
Dec 13, 2007 13:44

Hahaha. Marching band au has reached almost 6,000 words, and we have achieved Frank. And mentioned Gerard. And. Um. Ray has made soup. (I also may have come up with an actual title for it ( Read more... )

wolfshirts, comment fic, ttf, bandom, plotty things, mcr, fic update

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chebonne December 13 2007, 22:07:44 UTC
It took me a moment to get what you were talking about, but when I did I actually did a \o/ complete with little jiggy on the spot. I've been sick too and this is the best news I've gotten all day. Cheered me immensely from my Lucia related blues. *sniffles*

And eeeeeeeeee! Frankie!


kitsune_tsuki December 14 2007, 21:49:14 UTC
It's like the best thing ever? Mikey is so totally the evil mastermind who controls things from behind the scenes. (He just has really defective minions.)

It really, really is. Brian used to be worried that parents were going to complain about the gayness, but apparently the moms are preoccupied with Ray's thighs and hair, Frank's everything, and Bob's...Bob-ness. The dads are all impressed with Ray's knowledge of classic rock - they pick his brains all the time, Frank's a polite young man, and Bob...Bob's kind of scary. (Things got worse when Gerard and Mikey came along though, because now the parents are asking why Gerard doesn't teach at the school? He's a lovely young man, and that brother of his, such a nice young man ( ... )


chebonne December 14 2007, 21:58:51 UTC
All the teenage girls in school fell in love with Gerard two seconds after he set foot on campus, and the ones who did't fall for him fell for Mikey. Seriously, they may think that Frank is the hottest thing on two legs, but Gerard Way is the kind of guy you fall in love with. Why can't the guys at school be like him? (Except they totally are, but the guys who are just like Gerard are the WoW and D&D geeks that nobody actually wants to date.)

I bet Bob is a bit surprised that Ray is taking it so well. I mean, it's perfectly obvious that Frank has ulterior motives, but Ray just seems to think it's funny and he's leaning on Bob while doing it. Bob is not sure what to make of this.


kitsune_tsuki December 14 2007, 22:40:56 UTC
I know! Gerard acts like he has no idea, and everyone's all giggly behind his back - especially Frank, because seriously so cute! But Gerard is a total gentleman and responsible and the girls are good about not being too agressive with him becasue he really is a nice guy. And they all know he totally has a thing for Mr. Iero.

Frank, though. He knows it's ridiculous to be jealous of a fourteen year-old girl, but when Gerard helps one of his girls out with something and the girl shoots him this smug little smirk? Dude, not cool.

Some of the smarter girls kind of poke around the WoW and D&D guys, and they're...well, the guys aren't dating ready yet, but there's potential. So they maybe start talking to them and the other girls are all "Ewww, why?" and the smart girls just smile and shrug and giggle whenever Gerard walks by.

Well, no. Yeah. Ray knows Gerard is pretty much blind when it comes to other people like liking him, so it's going to take someone like Frank - when Frank isn't chickening out - to get through to him. In the ( ... )


chebonne December 14 2007, 23:48:11 UTC
AHAHAHA, BOB! YOU ARE MY HERO. Yes, that is exactly what is going on. Good golly, your powers of deduction leaves me breathless.

And Ray! So happy, because now he knows for certain that Frank's just as much in love with Gerard as Gerard is with him. EVERYBODY else seems to get that there is something going on with the elder Mr. Way and Mr. Iero -- just look at the girls in the colour guard and their betting pool! Now, the question is: does Frank notice that Ray is grinning like a madman?

Ahahaha, Gerard is like Indiana Jones and the girls in the classroom with the freaky eyelids. All the girls are writing "Mrs. Gerard Way" and the like all over their notebooks. The guys kind of hates him, or they would if it was actually possible to have Gerard right up in your face, all earnest and sincere, and hate him. Poor guys. And their grasp on heterosexuality was already weak, what with Mr. Iero and Mr. Toro and Mr. Bryar.


kitsune_tsuki December 15 2007, 12:50:35 UTC
Bob's forte is not detective work, okay? He calls them as he sees them. (And apparently Bob has issues even he's not aware of.)

