, 18:02:14 UTC
There's just one thing he needs to know if he's going to be able to sleep at night, even with Pete wrapped around him like a goddamned octopus.

“Pete's not here to save the world, right?”


AHAHAHAHA. HAHAHH. HOO. Oh, Patrick, if I thought Pete Wentz was here to save the world, I wouldn't be able to sleep either. The world would be doomed. Like, extra doomed.

This version of time travel is so cool and believable! I can totally see Pete as a delinquent time-traveler in search of MUSIC and Bob as an AWOL time-travel-cop. MMM. And I love Patrick, all long-suffering and fond and filled with skepticism. AND BOB. Man, when Gerard finds out that time travel is real, there will be such shenanigans. Gerard probably won't stop squealing with delight for months.

Basically, all that ramble = I loved this a ridiculous amount. You are fantabulous. Uh. Mind if I friend you? *big eyes*


kitsune_tsuki April 8 2008, 01:13:46 UTC
I know, right? Patrick would be busy making out his will while Pete's trying to come up with plans to save the world, which is just totally not the positive vibe Pete needs to think.

Bob as a cop of any sort sends me to a happy place. (Ahahaha. Mikey already knows because he's Mikey, but when Gerard finds out - when Frank finds out? Bob gets a headache just thinking about it. Gerard will have little cartoon hearts for eyes.)

Thank you! Sure! Feel free to friend me. The more bandom people on my flist the better! :D


novembersmith April 8 2008, 03:26:34 UTC
Poor Pete. He can totally do this, Patrick is just a pessimist. Pete's already got the world's best superpower under wraps (i.e., Patrick).

Ahaha, Mikey totally knows all. He is all-knowing. Mikey-fucking-Way. And Gerard with cartoon heart eyes is EXACTLY how I pictured it. Him and Frank following Bob around with googly eyes, begging for details. I feel a lot of straight-faced Bob feeding them a lot of misinformation would result, heh.

Yay! Oh, bandom, so many awesome people.


kitsune_tsuki April 8 2008, 10:51:21 UTC
He doesn't need the negative vibes, that's for sure. Also, if Patrick would stop looking like he expects the world to go up in flames, that would be great too.

Mikey's awesome that way, and Bob likes that he doesn't have to watch everything he says around Mikey. Gerard gets up early to make coffee just how bob likes it (or, you know, he makes Frank or someone else get up to make it for him, but it's totally the thought that counts). Frank's really careful not to mess up Bob's kit during shows and after a while Bob doesn't know whether to laugh or cry and Mikey is no help at all because he's totally laughing at Bob and texting Pete to tell him all about it.

Eventually Bob tells them about the Great Zombie Uprising of 2010 and how they need to start stockpiling supplies now if they hope to survive. (Gerard's eyes get even bigger and he maybe makes this squeaking sound because Zombie. Uprising.Brian's totally not happy with Bob when he finds out what Gerard and Frank are doing. Meanwhile Mikey, Ray, and Bob are laughing themselves ( ... )


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