(no subject)

Mar 06, 2008 04:39

Okay, then. So here are a few of my (current!) favorite pictures of those boys in that one band. You know, that one. Possibly some are fic-related. Who knows?

Frank in this fic at the beginning of his Epic Quest. He's talking to someone Bob knows who might have seen Frank's guy.

This is Frank towards the end of his Epic Quest when he's stopped shaving (and other basic grooming habits) and is getting a little desperate. Bob's worried, so he makes Frank come with him to this local show and sticks him behind the drums to stay out of the way while Bob works. He knows Frank's too tired to break anything, and Frank knows Bob would break him if he screws the drumkit up. Besides, Frank's totally not watching a video of his guy. He's not that pathetic. Seriously.

♥ One of the picpspams I grabbed this one from has a caption that says this is obviously Bob and Ray out on a guy date, and I completely agree. (Alternately, this is Bob and Ray watching their kids getting ready to head onto the field for a marching band competition. Gerard is just out of frame talking to the color guard, and Mikey's fending off a pack of band moms while Frank records the whole thing for use as blackmail material.)

This in no way helped inspire a certain scene from this fic. Totally no way. Seriously.

Code Monkey Frank filling in for the guitarist in one of Mikey's bands.

Treasure hunter!AU Gerard.

Psst. chebonne! Frank and Ray clearly approve of pirates. :D

I love this picture because Gerard came out looking for coffee one morning afternoon and found a can of WD-40 (shhh, let's play pretend, even though that's probably hair spray or spray paint instead) sitting on the table. When he asks what the hell it's doing there, Frank wanders by muttering something about fixing that squeaky wheel because Gerard's been bitching about the coffee maker, and it's getting old, okay? Deep down in his heart Gerard is hurt, hurt, so he goes to sit at the table, hair a mess and sad and all cranky that Frank's being mean to him before he has his first pot of coffee for the day. (Also, he has what looks like a BradyGames strategy guide for those times he wants to cheat shamelessly at video games. I say that with love because I have those too. It's okay, Gerard. Not everyone can figure out those fucking puzzles all the time.)


Mikeyway is Not Amused by these shenanigans. (God, his face.)

Gerard wonders if he left the stove on.

Bob Bryar, sexy beast.

Not convinced? What about this one?

I have nothing clever or fic-related to say for the rest of these pictures other than omg, I love them so much.

P.S. Clearly, clearly, this is Werewolfdog!Bob listening to some music. Maybe some of the new songs they've been working on, or that song that only dogs can hear? Gerard or one of the others bought it as a joke, and Brian tried to take the iPod away from Bob because apparently some dogs go batshit insane listening to it, but Bob totally loves it! Look at his blissed out face!

picspam, ttf, don't judge me!, bandom, plotty things, mcr

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