[FIC] Five Kisses

Oct 23, 2011 22:59

Title: Five Kisses
Author: kitsune_hikaru
Category: One-Shot
Pairing: MatsuPi (MatsuJun X Yamapi), slight PiN
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance
Disclaimer: False negative rate of this fic is 100%~ ^^
Warning: Un-betaed.
Summary: The five kisses MatsuJun and Yamapi ever shared were completely unintentional, or so they thought.
A/N: A pairing requested by romapi, that I just found the time to write it. The rare pair that gave me a lot of troubles because it was so hard to write them since they are both strong characters. I still hope you’ll enjoy it, dear. Constructive criticisms are so much welcomed, as always~ ^^


They were all out performing for the Marching J charity event with the other Johnny’s idols, and during most of their last day, their band mates was fooling around - Arashi mostly because Aiba was bored and started to ridiculously joke around, Ohno had been nagging about fishing too. NEWS mostly because Massu had started to wander around to most of the nearest restaurants, dragging the others to pay for him because he has not eaten proper restaurant meals since rehearsals, and the other Johnny’s mostly because they were wearing out already. But they almost finish their mission. And Jun thought they were too loud and aggravating their issues instead of subduing it. The last bits of Marching J rehearsal for the closing should have been all out and hassle-free, especially because they should have been practicing their medley shuffle surprise for the performance.

Should being the key word.

“Look, Yamapi, why can’t you just try to adjust more? It’s not your solo concert, you should know that,” Jun complained.

Yamapi groaned in protest, grimacing to cool down his own temper. “I know and I did try to adjust. It’s just that because your chipmunk voice didn’t help.”

“I’m not a chipmunk, and just in case you haven’t notice, my band mates fit my voice perfectly fine. The problem is your nasal voice and it never fit anyone,” Jun replied sarcastically.

“This nasal voice apparently sold high,” Yamapi rolled his eyes. “Look, I’m sorry. My exhaustion just took over me. Why don't we just stop for a few hours? It would be great for us both to think about how to work this again.”

“We don't have time for that,” Jun disagreed.

“But you looked irritated.”

“I said we don't have time for that,” Jun snapped. “God, Pi, would you please stop complaining?”

“I am not complaining. I am merely suggesting.”

“Look, this charity event is just for another few days. We need to finish this perfectly. If you really can’t do our medley properly, you shouldn’t have participate-”

“Hey, stop saying our medley! Someone might hear and spoil the surprise. This is an outdoor stage!” Yamapi scolded reproachfully.

“Nobody will hear, pretty boy. The guards are everywhere, they won’t let any trespassers. That’s why you should stop being so stiff and start working on our medley-”

How it happened, Jun didn't know. The only thing he could remember was that Yamapi’s hands were suddenly grabbing him and pushing him backward, and initially he thought Yamapi was going to punch him. He had a second to see his life flash before his eyes before he felt the hard wall on his back and Yamapi’s hands take hold of his neck. Jun thought Yamapi was going to strangle him to death.

And then he felt something soft come in contact with his lips. It was Yamapi’s lips.

Yamapi was kissing him, and pushing their bodies against each other, and moaning in frantic delight. Jun had a moment, after the initial alarm, to register that Yamapi was a really good kisser, and had a really muscular body, and that he really should open his mouth and either protest or kiss Yamapi back, because Yamapi was really going at it and the lovely sound was practically begging him to react when Jun could hear a scream - or rather a squeal.

Yamapi pulled away from Jun, leaving Jun dazed and shocked beyond belief. Then Yamapi turned his heads to the voice. There were two girls standing four meters in front of them. Both were looking at them in awe as if they just saw something very angelic, both hands covering their cheeks where obvious tinge of blush appeared.

“Hey, you two! Fangirls aren’t allowed to enter the stage before the performance!” A guard interrupted the frozen moment and grabbed the arms of the two dazed girls. “I’m sorry, Matsumoto-kun, Yamashita-kun, we were careless and we didn’t notice they broke in,” the guard demurely turned to them apologetically.