Yes! Ray has seen it with his very own eyes! Now if only he could do something about it! (Those two, not too bright.)

Hahaha. Frank doesn't notice at first because, well, Gerard. And also, this is Frank, right? He's a nervous eater, so he eats entirely too much candy and junkfood during the horror movie marathon and then afterwards Bob pulls him aside and is all "Uh, you do know what's going on, right?" And Frank is all "Oh, god, I'm going to die! How could you let me each so much crap, I thought you were my friend!" and looks a little green, so Bob drags him back to his place. (He doesn't want Frank to die! Also, Ray keeps looking over and smiling really big, and Gerard looks freakishly happy and Bob worries, okay? He does ( ... )


chebonne December 15 2007, 13:27:19 UTC
I... can't even. And then, because he is Bob, he tells Frank all about it when they get home, right? Or, alternately, Frank is so happy about the whole thing with Gerard (besides the fact that he either is going to puke or die) that Bob doesn't have the heart to destroy his illusions.

Ray and Gerard keeps lookign at each other after Bob and Frank leaves, trying not to squeal loudly in a public place, because they're both close to thirty not thirteen, okay? But Ray is all "Frank was all over you! I KNEW IT!" and Gerard is all "shut up, he wasn't! And Bob totally had his arm around you!" and they're both being gigantic girls. 'S all good.

Please tell me that he'll give them the whole speech aout the Kinsey scale and that you don't actually have to be either or, and that the fact that you like boys doesn't have to mean that you can't like girls too. Actually, I bet Gerard gets more traffic of confused teenagers on a normal day than the councellors. Boy are they happy with the situation.


kitsune_tsuki December 15 2007, 14:30:02 UTC
I think it's a little of both. Bob gets Frank home and starts to tell him about the whole weird thing going on with Ray and Gerard - Bob doesn't want to put it into words yet, because seriously. Ray, you know? But Frank's babbling about the movie and how many gallons of fake blood were used in one scene and how they did the prosthesis on that one dude with the freaky third eye or whatever (and Bob would wonder, but Frank was totally hanging on Gerard's every word, so...) and then gets this look on his face and has to run to the bathroom to puke.

Bob sighs and plays the part of good friend and rubs Frank's back while he pukes and gets him ginger ale or something and decides they can talk about it later. Frank just give him this little smile, like he's apologizing for being such a freak, but he still looks so happy ( ... )


chebonne December 15 2007, 16:59:19 UTC
Question is: does Frank feel like he's getting any headway on Gerard? He's so in love it's ridiculous, but did Gee reciprocate enough? Will Gerard reciprocate more now that he has Ray backing him up about Frank's feelings?

Aaaand, suddenly I sound like a soapopera. *facepalm*

Although... continuing on the theme... Frank could send him flowers. Or a vintage copy of Hellboy or something.

Poor kids, they live in the school of perpetual gayness. On the upside, they come out of it a lot less confused and possibly even a bit more tolerant. Not even the jocks talk shit about the music teachers -- mostly because they've seen Frank in a fight, and Bob is scary as hell. Plus, Ray's got those thighs, right? Like he could probably pick you up and juggle with you, if he wasn't such a nice guy. Also, the Ways are creepy as fuck when they want to be, which the jock dads have noticed.


kitsune_tsuki December 15 2007, 17:59:23 UTC
Hahaha. A soap opera or one of those teen drama shows on the WB. :D

Frank's all over Ray and Bob for ideas to woo Gerard. He asked Mikey but Mikey just looked at him, trying to communicate that seriously, Frank didn't need to try that hard, but it's Gerard, you know? It would be good for him to be wooed. He totally deserves it. (That doesn't mean he's going to help Frank get into Gerard's pants, though. He's just trying to get them past the "OMG, do you think he likes me or like likes me?" phase of things ( ... )


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