Ekk! Today a LAZY day!... Exames... Ehh... Okay... Sculpture is OVER!! that Sucks! Yay... Buh BYe... Algebra!.. Now The Harder classes.... OR atleast the ones I have 2 think in!.... Well have a nice day... It dosent seem this early.. Ekk!... Whens bed time again?...
MMkay... So you could like save umm lets say 20 people... any 20 people from dying or ahh!! create your own country.. and it would only be these like 20 people 2 survive?.. who would it be?.. huummmm?... LoL.. RANDOMNESS....
MMMKAY!!.... ~~~>>*INTERESTING QUESTION!!??... 4 Ya??>>>!!!!* Do you think the guy should pay 4 everything?.. Or like a MUTUAl thing?... GARSH?.. LoL.. I dunno?.. Whats your OPINION?...
Well today was Ehh Okay?!!... Im watching Malcom in the Middle... Ehh.. Kinda interesting!....
Yesterday.. was like the greatest day ever.... THANX!!!... Paddy's WONDERFUL... and just so, Errr... LoL... Cant Even DESCRIBE... Just... Oh WOW... YESTERDAY!!... was.......
Hey Everyone!! 2NIGHT!! PARADE!! X-MAS.... LoL.. At SEVEN... AKA 7!! DownTown... B There!!... I Love U ALL!!! AND PADDY!!... SMOOCHES!!!!!! ~~~>>*MEYGAN*<<~~~