The moment the guard brought the two girls away, Yamapi quickly removed his hand from behind Jun’s neck.

“Next time, I won't be there to save your ass,” Yamapi hissed as he returned to his position. Jun had a moment to look at Yamapi’s swaying butt before he realized he would probably be killed this time if Yamapi caught him looking. Then he remembered the kiss, and Yamapi’s body against him, and wondered if he was going insane for even thinking about it.

Yamashita Tomohisa tasted so sweet, like yoghurt.



It was Jin’s party when he called his friends to go out drinking with him at their regular bar. Jun was late and the party was already swinging, with Ryo and Shirota in the middle of the dance floor, wiggling their hips and raising their arms wildly in the air.

The first thing Jun did when he arrived was look for a certain pretty boy with pouty lips that he tasted like yoghurt - a reflex that annoyed him so much that he immediately went to the nearest bar to get some drink. A few shots later, he stood and walked his way to the toilet, but was interrupted when a hand suddenly shot out from nowhere, pulling his shirt and dragging him to a dark corner. The giggle sounded familiar, it was Yamapi pulling Jun against him. His eyes were dazed, and his words were slightly slurred.

“What?” Jun asked dumbly.

“I’ve been waiting for you,” Yamapi whispered huskily, nibbling on Jun’s ear as he did so. Something like lightning shot through Jun’s spine.

“What?” Jun frowned harder.

Before Jun can even gather the logic, Yamapi’s hand was traveling downward, moving over Jun’s stomach and fumbling over his zipper, and Jun suddenly forgot to breathe.

“Do you know how glorious it is to be drunk and never have to worry about having to shut up? I’ve wanted to do this for a long time now,” Yamapi was breathing heavily with lust.

And Jun almost dropped his jaw. Yamapi’s hand snaked in, grabbing Jun at the same time that their lips pressed together, and all thoughts of what Jun was going to say flew straight out of his head. This, this kiss, was open-mouthed - and hotter than any of the kisses he ever remembered experiencing. Yamapi’s hand was rubbing him sensually and the younger’s mouth was doing the most wonderful things, and he found himself responding. The taste of sweet yoghurt was stronger, more potent than ever. Occasionally, Yamapi’s mouth would stray, and so would Jun’s, and it would just burn hotter when Yamapi would moan in delight and move against Jun, as if straining to get closer.

It burned even hotter, like an inferno, when Yamapi started whispering dirty things in Jun’s ear. But it died instantly when the younger stopped, eyes narrowing even while he swayed slightly to stay upright. Through the sex-induced haze in Jun’s mind, he saw Yamapi focused on his face, nose scrunching and brows furrowing.

Yamapi’s eyes suddenly widened, and he glared. “Wait a minute... You're not Jin!” he accused. Then he stumbled off, very drunkenly, giggling as he did so, leaving Jun speechless and dumbstruck.

And very, very aroused. And feeling very stupid. He had just wonderfully harassed by a pretty boy and shamelessly turned down by the same person - all within a matter of minutes.



Jun thought things had been different since then. He didn’t get to talk to Yamapi much, not like they ever talked much anyway. But at some point, Jun almost felt like Yamapi was ignoring him whenever he was around. When Jun was lingering around Johnny’s headquarter, he saw Yamapi sitting in the dance room in front of his laptop, video chatting with Jin who apparently was at the other side of the world. Jun quietly approached them when he saw Jin had to stop, telling Yamapi that he had some business around. Jin was totally oblivious at Yamapi’s intention, Jun could at least tell that much. This annoyed Jun thoroughly. Why waste your time on someone who clearly did not see you that way?

Jun thought it was better to face things head-on. But things were different with Yamapi. He could not pinpoint exactly why, except for the fact that Yamapi did not dig him like other Johnny’s. That much was obvious now, especially with the way Yamapi kept making excuses to eat out with Jin when Jin returned, or going online at work for video chatting with that Bakanishi. How Jin had not realized this, Jun could not even begin to comprehend. Maybe it was because Jun already knew anyway, especially after what happened during their little escapade. And because he knew, he was able to observe and come to the conclusion that Yamapi lusted over his own best friend more than he cared to admit, but didn't have the courage to pursue it when he was sober.

