(no subject)

May 17, 2011 00:18

I am having all kinds of anxiety and childish tantrum fits (in my head as I am occasionally considered an ~adult) due to the way things are going in RL. Seriously, I am pretty sure there will be a point at which I am forced to murderize my family (look for me on the news! :D?).

...And then there was my reading posts concerning Hawaii Five-0's season finale even though I will not get to watch it for a while, also due to RL things, and there were all these feelings to be had. (Nothing too strong either way before I've had a chance to see it for myself, but there is much apprehension to be had on my part right now.)

But also? Also there is this.

This is College AU!Danny, okay.

Young and stupid and happy and he is about to graduate and become a (LOL) functioning adult who contributes to society and is The Future and everything he has been told he is about to be, but until then? Until then he is this dude who has his douche-bag moments and his asshole moments and moments in which he gives that Steve guy (God, how has he not killed Steve yet?) this fond, kind of goofy look because Steve is crazy and nerdy and crazy and kind of awesome and crazy and his best friend.

There's also Chin and Kono and everyone else, but mostly Steve and Danny and their dogs.

There's Dot, who came up to live with Danny after he was able to get out of the dorms and into off-campus housing. (No, really, how has he not killed Steve yet? Steve is the worst roommate ever.) And then there is Reggie who Steve found one night stealing scraps out of their trash can and ended up adopting them instead of the other way around because they obviously need looking after. Especially Steve.

Also, there is surfing and skateboarding and Danny and Steve shenanigating and oh, God, how has Danny not killed Steve yet?

And then, okay. And then Steve kisses Danny (finally) the night before the graduation ceremony or some such in which they have been shenanigating and pulled some huge, elaborate prank and Danny realizes why he hasn't killed Steve yet, and also that he would like for there to be more kissing, please. Preferably with less clothing if at all possible.

Steve, naturally, is not averse to the idea and then they live happily ever after, except for those times when they don't, but then they get to have make-up sex, and that part's not too bad either.

This is the part after Kono and Chin and everyone who knows them have had their chance to voice their version of "It's About Damn Time, Jesus You Guys" and they have done their near-deathbed confessions of love after Wo Fat has been defeated and the princess has been rescued (from the right castle this time, what the hell). Danny insists on whisking Steve off to the mainland for their Honeymoon of Doom. Steve, somewhat horrified at himself because he is just that gone on Danny that it sounds like a good idea, agrees.

Once they land, Danny sheds his usual attire for plaids and flannels and jeans and boots or other such footwear and sunglasses and he's loose and relaxed the way he never was in Hawaii and Steve has this niggling bit of insecurity and doubt thinking it's the mainland - being away from Hawaii and its beaches and homicide-minded coconuts and sharks and jellyfish (and, okay, people, but mostly the coconuts and sharks and jellyfish, to hear Danny rant) and maybe not, you know, Danny getting Steve that's the reason.

Danny, okay. Danny has decided he has waited long enough to get his own back and has drawn up a very, very specific sort of itinerary for their Honeymoon of Doom in which they will get a rental vehicle of the SUV kind. Something in which they can comfortably traverse the length and breadth of America's highways and byways (Steve has freakishly long legs and Danny is not interested in listening to him bitch about how the seats do not allow his legs room to breathe or whatever Steve is on about) as they visit such important landmarks and whatnot like giant balls of twine - they have to visit all of them because Danny is just that invested in making Steve miserable and also aneurysm face all over the place - and cars buried in the ground and other fascinating things.

In between they banter and bicker and cargue and there is probably some kissing going on and also, because this is the way their lives go, they thwart a crime or two. They visit Danny's family and share things like flat stretches of highway with the road ahead of them for miles on end and sunrises and sunsets and at the end, at the very end they stop at a shoe tree.

Maybe they started at one, too, and at the time Steve was just like, "Oh, Jesus, why did you never tell me you hated me this much?" because it was a tree. A tree with shoes. A tree with old, smelly, stinky shoes, and seriously, "What the hell is this, Danny?" only now, okay.

Now Steve has had time to realize holy shit, it's over. Wo Fat is dead and this horrible, horrible Thing, because God knows Wo Fat was more than just some guy to Steve, was more like some kind of force that happened to Steve and Steve's family, and he's gone and Steve can maybe have a normal life now. Or, you know, what passes for a normal life when it comes to Steve.

Steve looks at Danny who is staring at the tree which is wearing all these old, battered shoes that have been there for who knows how long, thrown by people who were young and stupid and in love, and maybe, God willing, still are. Steve takes his shoes off and tosses those fuckers up there. He's not as young as he used to be, he's definitely stupider than he used to be, to hear Danny rant sometimes, but he's sure as hell in love, and maybe, God willing, that's something that won't ever stop, because Danny's still there. Danny's still there after everything and doesn't seem to want to leave, and Steve. Steve wants that like nothing else.

Danny laughs at him because Steve is kind of an idiot, okay, but he's Danny's idiot, so his shoes get thrown up there too, and they end up tangled in the branches next to Steve's shoes and that's got to be a sign of something, right? And then there is kissing and the sun going down behind the mountains and there's this stretch of highway left to go with Hawaii (homehomehome) waiting for them at the end of it.

I don't even know anymore, but these are the happy places my mind goes to when looking at this picture of Scotty Caan and his doggy BFF. Also? LOL, sleep deprivation! /o\

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/358757.html. | You can reply here or there. |

don't judge me!, fic-thing, hawaii five-0, wtf

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