Okay, then. So here are a few of my (current!) favorite pictures of those boys in that one band. You know, that one. Possibly some are fic-related. Who knows?
Smooth, Long John Silver, smooth. Ray and Frank are totes devoted, okay. Gerard doesn't always notice (and really, that's for the best, because he probably wouldn't approve of some things) but Mikey always notices and to him it's all good. Sometimes, to protect Gerard Ray and Frank and Bob has to be, shall we say, less than pleasant to certain people. And while Mikey, as Gerard's lieutenant and brother, will make sure that it won't go too far, they all know that there are some things that the captain will never ever ever know about. Understood, matey?
They are. We always lament the fact that neither Mikey nor Gerard will ever get shirtless. It's a sad day inrock n' roll when we can't perv over the two hottest brothers in it. *sadface*
(And, yeah, I think so. Then again, it might be my email. Suddenly I sit there with 42 spam mails, when I usually only get like five or six.)
Someone should tell them that they're sending mixed messages to their fans about body issues! Sure, Gerard's always saying that women are beautiful the way they are and trying to get other guys to take their shirts off, but what about Mikey and him? Such hypocrites! >:(
Also, the handful of pictures I have of Mikey in sleeveless shirts makes me feel the way people must have when it was considered scandalous to see a woman's bare ankles. Naughty!
(It looks like it was related to the LJ outtage yesterday, I think. I'm getting comment notifications from days ago in my e-mail right now.)
Comments 6
Also, hello, do I see a sliver of Mikeyway hips? Wow.
His hips are an underrated Wonder of the Modern World. Or something, I get distracted by that picture for several reasons.
(Is LJ being weird for you? It's loading slow/not at all at times for me and not delivering comments.)
They are. We always lament the fact that neither Mikey nor Gerard will ever get shirtless. It's a sad day inrock n' roll when we can't perv over the two hottest brothers in it. *sadface*
(And, yeah, I think so. Then again, it might be my email. Suddenly I sit there with 42 spam mails, when I usually only get like five or six.)
Someone should tell them that they're sending mixed messages to their fans about body issues! Sure, Gerard's always saying that women are beautiful the way they are and trying to get other guys to take their shirts off, but what about Mikey and him? Such hypocrites! >:(
Also, the handful of pictures I have of Mikey in sleeveless shirts makes me feel the way people must have when it was considered scandalous to see a woman's bare ankles. Naughty!
(It looks like it was related to the LJ outtage yesterday, I think. I'm getting comment notifications from days ago in my e-mail right now.)
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