“What exactly do you see in him?” Jun decided to ask anyway, eyes still fixing at Yamapi’s laptop screen.

“What?” Yamapi froze, looking back at the Arashi member.

Jun grimaced. “You obviously want to get in his pants. Why?”

Shocked at Jun’s words, Yamapi stared widely at the elder. “That is not... I never said... Jin...”

Jun smirked. “I didn't mention a name, Pi.”

Yamapi spluttered, eyes lighting up in fury. For once, he wished Jun would leave him alone with his privacy. At one point, he wondered why Jun even bothered. “It’s none of your business! Besides, he’s my best friend, of course we’re close!”

Instead of being offended, Jun merely tilted his head. “Care to mention the lust in your eyes whenever he’s around?”

Yamapi blushed hard. “It's none of your business!”

“You want to jump him so bad?”

“It's none of your business!”

“Why are you ignoring me?”

“It's none of your busi-” Yamapi stopped mid-sentence, and went from pink to a bright, bright red - much to Jun’s surprise. Then, as if steeling himself, Yamapi sighed and tried to control his embarrassment.

“It’s awkward,” Yamapi mumbled.

“What the hell is awkward?” Jun demanded. “Having the hots for a baka?”

“No!” Yamapi shot back. “And he’s not that baka, mind you. I’m talking about what happened at... the bar. The... you know.”

This time, it was Jun’s turn to gape. “You remembered?”

“Yes,” Yamapi replied bluntly, sighing again once more. “I was drunk. But I remembered parts of it. And I’d rather not talk about it, or remember it.”

Jun wasn’t sure why, but this angered him so much that just like before, he blurted out what temper dictated him to.

“Good. You weren’t that good, anyway.”

Yamapi flashed Jun a warning look. “What?”

Jun scoffed. “I bet if it was Jin you really seduced that night, you would turn him off faster than you could say horny - ouch!”

Yamapi was gripping Jun’s arm and twisted it backwards, causing Jun to yelp. Jun thought he heard a dim creak of bones, which caused him to panic.

“I was drunk,” Yamapi snapped at him, “Of course it wasn’t top performance! I’m amazing when I’m sober,” Yamapi said almost petulantly, letting go of Jun’s hand.

“I wouldn’t know that,” Jun grumbled, rubbing his aching shoulder.

“Well, now you will,” Yamapi rolled his eyes, and before Jun knew what was happening, he was suddenly engulfed in warmth as Yamapi pressed himself closer, kissing Jun to prove a point.

It wasn’t, to Jun’s knowledge, as hot and eager as the kiss they shared back at the bar. It wasn’t even as fast, nor as sensual, as the way Yamapi touched him back then. This kiss was furious, so furious that Jun could almost taste it in Yamapi’s mouth, along with the frustration - two emotions that dwindled down as the kiss prolonged, until Jun was responding against his own will and kissing Yamapi back like his sanity depended on it. He tasted the familiar yoghurt sweetness in the younger’s mouth, and let his tongue trace every curve, every corner, until Yamapi’s breath became uneven.

But Yamapi tasted sweet. Jun didn’t remember how his hand ended up on the smooth curve of Yamapi’s neck, angling the younger’s head to deepen the kiss, to get to hear that lovely sound Yamapi was producing to come out more. The sober Yamapi was more potent than the drunk one, even more so because Jun actually didn’t want to get him on his back with his legs spread open - Jun just wanted to stay here like this, with Yamapi’s mouth on his.

“Ano... I suppose I just interrupted something crucial.”

They abruptly drew apart at the sound of the voice. Jun watched Yamapi's eyes grew from dazed to shocked to horrified all within seconds, until the last expression remained as he looked at the person who had spoken.

