It's after midnight

Feb 19, 2013 00:45

Just got home from work a few minutes ago. Took forever to get the car cleaned so I could drive home. We had an rain/ice/snow mix this afternoon into evening so it was an ice skating rink driving home. The wind is howling and there are intermittent power outtages. We lost power for a few minutes at the store tonight. The door to my house was frozen shut so I ended up pounding enough to wake mom and she opened it from the inside. I work tomorrow night no I guess I mean tonight. Lol

My last day off was last Tuesday. My next day off is Wednesday. Really need it. It has been a crazy few days. Worked late on last Thursday. Got home way after midnight and I was due back to work by 11 am Friday. Dad had us up at 3 am so I got about 3 hours of sleep. My boss called at 7am and said could I please come into work right away since his grandmother had been left in Iowa City and needed a ride. That's about an hour from here. His Gram was coming for a visit and her friend thought Iowa City was the right place. Lol. So 80 something lady was stuck at a resturant waiting for him. He was freaking out. So I made it to work in 45 minutes and it takes 25 minutes to drive to work. Ended up working from 8 am to 6. Came home and went to bed cause I was due at work Saturday morning early for another 9 hour day. Won't go into how stressful it has been for days cause my other boss was on vacation and metrics were sucking. When the Assistant general manager is gone I get all the crap to make numbers since they keep telling me that is my job soon. Yeah they don't pay me enough. Anyway my boss took Saturday off to spend with his grammy and then he stops in to tell me I need to work Sunday so he can take her back to Iowa City. There went my day off. Oh and did I say we had a store meeting on Sunday night too? So that was a 12 hour day without a lunch break since we were so short staffed. Had a woman scream at me. Fun day. Today was an easy day since I am already over on hours it was only 8 hours. Yippee. Only good thing is my boss owes me so I got Friday off. As tired as I am I will probably sleep. Wish I could go to sleep now but to wound up from my scary tri home.
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