It's after midnight

Feb 19, 2013 00:45

Just got home from work a few minutes ago. Took forever to get the car cleaned so I could drive home. We had an rain/ice/snow mix this afternoon into evening so it was an ice skating rink driving home. The wind is howling and there are intermittent power outtages. We lost power for a few minutes at the store tonight. The door to my house was frozen ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

shadownyc February 19 2013, 13:24:39 UTC
I'm glad you got home safely!

It's good that your boss recognized you needed a little extra time off. Hopefully you'll get plenty of rest!!!



kitasangel February 19 2013, 17:25:04 UTC
Wind is still howling and brr it is cold. Spent 20 minutes trying to get my door lock to work. Dumped hot water on it and it keeps refreezing. Oh the problems of winter. At least I'm not deep in snow like you guys. Of course we are due for a snowstorm on Thursday. Lol. Weird winter.

My boss tends to use me as a back up AGM instead of a co manager. Wish I got paid like an AGM. ;)
Stay warm


nitawolfkin February 19 2013, 15:23:05 UTC
Oh sweetie ( ... )


kitasangel February 19 2013, 17:38:54 UTC
I had this clear vision of your daughter shimming out a window into a snow bank. LOL ( ... )


brianswalk February 20 2013, 02:17:54 UTC
You should move to Jersey, we've been having lovely mild winters the last few years. ;)
What kind of idiot drops an 80 y/o woman off without someone to receive her on the other end?
Your higher ups keep taking advantage of you, girl. You should demand the title and pay that goes with all the jobs you've been doing.

Met the NY contingent in Atlantic City for a 24 hour romp. Had loads of fun, and broke even gambling. Back to the drudge tomorrow.


kitasangel February 20 2013, 06:11:00 UTC
I had a real pity party on Saturday night cause I had a bunch of plans for Sunday. I talked to my boss today. I told him I would always try to cover when he needed me but I needed to have a day off every 5 days because 7+ is too much. The real issue is I was responsible for metrics for 5 straight days with no back up from upper management. I led the store to some of the highest numbers in weeks. He is aware I can do it but he said he would try to not schedule me so crazy. I am making stupid easy mistakes lately and a lot of it is I am just so damn tired. Between working long hours and a schedule that is just weird I am only getting a few hours of sleep a night. Like right now it is midnight and I just got home from work. I am so tired but too wound up to sleep. Tomorrow I need to be up by 7am to get dad ready. Lol. It's always something.
Yesterday before the storm our temp was 55 degrees. By midnight it was 10. Weird weather. Big storm on Thursday.

So glad you were able to have a fun trip to Atlantic city. Yay for breaking even.


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