Ryo looked back, scratching his head sheepishly. “Sorry, I just thought to call Pi because Jin wanted to chat with the three of us, but maybe Jin and I should just leave the both of you alone until you guys are satisfied.”

Yamapi blushed and stammered in panic for all he was worth. “No, no, it was nothing," he reasoned out, moving away from Jun as fast as he could.

“Yes, it was,” Jun muttered. “We were making out. Passionately.”

“It was an experiment!” Yamapi glared.

“A not-so-successful one,” Jun blatantly lied then turned to Ryo. “No, actually, he just tried to break my arm. I distracted him.”

Ryo frowned wondering what was that supposed to mean before hesitantly walked away. It was probably better for him not to stay longer anyway. And Yamapi quickly trailed behind.



When Yamapi was going solo, Jun suspected Yamapi’s new personal assistant seemed to take a certain liking towards Yamapi. For once, Jun wondered why Kitagawa even bothered to hire a fangirl to Yamapi’s side. Or was it a mistake? When Yamapi was recording his song, Jun accidentally oversaw the assistant practically gluing herself with Yamapi.

“Yamashita-kun doesn’t have a girlfriend, right? What type of girl do you like?” the assistant asked, when they were checking along the song in the studio.

“He prefers those who are baka,” Jun interrupted quickly, supplying in a helpful tone.

The assistant seemed to be taken aback by this, and Yamapi was surprised at Jun’s sudden presence himself. Obviously, Yamapi was aware of the double meaning too, turning his head to give Jun a ferocious warning glance.

“I’m not into dating right now. I need to concentrate on my work currently,” Yamapi informed politely.

“Actually, he’s into making out,” Jun commented. “And kissing people in the dark.”

Yamapi scoffed. “He’s delusional, I tell you.”

The assistant quieted down when she felt the intense atmosphere wrapping around them. She didn’t even dare to talk about the issue for the rest of the day. During their break, Yamapi bought a drink from the vending machine and sat at one corner, sipping to cool down his head.

“Really, Pi. What do you see in Jin?”

Yamapi stiffened, sighing when he realized Jun was there. Yamapi was about to complaint about how Jun was never tired disturbing him but when his eyes flickered to stare at Jun’s, Jun simply maintained the eye contact, letting Yamapi know he was serious about the question and he wasn't just teasing this time. Or being sarcastic.

With a sigh, Yamapi relented. “He’s honest and he’s caring and he’s loyal and he’s... hot,” Yamapi mumbled the last words out.

Jun raised an eyebrow at that. And he deliberately moved closer, until their faces were inches apart. “So does that mean I’m not hot?” Jun asked softly, making sure to let his breath touched Yamapi’s skin so the younger can feel its warmth.

“What?” Yamapi’s eyes widened.

“You don’t find me attractive at all?”

“No,” Yamapi blurted out firmly.

“So you’re not tempted at all?” Jun whispered, leaning even closer. Yamapi’s lips parted slightly, against his will, he was sure of it. And they paused, both stubbornly trying to prove their point right. But then, Jun was ready to back off, because he would never dare to do this, not without Yamapi’s full consent, when suddenly a Junior ran to the corner and hit Yamapi’s back, sending him straight to Jun, and their lips accidentally brushing together. A second to taste the heat, before they backed away. And they went silent.

“I... I’m sorry!” the Junior stuttered. Jun swore the boy was a new Junior, because he had never seen this boy before. But part of him felt flustered and maybe this new boy is going to be his new favorite after all. Though Yamapi immediately stood and glared in fury, more towards Jun than the Junior as he walked away.



Arashi had just finished their PV shooting and their numerous variety programs. Jun was beyond exhaustion as he simply slept on the sofa of their dressing room. When he finally woke up it was almost midnight, and his stomach was growling in hunger. He saw Sho sitting on the opposite couch reading a newspaper.

“Where’s everyone?” his voice came out as a croak on his first word.

Sho put the newspaper down, looking at his band mate. “They went home of course. We tried to wake you up but you didn’t even budge.”

