Wishing Upon A Star [original prompt]

Mar 01, 2015 01:55

Title:Wishing Upon A Star
Prompt:Original prompt
Length:880 words
Summary:For a long time Yixing has been planning to take Yifan stargazing, and he won’t let the opportunity of a night full of shooting stars pass.
Notes:Please excuse the cliché title, I couldn’t think of anything better.

Yixing has been waiting for this night since like forever. )

day 7, kissfx fic event, pg-13, 2015

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Comments 2

krayaddict March 10 2015, 20:17:45 UTC

Aww such a sweet story! Thanks for writing :)


light_kira1 March 12 2015, 11:23:27 UTC
Thanks a lot for your comment :D
I'm glad to know you like it :)


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