[FIC] Five Kisses

Oct 23, 2011 22:59

Title: Five Kisses
Author: kitsune_hikaru
Category: One-Shot
Pairing: MatsuPi (MatsuJun X Yamapi), slight PiN
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance
Disclaimer: False negative rate of this fic is 100%~ ^^
Warning: Un-betaed.
Summary: The five kisses MatsuJun and Yamapi ever shared were completely unintentional, or so they thought.
A/N: A pairing requested by romapi, that I just ( Read more... )

yamashita tomohisa, matsumoto jun, !fanfiction

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Comments 27

Spot for romapi kitsune_hikaru October 23 2011, 14:59:40 UTC
Spot for romapi


Re: Spot for romapi romapi October 23 2011, 23:44:18 UTC
it was sooooo cool. Love it much (grinning wide)

lol and jun was so sweet and daring. love him in this fic.

and Pi Im happy that you learned that Jun is the best for you.

thanks very much for this fic.


Re: Spot for romapi kitsune_hikaru October 24 2011, 12:29:32 UTC
u liked it~!!!
*hugs n kisses*
mission accomplished~
so where's my ninopi fic??
*gets smacked*

n jun is always daring but caring as well, i think it was one of his strong point that attracted the fans~ ;)


Re: Spot for romapi romapi October 24 2011, 12:45:02 UTC
ah is that an exchange????!!!!

I don't remember? XD if I promise it okay I will do you one. but can I do it on November if it okay? Im really busy right now. Gomen.

I will do it. I really love your matsupi. Thanks again.


lilly0 October 23 2011, 15:53:29 UTC
Coooooooool! ^_______________^
I loved this <3

I loooooooooooooooooooooooooove Jun here! He is so amazing... and cool. It's so gorgeous how he keeps his senses together, though he already knows he has a crush... and he still manages it to get his kisses from Pi ^^

MatsuPi must be so difficult to write XD They are both so confident... and not really the vulnerable types. But still it worked so well <3

Thanks for this!!!! XD


kitsune_hikaru October 23 2011, 16:13:44 UTC
seriously, i'm gonna insist my NinoPi fic from romapi bcoz this fic is so damn hard to write~ lol~ XD
i'm still not that satisfied myself~ haha...

i wanted to make jun look cool here, but i dont want to make yamapi sounded uncool either... so it turned out to be this way... lol~
n yeah, i think jun is gorgeous that way... i cant imagine him being heartbroken~ :P
i'm such an annoying fangirl~ ^^

oh no, i tried hard not to make the both of them sounds vulnerable bcoz that's not how they are~ O___O
thank u so much for reading too, honey~~ ♥♥♥
*hugs n kisses*


lilly0 October 23 2011, 16:57:51 UTC
*laughs* NinoPi is still too easy XD They did a drama together ^^
MatsuPi is just soooo difficult. Somehow I also think that MatsuJin is also difficult.

It's easier if there is one vulnerable guy and one stronger one. But with two really strong characters... like Pi and Jun XD
But you did a gorgeous job! I loved this fic <3 And it totally worked!!

Don't worry, Pi was cool too!!!! But I'm just so Jun-biased ^^


kitsune_hikaru October 24 2011, 12:32:30 UTC
u mean Stand Up?? *laugh*
u're right~ n that is such an old drama... but well, i just want to read some nino~~ lately nino fics r mostly multi-chaps, n well, i cant afford to read too many multi-chaps, u know~ ^^

aah, matsujin might be as difficult as this one... i dont want to try one at the moment, lol~ :P
n thanks again for ur compliment~


lunakati October 23 2011, 16:13:39 UTC

I never expected to see this pairing, well... ever!

I am happy you wrote this fic, it was a joy to read :)


kitsune_hikaru October 23 2011, 16:15:57 UTC
aah, thank u so much for the compliment~
i was nervous bcoz i'm not really confident about how i brought their characters...
thank u soo much for reading n commenting~
glad u like it~
feel free to criticize, i'll be happy to improve~ ♥♥♥


sweetspicyhot October 24 2011, 04:08:21 UTC
Thanks so much for this I loved it, from beginning to end. i loved their bickering--every kiss was hot and sweet. I love all the witnesses to their kissing--especially the new junior lol. I am glad that Yamapi eventually decides to go for Jun. I really wanted that ending and found myself getting anxious.

But most of all I loved how Jun did not give up. My heart ached for him at the bar when Yamapi mistook him for Jin. But, he persevered. My favorite line is this one:I’m loyal. Extremely loyal. I’ll be loyal and attentive to all your needs, because I know how hard our job is. I’ll make sure you’re doing okay all the time,”--I almost melted with that one honestly.:D

You did great with this rare pairing, but I am not surprised.

Hugs, hearts, and lots of flowers. :D :D :D


kitsune_hikaru October 24 2011, 13:05:04 UTC
ur comment always made me flustered~ *_______*
i tried to make them share every type of kisses; the deep one, the hot one, the soft one, n even just a peck... n more importantly, the mutual one at the end...
i'm so glad u opted for them, bcoz while writing this, i was secretly hoping for them together too~ i'm glad i managed to play with the anxious emotion~ ^^

jun is persistent right? somehow, i get that type of image of him... n he's a caring guy, i think that line u quoted really suit him~ ;)

thank u soo much for reading again~
it took me quite a few months for this, though i think u knew it already~ :P
but yeah, i'm glad u liked it~ ^^
*hugs u back*


you_puzzle_me October 24 2011, 11:43:56 UTC
oooh my... I thought now way a Matsupi fic!! But I was curious..So I read and... awwwww tooooo cute! It was so absolutely cute! I love you!


kitsune_hikaru October 24 2011, 12:34:14 UTC
it's unthinkable right?? ^^
i took like 2-3 months to even come up with this n i'm not really that satisfied too~ :P
but i'm glad u liked it~~
thanks for reading too~~
*hugs* love u tooo~~~~ XD


you_puzzle_me October 24 2011, 13:21:18 UTC
It is unthinkable.. I was like.. Matsupi? what the...
But it is realy cute! You did a great job!


kitsune_hikaru October 24 2011, 13:30:40 UTC
it was a request, so i tried my best to bring the best of the two characters~ i'm glad it worked~ to be honest, i was so nervous when i posted this~ *hugs u tightly*
i still have 4 request fics, one of them is a very rare pair too, but i'll try my best~
thanks again for ur compliment~
it really gives me courage to continue~ ♥♥♥
feel free to criticize too so i can improve~ ;)


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