Jun grinned at that. “I’m sorry. I was probably too tired,” he sighed and grounded up on the couch again. “I’m hungry,” Jun suddenly demanded. Spotting a newly prepared instant ramen in front of Sho, Jun made a move to sit upright, grabbing the cup and dug in.

Sho’s brows raised. “Hey! That’s my ramen!”

“You can prepare a new one,” Jun said dismissively which Sho pouted at.

Sho sighed in defeat, wringing his newspaper as he decided to ignore the matter. “You know what I heard, though?”

“What?” Jun replied, completely uninterested. Mouth full with ramen as his hand kept shoving more.

“Yamapi thought you fainted this evening when we couldn’t wake you up. He said Nishikido used to faint due to exhaustion too. He looked worried,”

Jun paused, opting not to look bothered and bit into his ramen again. “Wonder why that happened,” he said casually.

“Yeah, I wonder why,” Sho seconded, a knowing tone in his voice. “Anything going on that I should know about?”

Jun shrugged. “Not really.” Not yet. Unable to help himself, a grin appeared on his face as he chewed on his ramen with much more enthusiasm.

The next day, when Jun came back to work early in the morning, he bumped into Yamapi at the corridor. Jun intended to greet, because he was totally in a good mood but Yamapi squinted skeptically at him before letting out a sigh.

“You know, you really should rest. The whole Johnny’s had been talking about you passing out,” Yamapi said indifferently.

“Well, you know, I’m hard working as much as you are. And I'm caring,” Jun said, ignoring Yamapi’s concern. “You can ask the rest of Arashi members to testify that.”

Eyebrows furrowing in confusion, Yamapi nodded. “Okay.”

“And I’m honest,” Jun went on. “So honest, in fact, that you’d probably be offended if I told you what I was thinking right now.”

Since Jun was looking at Yamapi’s lips when he said that, there was no doubt that Yamapi got his meaning. He stepped closer as understanding slowly trickled to Yamapi’s face.

“And I’m hot. You can ask my fangirls, if you even need to attest that."

Yamapi snorted, folding his arms. “Oh, I’m sure they could,” his face was unreadable, but they were only inches apart, but Yamapi refused to back off.

“And I’ll take care of you, for sure,” Jun murmured. “I’m loyal. Extremely loyal. I’ll be loyal and attentive to all your needs, because I know how hard our job is. I’ll make sure you’re doing okay all the time,” Jun finished.

“That is the most lame, most absurd, corniest line I have ever-” Yamapi didn’t get the chance to finish the sentence as Jun shut him up in the most convenient - and most delicious - way he could think of. He kissed Yamapi’s talking mouth softly, drawing them into the moment before changing the kiss from slow to all-consuming, until he was sure he was the only one Yamapi was thinking of.

“Want to go out with me?” he asked casually, breaking their kiss for a moment.

“Not really,” Yamapi answered defiantly.

Jun kissed him again until Yamapi’s hands slowly melted on their own accord and rested lightly on Jun’s waist.

“Want to go out with me?” Jun repeated.

“No,” Yamapi insisted breathlessly. “You are the one who should go out with me. I’ll be the one chasing.”

Jun rolled his eyes, kissing Yamapi yet again - not much of a resistance now. “Stubborn arrogant bastard,” he murmured. “But well, that’s a good enough start for me,” he nipped Yamapi’s lips softly. He was simply enjoying it now, and thought that he was not going to stop enjoying this. “Just... Forget about that baka.”

Yamapi stared into Jun’s eyes, seeing the sincerity there. And the apparent nervousness, coupled with determination and half-hope. Then Yamapi grinned. “Which baka?”

Jun couldn't smile back anymore, because it was like a magnet pulling them closer and he could not help his head from dipping to taste Yamapi again. After all, that answer was as good as a yes. He kissed Yamapi again. And this time, Yamapi kissed him back.

~The End~

A/N: I love Yamapi and Jun and their voices, all the sarcasms in this fic is made for fun~ Sorry, no offense intended~ ^^

yamashita tomohisa, matsumoto jun, !fanfiction

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