So I decided to make a new LJ and I have no clue why. Maybe it's because the past billion entries have been crap. I'll try to update the friend list ASAP.
I hate the freakin' internet now! I can't stand being on it. I've become one of those people who constantly wants to be out of the house despite things that need to be done (i.e. room cleaning). Summer is a suck
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It's really devastating how apathetic I am getting toward my five billion LiveJournals, I haven't been updating any of them. Yes, I have been busy but I've also had a lot of free moments where I could have done something with them
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Yes! I can finally type again because I finally got my stupid Prom mails off and yes that sentence was redundant but I really don't care because I can type! So this past week was pretty interesting. Interesting enough for me to tell you about it, except for the sake of my journal not looking ugly I'm going to put it under and LJ CUT!
Damnit! Damn you cosmo_tartinni! Thanks to you I have this sudden urge to watch Closer. It's literally been forever since I watched it! I need to watch it. I'm having withdrawal symptoms! Dear God, what am I going to do? Must watch
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So, I was just thinking about one of the greatest Will & Grace episodes ever...A Chorus Lie. I mean, the singing, and the "Queen of Soul, bitch" quote. "Let's Hear It For The Boy"?!?!? I need to download that episode! I love that episode!
In other fantabulous news, I got a job at Victoria's Secret and I start Saturday. So much fun! =)