Bread check,milk check,chips check must be a storm coming.

Feb 20, 2013 22:43

It seems we are due for a bit of a snow storm tomorrow. I guess since we have had a mild winter mother nature decided we should get a bunch at once. They can't decide how much snow we will get but 7 inches seems to be the common answer. So since I finally got my much needed day off I went grocery shopping. Me and lots of my closes neighbors went shopping. Lol. Grocery store was packed. I was proud of my self snagging a 50 pound bag of ice melt. I used the last of mine trying to get the sidewalk cleared. I am hoping to get home before the storm starts tomorrow and I have Friday off so I plan to snuggle in and watch all the shows I have clogging up the dvr.

Yesterday was my Aunt's birthday and we couldn't celebrate with her. She and my bff and her bff went out to lunch on Monday but I felt bad that we couldn't spend time with her. So I picked her up and took her out to lunch. We had a fun girl's day out shopping and talking. Nice.
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